The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 253: Nozala

Chapter 253: Nozala

To be honest, that salamanders speed wasnt really that slow; it was just my irate mood that made me feel so uncomfortable.

In terms of its speed, it was at least at the level of a sprinting human male. Furthermore, as a creature of Purgatory, one could be sure that its stamina was sufficient to cover the entire three Li even at that speed.

However, when compared to Big 4s flying speed, that impressive level of speed was a little lacking then

Scooped up by Big 4 once more, the salamander didnt struggle at all this time. Instead, it obediently allowed the devil to grab it and fly away. From this, along with all my other experiences so far, I could basically conclude that the creatures of Purgatory werent actually stupidthey simply werent able to speak the language of the devils and that resulted in certain complications. However, simple differentiation was still all right. Moreover, they all had one thing in commonthey were pragmatic

Looking at the soaring crimson figure in the air, I couldnt help but sigh in frustration. When would I ever be able to evolve into a Four-starsalso, youd better not kick the bucket after I did all this for youlive and lay that egg of yoursotherwise all my efforts would have been for naughtcome to think of it, what is a devil like me doing, saving another personahem, I mean salamander

Roughly ten minutes later, Big 4 came flying back. Because his flying speed this time wasnt all that fast, I was able to get a good look at him along witha horde of salamanders slowly appearing over the horizon, behind them was an even larger horde of wiggling Demon Fire Worms

Truth be told, this was the first time I had seen so many salamanders and worms gathered together. All of them were sprinting as fast as they could and given how the worms had no limbs at all and had to crawl ahead by contracting and expanding its bodythe sight that bombarded my eyes was a rather disgusting one

Soon, the salamanders in front began to widen the distance between them and the worms thanks to their furious sprinting.

Master, Im back His face was a little pale as he landed; most likely this was the result of all the pressure he was under right now. Even though those salamanders werent likely to attack us, the pressure was still immense given how many of them there actually wereespecially how those worms at the back looked like a horde of maggots crawling towards usthat pressureit was as heavy as a mountainso overbearing, its almost invincible!

Crawling up to me, one of the salamanders separated from the group and from the aura it gave out, it was probably a Four-stars. It was the largest salamander amongst its peers but when compared to that Six-starsit was at most half of its size.

Still, it could be considered massive already, with its nearly 5 meters long body.

Greetings, Devil, My name is Nozala, one of the salamanders living in the nearby lava lake. If its possible, I would like to start with the rescue operation immediately. Even though its tone was polite, I could feel its eyes boring into me all throughout the conversation. I could tell that it didnt trust me all that much. Should I even try anything funny right now, it and the horde behind it would undoubtedly dogpile me in a heartbeat. Still, in a real fight, we shouldnt fare too badly. At the very least, we should still be able to escape even against such a horde.

Alright, thats exactly why I was looking for you. Honestly, I hope she is able to safely deliver the egg as well. Truthfully, Nozalas stare unnerved me somewhat but I wasnt going to harp on this matter now. After all, them coming here was a risk for them as well. This entire situation could have easily been a trap that I had set for themgiven the horrible reputation devils had managed to garner for themselves across the worlds

I signalled for everyone to step aside in order to make space for the salamanders. Sinmosa quietly nodded her head and trotted over to my side. No.3 and Big 4 came flying to my side aside, keeping a safe distance from the salamanders.

Hmm, we cant move herlooks like we just have to die into an underground lava streamthis location isnt half bad, lets keep digging downwards then After inspecting the pregnant salamander, Nozala couldnt help but sigh before commanding the rest of the salamanders to commence digging.

Prior to this, No.3, Big 4 and Sinmosa managed to dig a rather sizeable hole so all they had to do now was follow the general direction of their digging. Naturally, the over ten thousand strong worm army had no digging power to speak of. Moreover, those worms were still a good distance away because of their slower crawling speed so there really wasnt a point in expecting anything out of them.

Upon making the necessary arrangements, Nozala then walked up to me, seemingly full of questions to ask.

Devil, till now I have no idea why you are helping her, what is your motive? Exactly how is this benefiting you? Before I could answer however, Nozala shook its head and said thusly: If you are trying to use her as bait, I dont think you will even be able to find a juicier target than her, so what exactly is your motive?

I dont care if you believe me or not but I really have no ulterior motives here. I just couldnt bear to see a mother suffer At that, I sighed. If it hadnt been for me informing you of this news, she wouldve been dead by now. Before this, none of you even knew about this situation.

Thats right. Shes an outsider. Ive asked my other clan salamanders, they did, in fact, spot her passing by the outskirts of our territory. We assumed she was only passing by and had no intention of stopping at all, seeing as our territory is unable to support her needs anyway By now, it seemed like Nozala was starting to warm up to me: Im sorry, perhaps I was being overly sensitive. Perhaps you truly have no ulterior motives

Its understandable but I hope you get a few things straight here, we are all trustworthy, and the most important thing right now is to save her.

Speaking of that, her wounds are too severewe cant ensure her survivalif only we had some Flamegrass..

If its about the Flamegrass, I think we can help you out there, probably Seeing Nozala wag its tail so anxiously, I decided to break this bit of good news prematurely: I have a companion out searching for Flamegrass, if it goes well, Im sure he will be back soon.

Is that so? Then I couldnt be anymore gratefulIm truly sorry for doubting you back then Nozalas attitude instantly improved the moment I said that.

No problem, truth be told, her injuries were in part due to me as well


Faster than I could say oops, Nozalas expression darkened. Its eyes took on a sharp, dangerous glint as it stared daggers into me: Exactly what do you mean by that?

Ohhonestly, I found her fighting with some Warhorses and because those Warhorsesspotted us, they turned their attention tous instead and right at the very end, we managed tochase away those Warhorses and happened on her and I hurriedly explained myself. Unfortunately, my words were a little minced together so I wasnt all that sure if Nozala understood them. When we met her, she was already severely injured and highly suspicious of us. She thought we were trying to ambush her so she refused to let us pass throughso we ended up fighting and she lost

Then why didnt you kill her and instead save her?

Its not like we have some kind of deep seated grudge. Besides, bullying a pregnant motheran injured one no lessis just With no other way to explain my intentions, I said thusly: Either way, you just have to know that we mean you all no harm

But its also a fact that you injured her, am I right?

Thats right. No matter what, we did have a part in injuring her.

With no way to proceed with this conversation, the both of us fell silent and the mood instantly became heavy. The salamanders continued digging as always but I could now feel a certain portion of them keeping their eyes on us. Judging from their wary, battle-ready stance, their target would most likely be me

No.3, Big 4, Sinmosa, Mo Na and Cinderal, all noticed the strange atmosphere as well, each entering an alert stance. As of right now, both sides were just a hairs breadth away from fighting; all we were missing now was Nozalas command.

A well-intentioned act that ended up going awrythose werent all that rare. For example, it wasnt rare to see a person trying to do a good deed but ended up achieving the opposite because of his incorrect methods or bad communication skills. What happened to us now was the perfect example of just thatall I did was let slip something and the mood instantly took a dangerous turn.

Both sides waited with bated breaths, as if a pin drop could trigger an all-out war between the two sides. Yet just as I thought that Nozala was going to pull the trigger, it suddenly relaxed its aura.

Forget it, even though I find it hard to believe myself, I feel that you mean us no harm. After all, if you hadnt told us about her, there was nothing stopping you all from just consuming her.

When he put it like that, I really must sayIm such a moronthere laid a perfectly helpless piece of Six-stars salamander meat and I just had to open my big mouth and summon a whole army of salamanders insteadright now, we are basically caught between a rock and a hard place thanks to this blasted mouth of mine

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