The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 187: Nine-finger's Counterattack

Chapter 187: Nine-finger's Counterattack

Why did you think we submitted to you? Even without waiting for my answer, One-eye rushed off to his next monologue: At the very beginning, all I wanted to do was make use of you to leave the Blood Sea. My inherited memories told me that if we didnt leave soon, there wouldnt be enough time. Thus, I chose to submit temporarily. I originally intended to court you along the way but who knew that you would actually ignore me so thoroughly, did you actually think I was some kind of brainless fool?!

So he was never loyal to begin with. He willingly played the role of a subservient little brother only because he had the foresight to butter me up

Honestly, he was a really competent devil during his time under me. His performance was at complete odds to the first impression he left on me but because that impression was so engraved in me, I ended up pegging him as a moron from start till finish.

If I was a female devil, I might have really recruited him as a close aide. No matter how incompetent he might be, he would, at the very least, fulfill some bodily desires. Unfortunately for him, I was and still am, a man. Being a man, I wasnt too excited about any form of close contact with another male, thus his plan had failed by half from the very start. Ultimately, this aversion made him decide on another course of action.

Using force.

is this the reason for your betrayal?

Betrayal? In my eyes, the real traitor is youmy former master.

Me? A traitor? Are you kidding me, exactly who did I betray?! I dont remember having any sort of relationship with you so what do you mean traitor?

Do you know what I really want to do right now? To have a tumble with you of course!

One-eye! You dare to disrespect the Master like that! Ill never forgive you! Still sprawled on the floor, Big 4 bellowed with all his might before dragging his battered body towards One-eye. However, just as his show of bravado started, Nine-finger gave him a resounding kick on the head after letting go of No.3.

What my Boss wishes to do has nothing to do with you.

Thats my Master! Thats your Master as well!

Nine-finger paused for a moment before scratching his bald noggin two seconds later and stating thusly, in a silly voice: I only listen to the Boss.

Well said, even though I wont share the prize with you this time, Ill make sure to reward you the next time we catch another female devil.

Youre going to reward me, Boss? Whats the reward? Is it edible?

just look after those two pieces of trash, dont let them spoil my mood. Having reached a new level of being unable to read the mood, One-eye truly regretted not letting this subordinate of his have some souls in the beginning. However, having a silly subordinate did have its benefits as well; how else were they so loyal?

That bastard, he actuallyactuallyId rather die than suffer through that!

I just knew you would look at me like that, you d*mned les!

Huhwhen did my sexuality change? Ive always been a man who loves woman, all right?!

Not that saying all that would help anything right nowperhaps I had always been a woman in One-eyes mind. To think he actually betrayed me because he thought I liked those of the same sex. He probably assumed, rightfully so I might add, that he no longer stood a chance so he had to use force insteadwell, now that has been confirmed, its time for my own counterattack.

Look me in the eyes!

Even while prone, that didnt stop me from invoking my control over illusions. My pupils immediately blazed with a blue light and as my voice resounded amidst the slight bubbling of the lava behind me, One-eye couldnt help but turn his eyes towards me. The moment we locked eyes however, his body shuddered and everything suddenly turned foreign in his eyes.

The boiling river of lava turned into an eternal river of ice. The sweltering heat disappeared and soon, even a tiny gust of wind chilled his bones. How was this Purgatory, this was clearly Gehenna! By now, One-eye was beginning to suspect if he had entered the wrong gate. But he was in Purgatory just moments ago so how did it suddenly turn into Gehenna?

Dont you think this magical tattoo of mine is rather strange? Its an illusion demons. I couldnt help but embark on my own triumphant speech even though I knew that One-eye probably couldnt hear a word I was saying.

Even though I never expected that you would betray me, I still left a trump card behind, just in caseillusion magicks might not work against the undead, but against someone with a weak psyche like you, its more than enough!

Upon reaching Four-stars, a devil now possessed the basic defining features of a devil: a horn on their head, a tail similar to that of a bulls, fleshy devil wings and the ability to control fire. Should that devil advance one more level, he would be gain the blessing of an original sin and become a true devil with a clan. However, One-eyes evolutionary path was now at an end. Today, he had to die.

Bearing the burning ache running through my body, I slowly walked over to the ensorceled One-eye. By now, my numbed left hand was beginning to regain the majority of its mobility. As for my right, it reached for Shadowfang, still slung over my back.

Still under the control of my illusion, One-eye was currently experiencing a wintery hell that left him completely buried in layers of snow. Because of the perceived pressure of the snow and the cold it left on his body, he curled into a defensive and completely harmless ball.

Just as I was about to reach the incapacitated devil however, alarm bells began to ring out in my head. My chest suddenly felt constricted, my head felt light and my limbs began to weaken; these were all signs of mana exhaustion.

Sh*t, I have to finish him off quick or he might just make it out of my illusion. No time now Shadowfang sliced through his body without meeting any resistance whatsoever. On my part, I felt no pity at all in killing off the head of this rebellion.

Dead. Ever so easily, a Four-star flame demon-child was slain by me. At the same time as his death, I had a taste of that familiar weakness once more. My limbs began to collapse and my body started to convulse uncontrollably, though to a small degree only.

BOSS! Still in the midst of torturing No.3 and Big 4, all Nine-finger heard was the dying grunt of One-eye before he turned around to see my blade cleanly leave the corpse of his boss. It was then that my mana was exhausted as well. Abandoning No.3 and Big 4, he rushed towards me with bloodshot eyes: You dare to murder my Boss! Ill trample you to death!

As his feet stomped on my back with the weight of his fury, it felt like my body was about to explode from the sheer pain that ravaged my nervous system. However, that took effort and I clearly had no energy to even resist. One, two, three, fourhe was like a tireless stomping machine right now. With every stomp, a mouthful of blood would spurt from my mouth. Once more, I tried to fight back but my body merely twitched in response.

NoI mustnt give up like this. That moron, Nine-finger, actually didnt take away my Shadowfang, if only he used it, he wouldve killed me in one stroke already. Replenish, I need to replenish my mana. I need souls for thatsouls

One-eyes soulthats right, I can consume his soul. Thankfully, One-eyes headless corpse was just lying there right in front of me. With hope laid out before my eyes, I summoned forth the last bit of strength left in my body to slowly drag myself towards the fallen devil. With every inch I covered, I would suffer a stomp from Nine-finger. Yet even with that numbing pall cast over my body, I felt that I could hold out just for a bit longertill I ate One-eyes soul.

In midst of my crawling, the devil egg bearing devil suddenly ran over. She paid no attention to me whatsoever as she dashed towards the headless One-eye and knelt beside his corpse weeping. She was cryingfor some b*stard who threw her aside? Perhaps she truly did love him, however, he never loved her back.

Well, you can cry all you want, as long as you stay out of my way.

However, I was too late. Just as I was mere inches away from his corpse, fate played a cruel trick on me once more. One-eyes soul was suddenly sucked away by a mysterious force that swiftly sent the semi-translucent mass flying into the egg still resting in the arms of that female devil

It absorbed his soul?

D*mnitwhy now? Not like this! If it was me who absorbed his soul, I wouldve been able to recover a portion of my mana and slice Nine-finger apartthe scriptits not supposed to proceed like that

Nine-fingers stomping continued as viciously as before. It almost seemed like he enjoyed stepping on my back. Even with my armor, it wasnt easy enduring the stomps of a Three-star demon child.

The problem was that I was still powerless to resist. No.3 and Big 4 were still severely injured and what was supposed to be my shot at a comeback ended up being absorbed by the devil egg in some cruel twist of fatethe me right now, was just a salted fish.

Master My two loyal subordinates stared at me with bloodshot eyes that almost seemed watery with regret. However, tears were useless. They couldnt heal their wounds and neither could they replenish my mana.

Is this truly iteven One-eye was slain by me and yet Im about to die to this moron, Nine-fingerhahacough coughah, theres bloodthe taste of Purgatorys floor isnt great at allso painfulmy bodys about to explode

Looking at him, I doubt Nine-finger is even capable of having any inappropriate thoughts about me, I guess thats a silver lining?

Oh right, Boss said something about having a tumble with you? I dont know what a tumble means but theres no way Im letting you off the hook so easily. As if he was talking to himself but at same time tormenting me, he scratched his head while pondering the meaning of One-eyes words. He then turned his eyes towards the egg-hugging devil: Hey you, do you know what a tumble means?

Still in the midst of her grief, she was stumped by this strange question. Head slightly addled, she replied: Thatsits doing that thing

That thing?

Doing that thing.

Im asking what exactly is that thing!

The female imp was left speechless and thoroughly shocked by the stupidity of Nine-finger.

You dare to look down on me? Perhaps her eyes gave away some sort of disdain; perhaps the long silence was all the answer he needed or maybe he simply wanted to show off his power, whatever the reason was, he tossed me aside and walked up to the female imp. Wrapping his hands around her neck, he lifted her off the ground. Having been strangled, the female devil finally released the egg in her arms.

Speak, exactly what is that thing?

It was a forceful question by Nine-finger and yet his grip was just as forceful. The female imp desperately wanted to speak but her throat simply wouldnt allow her to, thus all she could do was struggle. The female imp was merely a Two-star and naturally wasnt a match for a Three-star like Nine-finger. Like that, she was strangled to death after a mere minute.

Dead? Feeling the warmth leave the corpse in his hand, Nine-finger realized the female imp was dead. Casually tossing the body aside, he inexplicably muttered to himself: Ah. If you didnt want to talk then just say so, is there a need to kill yourself?

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