The Demon Hunting Method of the Regressed Inquisitor

Chapter 2

The Demon Hunting Method Of The Regressed Inquisitor 2


There are three main goals.

First, save those who should have died within my reach.

Second, find the Saint.

And the last, third.

The legendary demon.

<The Dark King>, thwart Belial’s schemes and take his life.

“Then first…”

Actually, I want to find the Saint right away, but her exact whereabouts will not be revealed until three years from now.

So, finding her immediately is close to impossible.

I don’t know if I should go to the Pantheon to find her, but considering the current location, it’s too far.

And Belial cannot be dealt with right now without any foundation.

So, the priority is.


My connections. Or the heroes that Belial eliminated while he was operating in the shadows.

Rescuing them from the swamp of schemes that Belial designed. The first goal is ultimately related to the third goal.

Creating connection points with them along the way to the Pantheon.

In the process, save those who can be saved and kill those who need to be killed.

“At this point, the plan is set, so let’s eat first.”

Considering what needs to be done from now on, I have to move quickly.

* * *

Whether it’s a coincidence or good luck, I clearly remember what time it is now.

The time I’ve spent in this village is barely three or four days.

Because after spending a night at the inn, I left for the grand city of the Duke of Foris within a few days.

And the reason I remember it so clearly is that it was the place where I, a naive person who had only lived in the forest, first tasted the bitterness of life.

During the time between having breakfast at the inn and getting on the carriage, I was pickpocketed and lost most of my money and the sword my master had left me.

But foolishly, I thought I had lost it rather than having it stolen, and wandered around the village for days looking for it.

In the end, I couldn’t extend my stay at the inn and was kicked out.

Now, I am in the midst of that process.

The only difference from then is that I am not as naive as I was back then.

“I was such an idiot.”



I grab the wrist of the guy who was trying to steal my pocket and sword as he moved past me and stab him with a knife.

To think that I didn’t realize I was being pickpocketed so blatantly and obviously.

After connecting his hand to the table with a knife, I check to see what kind of person he is.


He was an employee of the inn.

This is an interesting situation. Seeing how things turned out, it raises the suspicion that he didn’t just accidentally pick my pocket.

Surely, the me of yesterday, who didn’t know the ways of the world, must have carelessly shown all the money I had to the innkeeper.

Knowing that there was more money in my pocket than expected, it was enough for him to think of targeting this naive kid.

“S-sir! What are you doing!”

The innkeeper, who had been watching the situation, finally shouts at me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought the employee had a bit of a bad habit, so I was giving him a deep lesson.”

“I’ll do the teaching!”

“Then will you take responsibility?”


He suddenly shuts his mouth.

He can’t bear to see the employee get hurt, but he doesn’t want to take responsibility. What can you do?

Most people are like that.

“If you really take responsibility, I won’t take any more violent actions. What will you do?”



At a glance, it seemed like this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Whether they were aware and left it alone, or were in cahoots, I couldn’t tell.

It didn’t matter either way.

In the end, I was able to keep my sword and money safe.

There was no need to do more.

“Then please do so.”



After drawing the knife, I sent the guy towards the innkeeper as if to chase him away.

“…Go inside and treat your wounds.”


What a close relationship they have.

My suspicions grew stronger.

“Well then, let’s have a little chat.”

I headed towards the counter where the innkeeper was standing, still holding the knife.

I said I wouldn’t continue with violent actions, but as long as I was here, it was hard not to be on edge.

But I didn’t need to worry.

“Innkeeper, do you believe in gods?”


“Yes, how many people in this world don’t believe in gods? In a world where so many gods exist.”

Isn’t there even a group that records the names of gods, calling it the Pantheon?

There are truly many faiths in this world, and all of them hold power.

Even the gods called the gods of the sky number more than three.

There are also gods that even the priests of the Pantheon don’t know about.

“Since you run an inn, you might believe in the god of comfort, the god of peace, or the god of warmth. Or perhaps… the god of thieves?”


Among them, there are also gods classified as evil gods.

It might be considered a capricious view, but those who believe in them are called heretics and cultists.

Just believing in them adds to their power, and exercising their authority can be troublesome.

“It would be nice if the innkeeper believed in a decent god.”


Using the knife I brought, I carve a scar into the inn counter.

One short horizontal cut, and one long vertical cut. A faint light remains where the knife’s tip has grazed.

The innkeeper’s expression, initially puzzled by the two cuts, soon turns to horror.

“There are many who act on behalf of the gods, and their eyes might be upon you.”

This should be enough.

I’ve invoked the name of the gods, so he should understand my meaning well.

“See you next time, innkeeper.”

I leave, having paid for my breakfast.

As I walk away, I remember something I had forgotten to say and turn back.

“Don’t overcharge your customers.”

By the time I leave, the innkeeper’s face is as white as a sheet.

*     *      *

The man whose hand had been pierced by the knife clutches his bandaged hand, seething.

But by the time he comes out again, his opponent is already gone.

“Damn it!”

He realizes too late that he let the man who stabbed his hand go. Furious, he shouts.

“Boss! You let that guy go? Look at what he did to my hand!”

“Calm down.”

“Shouldn’t we gather the boys and go after him? How can you just let him go after what he did to me?”

“You idiot, do you even know who you messed with? Look at this.”


The innkeeper, angry, points to the scar on the counter. The cross-shaped scar still emits a faint holy light.

“A cross? What, is he a priest? Are you scared of divine retribution, so you let him go?”

“You fool, do you think he carved this standing next to me?”

“What are you talking about?”

“He carved this right in front of me. If it looks like a cross to me, what do you think it looked like to him?”

“If the cross is reversed, then… an inverted cross…”

The man, who had been shouting, slowly turns pale, just like the innkeeper.

The opponent had carved an inverted cross.

Everyone who knows what that means understands its significance.

“Those who serve the gods but are too ashamed to lift their heads. The specialized task force that handles the dirty work of the Pantheon.”


“If it were knights or nobles, it might be different, but if you mess with an inquisitor, you’ll lose your head without anyone knowing.”

The innkeeper rubbed his scars as if he were creeped out.

If they were nobles or knights, he might have thought they were impostors.

But inquisitors are an exception.

No one in their right mind would impersonate them, and even if they did, they would have to be utterly insane.

Moreover, the opponent was a priest. The obvious traces of divine power were proof of that.

No priest would impersonate someone in such an unseemly manner.

“Don’t cause any trouble until that guy leaves the village. Don’t let the sparks fly. No, just don’t cause any trouble for a while. You might already be under scrutiny.”

At the innkeeper’s words, the man nodded with a pale face.

It cannot be assumed that only one inquisitor has come to this village.

Other inquisitors might already be preparing their work here, and if you upset them, you could be killed in a terrible manner.

“…First, let’s lower the lodging fee.”

*     *      *

My life has never been smooth, but my first journey was particularly rough. Quite so.

Just like this morning, I was pickpocketed in the first village I arrived at.

So what about after that?

No matter how much I searched, I couldn’t find my sword or money, and I needed to find a job to survive.

At that moment, there was a carriage in front of me that would take children to the grand city of the Poris Duchy for free.

So what would I do?

“I’d get on.”

If I didn’t know that it was a human trafficker in league with bandits, it would be the most reasonable choice.

What could I do, having fallen for the elaborate scheme connected to the inn?

This is truly surprising.

The fact that these human traffickers are ultimately connected to the demons under Belial.

Maybe it was fate that I returned to ten years ago.



It was when I was getting close to the village entrance. I remembered that I had taken the carriage about 3-4 days from now, so I was trying to assess the situation.

Someone grabbed me from behind.

It didn’t seem malicious, but the fact that they could approach so cautiously meant they were no ordinary person.

“Is there a problem?”

“Ah, well, you see…”

When I turned around to check their face,

I couldn’t deny it. It was someone who had every reason to grab me from behind.

Ten years ago, at the moment of the bandits’ attack, the reason I survived was none other than

the girl standing right in front of me, with her hood pulled over her head.

Her hair was as black as ebony, and her eyes exuded a mysterious purple hue.

“If you’re thinking of taking the carriage, I suggest you don’t…”

It seemed she had overheard my muttering. I wasn’t sure why she had been following me, though.

The person who saved the children with just a dagger during the bandit attack.

Or the ‘human butcher’ who literally slaughtered the bandits, flesh and bone.

Linnea Spirine.

She whispered to me in an exaggerated manner. Something was poking up from under her hood.

“A scary person is causing a fuss about wanting to take the carriage. So the coachman is insisting that the trip is in three days… I thought things might get complicated if you went now…”

Indeed, the reason I was able to take the same carriage as her three days later was probably because of this.

It seemed the departure was delayed by three days because of that scary person.

“I see. Thank you for letting me know.”

“No, no! I just thought I should tell you.”

It was unnecessary meddling.

But it was her way of doing a good deed.

She must have been standing here, stopping people like me all this time.

Even though no one asked her to.

I saw her hood, which had been perked up, droop with relief.

It seemed she wore the hood to hide the fact that she was a beastkin, but there was an unexpectedly clumsy side to her.

The first hero who saved me was this young. She was different from the mature figure in my memory.

“Then I’ll take care of it.”


Yes, just like this.

She was such a naive girl.

A person no different from me.

Not a hero, just a girl who had a bit more courage than others.

Such a girl picked up a sword to fight bandits to save others, and in the end, she was called a butcher.

Even considering her grace, I admit her actions were excessive.

Her being a beastman also played a part in that.

People avoid beastmen because of their unique, violent nature.

Despite such contempt, she lived helping others without getting angry.

People couldn’t bring themselves to criticize her, only avoiding her.

A girl who died so lonely.

“I’ll handle it.”

I remember her end. The sight of her hanging herself alone in solitude.

And now, seeing her mumbling in worry, I was certain.

“You don’t have to overdo it.”

She shouldn’t have died like that.

“I’ll do it this time.”

“This time?”

Her fox ears perked up over her hood again.

She frowned slightly, as if pondering the meaning of my words.

Passing by her, I headed towards the direction of the carriage.

Ten years ago, right now. Linea Spirine, who struggled among the boys and girls.

This time, I will take over her struggle and erase her disgrace.

When we arrived at our destination.

“Oh my, what is this?”

A figure well over 3 meters tall was arguing loudly with the carriage owner.

It seems I need to correct something. Linea Spirine wasn’t just a bit naive…

“That’s not a scary ‘person’, is it? The standards for humanity are too broad.”

She seems quite a lot naive.

What stood before us wasn’t a person, but a green muscle-bound monster.

In other words, an orc.

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