The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 116: A Nonsensical Drama

Chapter 116: A Nonsensical Drama

Dude, couldnt you have just said so from the start! Couldnt you have just communicated like a normal person, werent we all adults here!? Did we really have to partake in this childish game at our age!?

As if he had predicted this would happen, Georges face remained calm as ever as he said: SighIve heard about your situation. Dont you hate the Wolfs Fang?

Hate? Why should I hate them?

Bro, wasnt your girlfriend kidnapped by them?  Dont you know how important a girl was to an eternal bachelor like me? Theyre more important than life itself!! Couldnt you show even a tiny bit of anger? Wasnt this the legendary grudge of a stolen wife? Dont just treat it as nothing!!

I heard you were there when they took Elona away. Are you really going to swallow this humiliation? Are you really going to accept what they did? As long as youre willing to join us, the combined forces of our four villages and these two mages should be enough to defeat those bandits.

In fact, we have a high chance of winning since theyve lost Doran, and Io is already preparing for battle. As long as we join together, our experts wont lose out to theirs.

No matter how much he tried to persuade the man, Georges entreatments seemed to have no effect on him as he continued to sip his wine quietly. Seeing that this persuasion was going nowhere, he decided to adopt a more aggressive tactic:

If youre really man, you should be itching to wash away this humiliation with their blood! Do you really have no desire to do so!? If youre still a man, youll aid us in this fight and at the same time aid yourself! Right now, theres an opportunity to do so right in front of you! Take it and come defeat Dawson with us and save your wife!

Elona isnt my wife. Moranthal slammed the wine cup onto the table; the loud slam was a clear sign of his anger. Yet he didnt lose his temper as expected, but merely suppressed it once more.

We werent married yet! Thats right, we werent married! Shes not my wife, shes not! He spat out phrase after phrase as if he was trying to convince himself of something.

You even repeated yourself twice. Each time. You definitely mind what they did so why are you trying to avoid reality? Could you really call yourself a man then?


Having had enough of his escapism, Dioh rushed forth to voice his opinions once more: Rather than her being kidnapped, I bet you offered up your girlfriend instead to appease Dawson!

I guess were turning this into an all-out war now

No matter how trashy Moranthal was, being censured by a junior wasnt something he could simply ignore. His face immediately flushed red, but seeing as Dioh was just a junior, he chose not to vent his anger on him. Instead, he suppressed his anger once more and said after a long sigh: My relationship with heryou wont understand it.

How can I not understand it?! Youre just a masochist who loves being cuckolded. I know exactly what Im talking about, youre just a wimp who cant protect his fiancee! Just by looking at that wuss of a face of yours I can tell that youre a natural born CUCKOLD!!!!

Shut up! The temples on his forehead began to pulsate like an earthworm was burrowing underneath his skin. What does a brat like you know!

How am I not understanding the situation!? Your lover should be someone you protect with your life!

And thats why I say you dont know a thing.

You keep saying I dont know what Im talking about, why dont you enlighten me then!? Go on, you cuckold boy!

Cuckold boywhen you think about it, it had the same meaning as cuckold but it seemed to stab even deeper into his psyche than anything. Just looking at the myriad of changes Moranthals face underwent was more than enough to tell us how much this nickname affected him.

While Dioh wasnt much help in a fight, no one could deny his value as verbal artillery. A couple of taunts from him was even more painful than having a knife shoved down ones throat. Not bad, this kids a talent worth grooming.

Elona left willingly! Having been pushed to the brink, he blurted out what was plaguing his heart all this while and laid down on the table with his hands over his trembling head. From the looks of it, he was probably crying right now. In fact, I wouldnt be surprised if there was a storm brewing underneath those arms right now. However since he didnt let out a single sound, all these were merely speculation on my part.

Hearing his shameful admission, Diohs face immediately froze upit was the kind of surprise one experienced when they undercovered a major scoop.

So Moranthals woman wasnt kidnappedshe dumped himno wonder he didnt give a damn when George came to him with that proposal. He didnt even want to take revenge on them from the beginning.

Even so, this was a pretty interesting development in of itself. At the side, Ancarins eyes practically lit up as she smelled the potential bit of gossip.

Having given into despair, while lying prone on the table Moranthal revealed the entire sordid affair of how his woman fell in love with Dawson at first sight

In my mind, I pictured two figures with question marks for heads, one male and one female. As for their bodysince I had never seen them before, I assumed that one was a hunk while the other was a voluptuous lady.

In actuality, it was a really simple story. Not too long ago, Dawson brought his trained wolves out on a stroll during which those mutts came upon Elona who was busy picking herbs. Having been trained well, they knew not to attack a defenseless girl like her and instead surrounded her.

Damaged goods werent worth money after all so the trained wolves were specifically told beforehand not to attack any woman who seemed harmless.

A terrified Elona began waving the tiny hoe in her hand hoping to chase away the wolves. Thankfully, the wolves were smart enough to know that this wasnt an attack, if not she wouldve liked died there. Moranthal who was nearby searching for herbs immediately came to her aid upon hearing her terrified cries.

Moranthal immediately recognized those wolves and began retreating slowly out of the circle with his wife. He was very familiar with Dawsons personality and the consequences of killing these wolves. If anything were to happen to them, Dawson would definitely raid their village and perhaps even kill him.

Unfortunately for him, the wolves were only told not to attack defenseless women, there was nothing in their instructions that forbade them from attacking a man who seemed bent on resisting them. The intelligent mutts immediately realized that the man was trying to escape with their prey, so began to attack in hopes of delaying the man.

As he didnt dare to injure the wolves, what was originally an easy battle became a complicated one. Thankfully, the wolves didnt try to pounce on Elona, so he was able to focus solely on fending off the wolves. Being a three-star warrior, these wolves were naturally no match for him, the only difficult thing was that he couldnt harm them.

It was at this moment that Dawson showed up. The bandit chief clearly knew who Moranthal was and upon seeing him take their attacks so passively, decided not to trouble the young man any further. With a loud and clear whistle, he called off the wolves and threw down a parting threat: Dont let me see you here again.

Moranthals body froze up from the tension as he watched the bandit chief appear and leave so abruptly. He held his breath and stared unblinkingly at the mans back until he finally disappeared from his sight.

This was Elonas first encounter with Dawson and it was from that moment on that the tragedy began.

From that day onwards, Elona would frequently sneak off to that same region without the knowledge of Moranthal. However, her frequent disappearance wasnt something that could be kept secret for long. He began to notice her strange behavior and her sudden aloofness. It got to the point where she flat out despised him.

Suspecting that something was up he secretly followed her, and to his horror, discovered that shewas having a tryst with Dawsonin fact it seemed like this wasnt the first time they had done it together

And now comes the climax of this story.  For the most part, Dawson treated the girl with a cold aloofness. After all, he was merely toying with her. Since her boyfriend showed up, there was really no reason to keep this sort of used goods.

Even so, Elona was dead set on following him even after he rejected her multiple times. And yet her shamelessness knew no bounds as she tried one last tactic. She threw her boyfriend under the bus without any hesitation, and right in front of a stranger, humiliated him with the worst possible insults ever.

She said that Dawson was the only man for her and that she suspected that this wuss couldnt even get it up

Hearing her call him a wuss and an impotent, his heart crumbled in an instant especially since he clearly saw that this wasnt the first time they had done it either!

However it was precisely these two phrases that proved to us and Moranthal, the love she had for Dawsonprobably.

What the heck! Did you think I protected and cherished you so much so that I abstained myself until our wedding!? And yet my good will was seen as cant get it up?! You actually tumbled in bed with another man behind my backwell I guess, its only a pile of leaves and shrubbery herebut still!

By now, he could tell that his womans heart had completely left him for Dawson. Compared to that stoic bandit, he was nothing more than a loser.

Seeing the once-loving couple break up, Dawson coldly said: Seeing as we were together for some timeIll allow you to follow me if thats what you wish.

And so, the world gained one more tragic man and at the same time, the Wolfs Fang Troupe gained a new female leader

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