The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 222: A Dribble of Scruples

Chapter 222: A Dribble of Scruples

Hmph, fine, I wont fault you for what happened just now but I want you all to surround them right now, I dont want a single of them to escape!


The guardcats who had all just stood up, swiftly took up positions around us. In front of us was the traitorous Anmi and in the corner were the shadowy elders who were still carefully observing ustruly, this was a precarious situation.

Your Highness, I dont remember us dogs having offended you.

Silence! With the tides turned, the cowardly Prince who, not too long ago, was too afraid to shout at Sinmosa, was now more than brave enough to berate her. What a pathetic cat

Woof! Seeing his wife get yelled at like that, Sasani let forth a furious bark but unfortunately for him, the Prince didnt even spare him a glance. Of course, it couldve just been that no one understood his barking

Lets get this straight here, youre on MY territory!

I guess its too late to leave now huh Given how sullen I looked right now, one would have thought I had swallowed a fly or something.

Thats right, those are the only two choices you have now. Having said that, Weiderly smugly glanced at Anmi who still had his head lowered in a daze: Anmi, if they refuse my offer, you know what to do

Anmi remained just as silent as before though he managed a nod soon after raising his head to look at the Prince.

Ill take your silence as consent then.

Bah, Ill give you another ten seconds to consider, if youre willing to help me, Ill forgive your previous insolence and even prepare a suitable reward once I ascend to the throne. What my little Sister can provide, I can definitely do so as well, being her older brother. Patience clearly at an end, he issued an ultimatum to us.

Faced with a choice that could potentially ruin us if we werent careful, the Cerberus couple chose not to say a word but instead threw me a trusting look.

If I were to reject his offerthe two of them them would undoubtedly throw their lot in with me as well. Then there was No.3 and Big 4: the two of them, from start to end, maintained a vaguely defensive posture as if they were ready to jump out in my defense at the drop of a hat. And then there was Mo Na and Cinderels safety to consider as wellshould I reject his offer, those elders wouldforget them for now, even those ten guardcats and Anmi were enough to send us packingin other wordsdefiance was a death sentence.

I dont want to die, Im sure the others dont want to eithereven if its just out of consideration for the kids, I shouldnt reject his offer

For our survival, my principles had to take a back seat for now. Breathing deeping, I slowly exhaled amidst a furiously pounding heart that threatened to burst from my chest cavity right this very second. With no other choice left open to me, I caved inwas there even a choice to begin with?

I can abandon the mission given to us by Meisian and help you instead, but I wont go after Princess Meisian. Also, once I help you ascend to the throne, you must tell me the method of entering Abaddon. If you cant promise that much, then Ill just have to say sorry. Naturally, that sorry wasnt directed at the Prince or Princess Meisian. Rather, it was directed at those who put their faith in me, the Hellhound family, No.3, Big 4 and Mo Na

The moment I accepted his offer, I felt a certain weight fall off my shoulders

Smart choice, to think there would be such a loyal person amongst the devils, almost makes me want to keep you here with me. Was he mocking me or was he actually praising me, that I didnt know but neither did that matter. Having said that, the Eldest Prince nodded his head and signalled for the guardcats to back off.

Once they had all retreated, the Prince resumed addressing me: So thats what my little Sister promised you, well, that makes things simple then. As long as you aid me in this fight, Ill naturally tell you the way to enter Abaddon. Im sure you know of our ability to Dreamwalk.

Mhm, I heard you are able to wander the dream state freely as a soul and accumulate knowledge despite being asleep.

And thats why you dont need to worry that I will cheat you. After all, its just telling you how to enter Abaddon, such a price wont affect me at all.

Then what do you require from us?

I dont need you to handle my little Sister so rest at ease, regarding that frontI have plans of my own As he said that, his eyes narrowed and darted towards Anmi. However, given Anmis unknown state of mind right now, the poor cat naturally didnt notice the scheming look the Prince gave him then.

Why did it feel like he had just stepped out of the frying pan and into the firewell since he agreed not to send us against his sister, that means there can only be one target left: the Second Prince.

I need you to handle that dumb brother of mine. As expected, the mission he gave me had to do with his younger brother.

Same as before?

Mhm, after this fight with my little Sister, well have a three way battle. At that time, there wont be any cats guarding my little brother. All you have to do is walk into his castle and take care of him. How about it, simple isnt it?

I just hope so

Maybe it might be simple for you cats, but everything that had to do with the Purgatory Shadowcats so far was anything but simplecan anything ever be simple when it had to do with a bunch of crazy cats

As for your guarantor cathow about I have Anmi follow you guys. My foolish Brothers castle isnt too far off from mine so you guys can rest for a couple of days and set off once his army has engaged with mine.

Weiderly then arranged for one of the guardcats to bring us to a resting room. Because we still had to wait here for a several days, I chose not to reject his hospitality and left with the guardcat who promptly brought us to a giant suite on the second floor.

Like Meisians castle, Weiderlys was split into three levels as well. The first floor was where the guest hall, office, kitchen and other miscellaneous facilities were all located. That was also where the majority of the guardcats and servant cats lived. The second floor was constructed as accommodations for guests as well as for cats of certain stature, like those elders or the guardcat team leaders. The final floor was the private area of the Eldest Prince; other than those close to him, this area was mostly off-limits to visitors.

The room we were assigned to was huge, spanning at least several hundred meters square. Upon entering, we first found ourselves in a living room that had tables but no chairs; most likely that was because the cats themselves didnt need chairs. In general, the furniture was crafted in a very Purgatory Shadowcats-esque style, having been made almost completely out of that strange rocklike plant material growing around this region. Certain smaller furniture pieces were even decorated with bones while some were carved from stone entirely.

Just like before, the ceiling was filled with hanging fish bones that I didnt know the exact purpose for.

Right outside our suite was a well-lit balcony which was stacked full of squarish tables and flower pots filled with those same blackish red plants we saw growing outside.

That was basically it for our room. I had to admit though, sleeping was probably going to be a pain because our bedsif it could even be called thatwas a bunch of boxes shaped like a cats nest

Probably out of consideration for a variety of body sizes, there was a number of boxes ranging from large boxes to smaller ones. While the small boxes werent much, the large ones on the other handthey could easily fit both Sasani and Sinmosa at the same time.

Once our guardcat left, Anmi immediately tried to sneak away while we were still caught up in the atmosphere of being in a new room. Unfortunately for him, he was swiftly apprehended by the eagle-eyed Mo Na who forcefully dragged him back with a yank of his tail.

Bite his tail, Cinderel, dont let him escape!

Ruff ruff! Cinderel obediently dove for his tail and adamantly held onto it while trying to yank the traitorous cat back. Even though the little puppys teeth were clearly not a threat against Anmi, he knew that he was in the wrong here so he chose not to resist but instead halted his tracks.

So Sir Im-the-most-reliable-cat-in-my-clan, Anmi, how about giving us an explanation here? There are some things I really dont get. As I said that, I glanced at Sinmosa, Sasani, No.3 and Big 4, who promptly encircled Anmi, cutting off any avenue of escape: We were clearly here on Meisians orders and yet just look at what happened to us?! Why did you turn on us?

Though I said that, Anmi clearly had no intention of running away anymore. Instead, he lowered his head, averting his eyes in the process, and then mumbled: I just dont want to marry Meisian

Do you hate her that much? By now, even a moron could tell that he didnt want to marry her, that much I didnt need him to explain, what I truly wanted to know was why.

I told you those three siblings are all morons

Dont try to bluff your way out of this, I know youre hiding something for sure.

Silence is golden huh? I glanced at the two Cerberuses: Pin him down, No.3 you know what to do, I want all his fur gone right now!

Heydont be like that, were all companions here, arent wetheres no need for such cruelty The moment he saw the two Hellhounds approach him, he immediately started to struggle furiously but with the two of them arrayed against him, and given that there was hardly any space between them to begin with, it only took a few seconds for them to apprehend him.

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