The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 136: Piercing Shadow

Chapter 136: Piercing Shadow

Werewolves and the Blood Clan (vampires) were both creatures of darkness but were sworn enemies.

The enmity between the two races went all the way back to the era of the Blood Clans first ancestor, Cain.

Bloodkin werent able to act during the day as they were afraid of the sun. Thus, the easiest way to kill them was to find their nests during the day and finish them off. Because of their sensitivity to sunlight, the Bloodkin were basically comatose during the day. Even being staked in the heart or burnt  wasnt enough to wake them up; they would simply pass away in their dreams. In order to prevent the humans from using such despicable methods on them, Cain came up with a plan and that was to use the werewolves.

During the day, werewolves basically spent their time as humans. Only during the night were they able to transform. However, there were exceptions to this rule, a select few werewolves were able to control their bloodlines to the extent where they were able to transform at will through some sort of medium. These elites could be said to be the pinnacle of the werewolf species and were worshipped by others.

The pursuit of strength was a basic instinct of the werewolves, in fact, this was something they were more than willing to risk their lives for. To them, this was a pursuit they were more than happy to toil tirelessly for. Noticing this point, Cain promised these power hungry werewolves what they desired in exchange for loyalty towards him and his childes.

Those who were willing to swear fealty to the Blood Clan underwent a mysterious ritual.

It was an extremely secretive ritual that had been kept under wraps even till this day. All we know so far is that werewolves who underwent this ritual could transform into their wolf form at will and even maintain their lucidity.

With the addition of more and more werewolves into the Blood Clan, the bloodkin gained the protection they wanted during the day. As for these bodyguards, they craved power and for that power, they paid the price of freedom by becoming the servants of the bloodkin. From the moment they joined the Blood Clan, they lost the pride of a werewolf and thus discarded their identity in the process. They were no longer werewolves but were instead a new lifeformLycans.


Since this was the first illusion I had ever casted, I couldnt even be sure when he would wake up so time was of the essence here.

It was then that the Grimoire of the Dead came flying back to my side; it had probably noticed that the bandit was now under my illusion. With it, came Shadowfang which was still attached to the floating grimoire by a bone chain. I swiftly caught the dangling blade flying towards me and activated my Shadow Guardian.

In order to prevent any unforeseen problems, I maintained a distance of five meters while I summoned the shadowy minion. Same as always, the shadowy tendrils snaked towards the hysterical bandit and coiled itself around him. Feeling the bindings around him, Dawson struggled to break free but compared to his previous attempts, it was clearly lacking in power and naturally failed.

That eastern dragon was probably still working its magic on him and suppressing his power.

In his mind, the shadow guardian was probably the claw of the eastern dragon. Faced against such an overpowering opponent, all resistance was futile so he simply gave into despair and waited to be torn into shreds.

In that case, nows the time to strike while hes still occupied in that illusory world. Yet just as I moved to slice him apart, I accidentally activated a skill which I had never used before.

As the murderous intent flashed across my mind, the shadow guardian stirred. With a sickening pierce, spikes grew out of the shadowy tendril wrapped around the wolfman, perforating the bandit before I could even react and turning him into a strange looking sea urchin.

Thats my new skill? Seems pretty strongI guess that means hes dead?

*shiver* Chills my spine just imagining those spikes penetrating his entire body.

Ahwhats with this slight sensation of weakness? Was it that restraining spell I used just now? I mustve used too much manaI need to replenish itthenso dark

Thus, I fainted without even realizing it.

Right now, I was lying in a not so soft wooden bed. Looking around, I was probably in some female humans room.

What happened to the grimoire and Shadowfang?

Eyes wide open, I jerked my head around and searched the surroundings frantically. Fortunately, it didnt take long for me to notice the grimoire silently lying on top of a counter beside my bed. As for Shadowfang, it was leaning against the wall in the corner of the room.

Yo, seems like youre awake.

That rude greeting and sudden appearance in my headits This One isnt itso that wasnt all a dream

Hey, this one has a proper name, stop calling this one this one all the time. Dont think that I cant hear you just because you didnt say a word. This one isnt rude, this one was just too bored.

Ah, fine fine fine, by the way, can you keep it down for a second, all that ruckus right when I wake up is causing me a headache.

Hey, whats with that impatient attitude! A beautiful, noble, elegant, charming, (insert a million more adjectives here) female like this one doesnt deserve such impudence! The nerve, how rude!

Heavens, putting aside whether any of that nonsense about being noble, elegant or charming was true, shouldnt you show me a picture before you spout all that nonsense!

this ones body has already died doncha know, all this one can do is talk to you in this manner, dont you understand how difficult that is

Seems like I stepped on a landmine theresigh, not having a body does seem rather pitiful, I guess Ill comfort This One a little.

Hehe, this one doesnt need you to comfort her, but arent you just precious. Youre actually concerned about me, this one is so happy!

AhI forgotthis fellow can hear everything I think. Wait, doesnt that mean I have no privacy whatsoever!?

Hahaha, thats right, thats right. No matter what youre thinking of, this one can see it. Which reminds me, Little Brother, youd better not lust after this one or else*sinister laughter*

Hey, cut it out with the teasing, are you trying to start something here! Also, theres no way Ill lust after a woman whose appearance I dont even know of! If Im going to fantasize about anyone, that will be Nicole, who needs some shady character like you!

Nicole, whos Nicole?

At that, my mind brought up an image of Nicoles lovely face and her braided twin ponytails.

Whew, so its a little beauty. Little Brother, you have good tastes, to think you managed to find such a beautiful girl.

ThatNicoles the cutest of them all!

Hmph, shes still lacking compared to this one though.

Impossible, Nicoles the cutest!

This one isnt going to compete in cuteness, if this one wants to compete, this one will compete somewhere else.

Is there even a need to compete? Its not like I can even see you.

Hmph, then this one will let you have a look at her true appearance. Dun dun dun

As that dun dun dun resounded in my head, an image of a tall, slender lust demon entered my brain. She wore a fiery red dress that hugged her entirely body and covered every bit of exposed flesh except for her palms. Despite that, she exuded a seductive aura. As for her face, it wouldnt be an understatement to say that the word beautiful existed just to describe her.

Her red skin didnt seem at all repulsive to me even though my sense of beauty remained that of a humans. It was as if that red hue was just the right color for her. Her long purple hair was tied into a bun behind her head revealing a pair of long sharp ears. On her forehead was a pair of devil horns that curved into a semicircle before tapering off to the back and pointing downwards like a queens tiara.

Such a ruinous beautyplus she had even that aura of a queen. If she wore a pair of high heels, I bet there would be a lot of fools who would gladly let her step on them!

Thats what you look like??

Unbelievable, I had to admit, This One was really better thanNO, Nicole is the best! LOLI SAIKOU! (TL: Means supreme and this was what the author wrote.)

Hahahaha, Little Brother has the most amusing expressionshahahaha The image in my head doubled over in laughter, any semblance of a queen gone with the wind as laughed uncontrollably.

Alright, alright, how about telling me your name. Calling you This One all the time isnt a solution either. And, I guess it was pretty rude of me to do so.

Mhm, listen very carefully, this ones name is Fertinier.

Fertinier huh, nice name but Ive never heard of it.

Youve never heard of this one? Its only been over ten thousand years and this ones existence has already weakened to this extent?

Ah, were you famous back in the days?

You could say that, this one almost managed to forge her divinity and become a demon god.

Demon God! That overpowered?!

Thats right, thats right, you may worship me now.

Theres no way Im doing that, by the way, do you know why I fainted?

Mana exhaustion of course, the cost of casting that Piercing Shadow varies depending on the opponents strength relative to yours and the distance between you and him. Given the vast difference in strength and that you were even five meters away from him, managing to kill him was already an excellent result.

Is that so, then isnt this skill kind of useless then? Wont I just faint each time I cast it?

Nah, its normal to lose control over the spells strength during your first try, cast it a few more times and Im sure youll get the hang of it.

Oh, got it.

In the midst of our conversation, the door swung after which entered a tiptoeing Ancarin who tried her best to be as silent as possible in order not to disturb my rest. The moment she stepped into the room, she spotted me sitting on top of the bed with a blank look on my face. Her beautiful but worried face immediately broke into a happy and surprised smile: Master, youre awake!

Come to think of it, when did she start calling me Master?


Near the start of the arc, I used the words Your Excellency instead of Master but I changed it to Master later on as I felt it sounded better and the meanings were pretty much the same. Both expressed respect and an elevated position so I didnt pay much attention to the change of words used by the author.

This change happened in Chapter 121 (Excellency) and Chapter 122 (Master). Its not strange to address someone as Master XXXX as a form of respect and subservience without necessarily being in a master/servant relationship. This led to a decision which has now come back to bite me in the butt

Long story short, any use of Master by Ancarin/Regine before chapter 121 means Your Excellency and anything after refers to Master. Sorry about that unexpectedly bad decision. )

I just woke up. I replied blandly and promptly voiced the biggest concern in my head right now: Hm, is the battle over?

Its over, and was that werewolfDawson? She followed that question up with a brief explanation of what happened after I fainted.

Apparently, not long after I fainted, George and the others rushed to the scene to find me unconscious. Perhaps it was because of Dawsons death but for some reason, the wolves suddenly lost their will to fight and scattered to the winds. Following the tracks left behind by the bandits, George and the hunters swiftly found my mana exhausted body.

Also, it seemed like Dioh had eagerly volunteered to carry me back to the village butsince they had always thought of me as a female, they ended up getting a female hunter to carry me backseems like this room belonged to that female hunter.

At the same time, George captured a few bandits who sneaked back to watch the fight and interrogated them. It was from their testimonies that he learnt that Dawson had turned into a werewolf

All in all, the death of Dawson meant that the biggest problem plaguing the four villages was now gone. With that, I should be able to search for Nicole without any worries.

However, this mana exhaustion had left my entire body feeling a little under the weather and limp. I think Ill spend another day here and get a good rest insteadthe road ahead is sure to be a bumpy one full of unknowns; not being in my peak condition might pose some problems down the road.

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