The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 251: Let's Just Do It…

Chapter 251: Let's Just Do It…

No.3 gingerly asked me: Master, arent we killing it?

Big 4, plucking up the courage to speak as well: The soul of a Six-stars is definitely going to be a feast

Sinmosa shook her head: A high level prey like this doesnt come along all too often.

Sasani, still unable to speak in the devil language, merely nodded in agreement.

Exactly, Mo Na thinks Mama is being wasteful as well. As she rode on my shoulders, she folded her arms like a little adult and expressed her dissatisfaction: Mama is just too willful.

Woof woof. Cinderel barked as well, seemingly agreeing with Mo Na.

Just like that, a schism was formed on how we were to handle this salamanderfine, it was just me versus everyone else.

Naturally, my stance was that we should let her go while the others wanted her dead, pregnant or not. After all, this was Purgatory, and they were devils, not some kind of hot blooded warrior with a sense of honor. Survival of the fittest, by consuming the weak, one became strong. Kill or be killed, and all that stuff

Still, while the others were a little puzzled by my show of mercy, they accepted my decision in the end since I was the one making the decisions in this team.

Well, it was No.3 and Big 4 who brought her down in the first place, so Ill leave the decision up to you. Sinmosa said as such after exchanging a glance with her husband; this was her way of saying that they wouldnt interfere.

Well listen to the Masters wishes. No.3 and Big 4 said in unison while acting like the loyal bodyguards that they were.

Mo Na will listen to Mama as well. There was still a clear look of reluctance in her eyes but this adorable daughter of mine clearly had no intention of defying me.

Woof woof~~~! Came Cinderels barks, seemingly as a way to show her existence in the group. Naturally, I still had no way of telling what she meant by those barks but most likely they were barks of support.

Thus, with everyones support, the salamander was set free.

On the other side, the salamander was already on its merry way eastward, as if it had never noticed us trying to decide its fate at all.

Exactly what is it in the east that has her attention so captured?

Master, there so happens to be a body of lava large enough to fit that salamander just three li away from here. Shes probably heading there. Having scouted this area from the air before, No.3 was the one who gave me that answer: Shes probably trying to replenish her strength there.

Three Li? Thats pretty close, in that case, lets be on our way then. That salamander should be able to reach that herself.


As I said that however, her left leg suddenly caved in and with a loud bang, her body soon followed after.All around her, the ground trembled and the dust flew about, displaced by her massive bodys crash. With injuries so severe, her body finally couldnt take the strain anymore and collapsed

Thisyoure kidding me

Ill go take a look. Seeing my face darken, Big 4 volunteered to check up on the salamander even without me asking, returning mere moments later with this report: Master, I dont think she will last long.

Even without looking, I could tell how black my face was at the moment.

So what should we do, Master? Noticing that I hadnt spoken in a while, Big 4 asked as such in a perplexed voice: Should we just be on our way?

Should we eat it then? No.3 pointed at the weakened salamander who was breathing raggedly at this moment, and then made a eating gesture.

What nowI swear, could my luck have been any worse? I already let the big fellow go and yet who wouldve thought that she would drop the ball so soon after. We hadnt even left yet and she had already collapsedwellshould we kill her or save her?

Shes most probably about to give birth. Having had experience with this, Sinmosa was able to provide this precise assessment with just a mere glance at the salamander. The previous battle must have triggered the womb and brought the birth forward.

Hearing the word birth, I immediately asked: Will she be able to give birth safely?

Probably not

What do you mean probably not, it is clearly a no. After being wounded so badly by the Warhorses, and after being bullied by No.3 and Big 4, how would she even have the energy to give birthshes clearly about to die!

Can we save her?

It will be hard. Sinmosa then paused for a couple of seconds before sighing: Unless we have a Fire Elemental Core, Flamegrass or some other treasure at the level of those giants bloodwell

I did have two cores, but they were all used up by Cinderel and Sinmosa. As for the blood, that was gone too. I have never even seen a Flamegrass before too

I still want to save her Had she not been pregnant, I would have never tried to save her, male or female; neither would I ever let her go like that. But once it concerned a pregnant creatureI simply couldnt ignore her plight. Standing idly by now wasnt something a human would do at allthough I technically was a devil now. Still, my heart was that of a humans. This was something I refused to budge on; there was just no way I would ever give up this benevolent heart of mine!

With that settled on, I gave Sinmosa a resolute look as I said this: Tell me how I can save her.

Are you sure? She was our enemy just a while ago tooletting her go was already merciful enough

Im sure. I nodded my head and said so once more without any hesitation: I want to try and save her, no matter what, I want to give it a shot.

Alright thenI understand. Sinmosa resigned herself to following my whims once more. At the very least however, the face she had on told me that she understood the salamanders plight somewhat. After all, she used to be in the same position as well. Thus she knew how painful it was to be unable to protect ones own child. For a mom, like Sinmosa and that salamander, the most tragic thing wouldnt be that they died but rather that their death wasnt even able to ensure the survival of their own child

Truth be told, I could vaguely tell that it wasnt only me who wanted to save that salamander, Sinmosa probably did as well, else she could have just kept silent.

Even though I never seen a salamander give birth before, I know that they will seek out a lava lake when its time, and lay their egg in that lake Sinmosa then pointed eastward: It would be best if we placed her in that lava lake in the east.

I dont think thats possible I stretched out my arms in order to illustrate my point. Just thinking about how huge that salamander was could give me a headache. Besides, with her current condition, moving her might just achieve the opposite effect, unless we are strong enough to easily lift her up

Then well just have to create the right environment here. Having said that, Sinmosa turned her head to face Sasani, who was standing beside her idly all this while in a daze: There should be some Flamegrass nearby, Big Brother, how about you go find some. They should be in the west if Im not mistaken.

Woof. Sasani nodded his head before galloping towards the west.

How do you know that there are Flamegrasses there?

Normally, one would escape in the direction from which they came. Thankfully, the terrain around this region isnt complicated, with not much obstacles to speak of. Because of that, those who are travelling with a purpose would choose to take a straight line. Adding these two bits together, the fact that she was fleeing towards the east probably meant that she was heading towards the west previously She calmly laid out her deductions but upon realizing how much time it took her to do so, she stopped midway and turned to No.3 and Big 4 instead. Since we cant bring her to the lake, we just have to bring a lake to her.

Were creating our own?

I just wanted to save a lizardhow did this whole affair suddenly become so huge

Based on what I saw from the previous battle, and the fact that they are both Infant Flame Devils, their superb control over flame should allow them to sense flame energies easily. There are countless underground lava lakes running through Purgatory. All we have to do is find one nearby

Kinda like how people used to dig for underground waterso what shes saying is that she wants the two of them to dig for onelike a hot spring!

As reality would soon prove, she was right. Not long after I sent the two of them away, they actually found one such underground lake with their senses. It just so happened that the lake was a mere two meters away from where that salamander was.

Master, we detected the energy signatures of a lava lake here, roughly less than 10 meters below the ground. No.3 pointed at the blackened ground beneath him and said so, chest puffed out. This is the spot, theres no mistaking it.

Thats right, its here. Standing just beside No.3, Big 4 proceeded to give the ground a solid punch, creating a pothole in the process. Its rather hard too

Well, lets get started then, try to create a hole that can fit her.

One thats just enough to fit her? Big 4 scratched his head. The ground is pretty hard

Of course bigger would be better. I glared at Big 4 for his silly question. Start digging then you two, that salamander might just start giving birth any moment now

Understood, Master! Upon receiving my command, the two of them immediately got down to punching the earth. Fist after fist, they pounded into the earth and in just one short minute, they managed to dig a meter deep into the earththough the width of their hole was a little lackingrather than digging a lake, it was more like we were digging a well

Ill help too. Sinmosa gave Cinderel a tender look as she said that. Speaking of which, had I not met you thenI might have justthis salamander is truly fortunate to have met you.

Then Ill join in as well. Since Sinmosa was going to help as well, there was no reason for me not to.

Mo Na too!

Woof woof!

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