The Devil's Sweetheart

Chapter 258 - Devin: The Poet

Coming out of the daze, Devin grabbed Leena's hand and led her out of the house. As Leena walked towards the car, she was astounded to see her favorite car standing on the porch. ''Pagani Huayra Roadster B.C.'' She loved this sleek sports car for its fabled style. When Devin asked about her favorite car, Leena thought he was asking it casually. Who would have thought he would bring it in front of her today. ''My eyes.'' Leena hugged Devin tightly. ''It's so beautiful, Devin. Is it my wedding gift?''

''Of course, no, Sweetheart. Am I that poor in your eyes?'' A car as a wedding gift? Leena has to say a word, and he is ready to give her his everything.

''Ah! I forgot that my husband is rolling in money. Then what are you going to gift me?'' She asked, hoping that Devin would gift shares of her favorite clothing brands. 

''That's a secret for now.'' He kissed her forehead and held the car key in front of her. ''Do you want to drive?''

'''No. Valen told you were a stock car racer, but I haven't seen you racing. Can you do it today?'' Is there anything this idiot didnot master?

''You can even command me, sweetheart.'' Racing was a hobby, and Devin never considered it gravely. But today, he will have to become one. With a smile, he opened the car door for her. As if Leena forgot something, she dashed into the house. ''Wait a minute. I will be back in a second.'' In a minute, she came back with baggage.

"What is that?'' He grasped it from her hands and put it in the back seat.

''Food and clothes.''' Leena said and stepped into the car. Goosebumps sprawled across her, watching the interior of the car. 

''Why did you pack clothes? We are coming back tonight.'' Devin said, stepping into the car.

''Because I don't trust you,'' Leena added nonchalantly.

Devin didnot speak a word, for he understood her words. While Leena was cautious, Devin was one step ahead of her. He took her wary as a green signal and checked the car space and his legs for one last time. ''Manageable.'' With a satisfied smile, he started the engine.

It was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed merry weather, a perfect romantic ride to get lost together with Devin. Leena wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed his temples. With one hand, he pulled her close, while the other hand controlled the steering. His eyes occasionally wander to check on Leena.

The way Devin was driving, and the way he was handling the car, Leena felt like he was looking like a man from hell who is not afraid of hot ashes. ''Why is it so hot here?'' Leena muttered under her breath. She looked out of the window to divert her attention. Breathing the fresh air, she began listening to the songs.

A while later, Leena grabbed the food box she packed and fed grapes to Devin. Pouring a mouthful of grapes into her mouth, she spoke up. ''I have a serious question, Devin.'' Her mouth expanded like a balloon filled with grapes. 

When Devin's eyes darted to her inflated cheeks for a split second, memories of Leena moving in and out of something flashed. Swallowing hard, he turned to the road to focus on driving. 'What do you want to ask?'' He asked, his voice hoarse and raspy.

''Why are we not kissing? This supposed to be a romantic drive, right?'' She googled in the search engine, and in every article, a kiss was mandatory. Since Devin is a hot-hot romantic, she expected a lot of hot kisses.

''Any man who can drive safely while kissing a girl is not giving the attention the kiss deserves.'' He turned to her and winked.

Leena: '' '' 

''Do you know the meaning of your name?'' 

''Meaning? I haven't given a thought to it, darling.'' He added.

''I have given a thought,'' Leena added. ''Devin means 'Poet' in Irish, and the title well deserves to you,'' His poetic confessions always play at the back of her mind. 

''I wil take it as a compliment, then.'' He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles lovingly, feeling giddy with her praises. The car screeched to a halt at a specific place. He got out and opened the car door for Leena.

''This is the best view to watch the sunset.'' He lifted her, put her on the car bonker, and jumped next to hers. Leena is very fond of sunrises and sunsets, and to make time for the things that make her happy is his priority. They stayed for hours watching the beauty of the place.

''Thanks for everything.'' She pushed herself towards him to hold his arm. 

''Silly girl. Do you need to thank your husband also?''

Sunsets are lovely when you see them on your own, but they're even more special when you have someone you love by your side to take in the breathtaking sight with. The sky transitions into a cotton candy pink color, and the glare of the golden hour, Leena wished time would stop for a while. ''It's beautiful, right?''

''Indeed. Lovely.'' All the time, Devin's eyes were on Leena alone. He turned her around and looked straight into her eyes. ''I forgot to tell you. You look very beautiful in this dress.''

''Thank you.'' With a sheepish smile, she buried her face on his chest. His praise would always make her feel shy, like a teenager.

''Are you feeling shy?'' Devin chuckled and lifted her face. Indeed, Leena's face has turned a shade of pink. He leaned forward and kissed her slowly, enjoying the beauty of the sunset. Gradually, it led to desire. He jumped down and lifted Leena towards the backseat door and gingerly laid her on the seat without breaking the kiss. Her skirt was an added advantage that he deliberately selected for today, and it didnot take much time to discard it. Leena pulled back from the kiss, panting when she remembered the car was still open. ''Close the roof.'' She whispered, working on unbuttoning his shirt buttons.

''No one will see you expect me.'' None could trespass this place, but still, he pressed the switch, and behind the closed car doors, his crafty hands and skillful mouth inscribed the love notes on her skin, making her scream in pleasure. As the tip of his hardness was close to her wet entrance, Devin leaned forward,'' You want it?'' He asked, relatively in a teasing way.

''After teasing me, you are asking such a stupid question. Put it inside, idiot.'' Biting her bottom lip, Leena yelled in a whisper. 

Rubbing his hardness up and down her cave, Devin gently circled the areola with his fingertips without touching her buds. ''Not until you answer my question.''

''W_hat question?'' Leena tried to raise her body, but Devin held it in the place. Although the car was not convenient like in the bedroom, Devin was wielding it skillfully without hurting her.

'''Who was your first kiss.'' He slid his hardness along her entrance and withdrew it in a split second.

''Devin!!! You bastard. I_I will complain to my Francy that you are bullying me.'' Leena gasped with the sudden emptiness of his length. She can't believe he is torturing during such a momentous time. 

"You can curse and complain to him later, Sweetheart. Tell me who is your first kiss.'' He demanded, slicing an inch into her and then stopped further thrusting. He was dripping in sweat and was desperate to bury deep inside her, but he wants to know that bastard's name, which he frantically asked her, and she casually avoided it before. But not today. ''Who is he? My sweet Leena?''

''M_y savior.'' Leena gave in. She heaved her breath when he slid in further. ''T_he man who saved me in the accident.'' 

''Is it?'' The corner of his lips leveled into a devilish smirk as he slammed his entire length inside her, giving it to her this time. He pushed his hands around her butt and squeezed them tightly around his hardness. Pumping into her voraciously, he made her squirm in pleasure. He has been trying to find that person from the time Leena told about her accident, but that man has disappeared like a speck of dust.. Now he is desperate to find after knowing the truth of her first kiss. 

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