The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 178: Titan Skeletons Wiped Out

Chapter 178: Titan Skeletons Wiped Out

Over here! Yelled Elena as she continued delaying one of the five-star skeletons with her frost spells.

Body covered in a thick layer of white frost, there wasnt a shred of joy to be found within its blackened bones. Thanks to the freezing effect of her spells, the titan skeletons movement speed had slowed down drastically. This made the already lumbering titan even clumsier and slower.

The giant lug continued waving its fists frantically in a brainless attempt at swatting Elena but unfortunately for it, she managed to nimbly dodge them all. It was at that moment that her other two harpy peers managed to clinch the first kill. Seeing that, she immediately called out to them for help.

Throwing a quick glance between each other, Numila and Eugenia promptly flew over to join her in finishing off that remaining five-star; looks like they remembered my words after all. Yet, in what should have been a moment where all three harpies combined forces to wipe out their enemies, Elena took advantage of the fact that the skeleton was currently distracted by Numila and Eugenia and flew off

Dont tell me shes thinking about deserting? Said Eugenia as continued flapping her wings to gather more wind elements. Having accumulated enough power, she fired off her wind spell in concert with Numilas own spell spell and summoned that terrifying pillar of flame once more. Roaring to life from the ground up, it quickly enveloped that skeleton which was still hindered by Elenas ice.

Leave her, take care of this skeleton first. Said Numila, eyes never leaving her opponent for a second in spite of Elenas strange behavior.

Alright. Eugenia turned her attention back onto channelling.

That composite magic of theirs was a channelling spell which meant that before their opponent was defeated, the two of them had to continually channel more mana into the spell. Though they couldnt move in the meantime because of the need to focus, they were able to process some basic thoughts. It just so happened that Eugenias basic thoughts tended to be affected by her active imagination

That harpydont tell she flew off to find my future husband

Your future husband? Hearing that, Numila paused in surprise for a second and nearly interrupted her mana channelling: Dearest is this harpys fiance, he has nothing to do with either of you shameless harpies!

Hmph, this harpy isnt lacking in any way compared to you, it just so happened that you met him earlier, thats all. Whats so great about?

Meeting him earlier is just that great!

For all you know, he likes a harpy like me.

nows not the time for quarreling, we need to stop Elenabut the enemy is still alive and Dearest said to take care of it

Cut all that crap for now, kill off this damned undead first and then we can find that harpy!


The both of them finally came to an agreement while on the other side, Elena seemed to be beelining towards me.

As of right now, I was still caught up in battle where my subordinates watched me continuously dodge the titans attacks with bated breath from the sidelines. Even though my attacks werent able to cause any damage at all, they rushed in to defend me after another wave of ineffective spells from me.

Master, leave the defending to us. Your magic needs time to prepare so let us stall it in your stead.

Perhaps it was because of the sheer intensity of the situation, but even without my consent, One-eye had already made the decision to rush in and even commanded the other devils to help as well. Thankfully, they still had enough self-awareness within them to know that any devil who rushed in without being a three-star was basically committing suicide.

Thus, the only devils who rushed in were No.3, Big 4, Big 5, Baccarel, One-eye and Nine-fingers.

It was worth pointing out at this moment that because Baccarel was now a commander in my army, he received more spoils and managed to become a three-star before I returned to the Prison of Dead. In light of that, I upgraded his equipment to the same level as my other three-star demon childs.

Naturally, my commander-class subordinates were all furnished with the finest equipment I crafted. However, the moment that titan skeleton knocked away the bulky Big 4, even with his shield raised, they finally realized how large the gap in power was.

Though my crafted gear were powerful, that was only if they were stronger than or at the very least relatively close in strength with their opponents. If they werent, then they would end up in an awkward situation like Big 4. Thankfully, that bulky devil had a tough hide and was able to get up after a couple of tumbles.

Now that I had them to draw the attention of that skeleton, I was finally able to channel more mana.

Nether Fireball.

After ten seconds of channeling my mana, I managed to compress the magical energies, which had grown to the size of a water vat by now, to their utmost limits. Tossing it, the reddish black fireball scorched the air itself as it raced towards the titan surrounded by my six subordinates

Everyone, dodge!

Having fought with me multiple times, they immediately knew to abandon the fight upon hearing my command. With that, the Nether Fireball successfully collided with that titan without any friendly casualties. However, an explosion was unavoidable and the ensuing flash of light ended up blinding all of us.

As the scorching winds blew through the battlefield, I instinctively raised my hands to protect my eyes.

With that much force, it should be dead, right? That was what I thought but reality soon proved me wrong.

Master watch outits not dead yetahhh

That sudden yell from No.3 sounded a little horrific. Turning towards the direction of his yells, I found the titan skeleton alive just as he said. With nether flames still wrapped around itself, it charged right at me but because No.3 rushed in to hinder it, the titan very casually kicked the devil aside and set him on fire with my own nether flames

By the time I realized this fact and tried to rescue him, it was already too late. His body was covered from head to toe with my reddish black flames. Just from a glance alone, I was able to tell that he was more dead than alive now.

I hurriedly ran up to him and absorbed the torturous flames into my palms. Naturally, these flames would never hurt me seeing as I controlled them. However, that harmlessness didnt extend to others. Just the opposite, its terrifying heat meant that even the flame resistant devils werent able to get out scot-free after being burnt by it.


The burns were horrific. His reddish skin had turned completely black like charcoal and seemed like it would break apart at any time. Yet such a grisly sight didnt scare me in the least because No.3 only ended up in such a state because of my negligence

Get out of the way, all of you! Dont touch that titan! I immediately ordered them to avoid the titan in order to prevent anymore injuries.

From then on, it was a personal battle between me and the titan. Because I was the only one immune to the nether flames, there was no one else who could take it on.

Yet, things rarely proceeded in the way you envisioned. Just as I gave out that command, the burning titan suddenly collapsedin the midst of its charge, it collapsed

The titan skeletons were truly a formidable foe but my nether flames werent any old flames either. Their burning effect could even harm a persons soul and was, without a doubt, a nemesis to the undead. Moreover, because nether flames didnt possess a purifying effect, the titans soul flame wasnt destroyed. As long as I put out the fire beforehand, its soul flame could be harvested easily.

Give this soul flame to No.3 for me, I still have to monitor the other battlefields. As I said that, I handed the soul flame over to Big 5. Though I really wanted to check up on No.3s condition, the other battles were still ongoing and I had to live up to my responsibilities as their commander.

Understood, Master. Acknowledging the command, he immediately ran off towards No.3 without daring to tarry for even a second longer.

Master Though I couldnt see the expression on his blackened face, I could tell that No.3 was extremely touched by my gesture.

With that settled, there was no longer a need to worry about No.3; as long as a devil was given enough souls, he could recover from any injuries, it was only a matter of time.

Just as I took a couple of steps forward, Elena descended from the ceiling and hugged me in her usual fashion except that it was done from the side this time. Cooling scent rushing into my nose, she turned her expressionless face towards me and in an equally cold voice, said: Its defeated.

Mhm, my battle has ended as well. With regards to these three harpies, I was basically accustomed to their shenanigans by now so her hug no longer fazed me, though I still didnt understand why they were willing to tie their entire lives to me just for a weapon

Perhaps it was simply a case of things being taken to an extreme and ended up reversing but the harpy witches were completely devoted to their partners unlike normal harpies. In fact, their loyalty trumped even that of an elfs. Thus, even though I had my doubts about their attitudesI accepted them.

What about Numila and Eugenia.

Behind me.

Looking in the direction of her finger, I didnt see the aforementioned harpies but instead found Habona in the midst of a rampage with Shadowfang. In other words, she was hopping from battlefield to battlefield and aiding those who were still fighting.

With her peerless speed and Shadowfangs unparalleled sharpness, she managed to finish off the rest of the titan skeletons in under five minutes.

Here you go.

Habona handed over the epic weapon without any hesitation.

To think she had no attachments to such a godly weaponthe demonic werewolves really didnt take to weapons, huh? Or should I say, Habona rejected Shadowfang in particular?

No matter what the reason was, she ended up returning the weapon to me.

Dearest X2.

Just as I received the blade from Habona, Numila and Eugenia flew over from a short distance away. Landing, they promptly hugged me and shoved aside Elena in what looked like a coordinated effort on their part. Naturally, Elena wasnt all too pleased about that but there was something different about this compared to their usual fights. It wasnt a free for all like always but instead it was Elena against the other two.

Something doesnt seem right here, why did Numila and Eugenia form an alliance? Did something strange happen while I wasnt looking?

Things seem to be as lively as always. Violet Snow, who hadnt participated in this battle, trotted over and upon noticing their jealous antics, chimed in with her usual sarcasm: So, have you decided on someone yet?

Choose me. X3

Why should he choose you!?

This harpy knew him the longest!

Elene feels that Elena is the best.

I had to admit, Violet Snow truly knew these three witches like the back of her paws. With just a single sentence she tore apart what looked like a budding alliance and threw them back into the era of the Three Kingdoms.

Hey, after that difficult fight, our priority shouldnt be to start another one right away

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