The Demon Hunting Method of the Regressed Inquisitor

Chapter 13

The Demon Hunting Method Of The Regressed Inquisitor 13

Attack on the Baron Ryan’s House (3)

“Burke Ryan, you have two practical choices.”

Burke has become a demon. That is already a confirmed matter.

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“Either be purified by me here.”


“Or spend your life locked up in a underground prison, a place where no one cares and no one can come.”

He is a time bomb.

You never know when it will explode, and it is impossible to defuse it.

Not all those who became demons can be considered bad. Most of them were pushed by harsh realities.

So we tried to somehow return them to their original form.

We tried, but it didn’t work.

The moment a person becomes a demon, their flesh changes. It becomes strong and ageless. However, in the process, all the parts that should have existed in the human body are completely consumed by the demonic energy.

Thus, the original flesh melts away and the demonic energy exists as power and continues life.

As time goes by, the proportion of demonic energy becomes greater than the proportion of the original flesh, and eventually, they become a completely different species called ‘demon race’.

And those who have become demon race, just like they did, plant demonic energy in others and transform them.

Just as humans and beasts give birth to offspring and continue their lineage.

“Ha…! What difference is there between death and confinement?”

“There is only one difference. In the latter case, it becomes more miserable.”


I saw those who chose the latter.

They are not even confined.

They are just thrown into a space from which they can never come out again.

Like a jar of solitude, with no food and no guards, they are trapped in such darkness, waiting only for the day they die.

Or dreaming impossible dreams.

“The cult is rotten too.”

“I won’t deny it. My existence is proof of that.”

The demons cannot be exterminated.

The nameless demon at the end of that species is the incarnation of denial born from human malice.

Yes, it is an eternal, unsolvable matter. That is why malice is always recorded as the final chapter of humanity’s last trial.

“Why does everyone torment us? Why do they make our lives miserable? What did we do wrong?”

“You did nothing wrong. You were just a victim. You were just unlucky. Becoming a demon was just a result of being driven into such a situation.”

“Then why!!”

Burke, who had been frowning at the light of the holy power, shouted loudly as if he had become a different person.

“Why do I have to die!!”

From his body, dark red demonic energy was gushing out.

Power that grows stronger with intense emotions.

Shackles that force one to hate and resent people.

“We just wanted to live. Was that such a big wish?”


“Wanting to leave this damned house, cure my sister’s illness, and live a proper life, was that so wrong?”

“There is nothing wrong with that dream.”

“Then why?”


I recall the last image of Burke I saw. After his dream came true. One afternoon when he finally escaped with his sister and was living.

The image of him succumbing to the demon’s orders and committing a massacre in the middle of the city in front of his sister’s eyes.

The image of him reaching out to his sister with a crooked smile.

“You’re going to try to kill the family you cherished the most.”


“Isn’t this light bothering you? Unlike your usual self, you’re becoming irritable, aren’t you? Losing your composure, filled only with resentment and anger?”

Demons hate gods more than they hate humans.

With that demon’s malice, Burke will become the same.

He will hate people, hate gods, and hate the bright light.

“Your sister possesses a light incomparable to mine.”

And the one who embodies both is Claire Ryan.

She is loved by the light.

And because of that, she cannot be with Burke.

“Your sister will become a great priest, no, she must become one. That’s the only way she can be saved. The only way she can live.”

Burke’s eyes trembled. He was trying his best to hold onto his sanity.

It was about his sister.

The one he tried to protect even by selling his soul to the demons.

“Your sister is loved by the gods. But she herself resents the gods and the world.”

So it’s painful. Like wearing clothes that don’t fit.

Unable to recognize the love directed at her, she treats it with hatred and resentment.

That thought made her feel the love of the gods as pain.


“If your sister is to live, she must become a priest, even if only in name.”

“Then I…”

“You won’t be able to maintain your sanity by her side. Even if you’re fine now, it won’t be long.”

The one-sided murderous intent directed at me had long since stopped.

“If you’re by her side, if she’s by your side, one of you must die.”

“Then, if I just don’t appear in front of her…!”

“Don’t you get it yet?”

Why would a demon contact a third-rate hunter like Burke?

Why would they share overwhelming power with a child who just screamed that they wanted to live, without any power, influence, or even wealth?

Because he had talent? Because there were no other candidates?

No, no. There was a clear reason it had to be Burke.

“You were chosen from the beginning as a tool to kill Claire.”

Burke said nothing.

He just looked down at his hands, trembling. Was he thinking about the inevitable future?

Did he see bloodstained hands?

I decided to wait for Burke until he finished his contemplation.

Burke, who had been staring at his palms, closed his eyes tightly.

“I don’t want to die.”

It was the heart of Burke himself, not dominated by the magic.

“But if I have to die for Claire to live… you’re right. I have to die. But, but I still don’t want to die without achieving anything…”

Ideals and reality.

Burke shed tears of blood at the fact that they could never align.

“I understand.”

That’s human nature.

What you have to do and what you don’t want to do can be the same.

It’s natural that there are people who can’t choose anything.

Who would want to die?

A strong person is someone who can even give up their life for what they believe is everything.

Burke couldn’t do that.

He was strong enough, but he couldn’t become such a hero. That’s why he became a demon and ended up in this situation.

“I don’t want to die!!”

“I respect your choice. So even if you attack me because you want to live, I won’t resent you. No matter the outcome, I’ll take responsibility for your sister. You can vent all your anger as you wish.”


As if those words were a signal, Burke charged at me.

He wants to live. But if he has to die to save Claire.

In the end, mixed with that contradiction, Burke charged with his sword.

*     *      *

While Lost was fighting Burke and Titan was fighting Tros Ryan.

Linnea took advantage of the moment when no one was paying attention and entered the mansion.


That was Linnea’s impression as she looked around the interior of the mansion.

She is a noble. A daughter of a high-ranking count’s family.

However, the baron’s mansion did not seem lacking compared to her home. No, it was rather excessive.

Extravagance beyond one’s means seemed to lower the dignity of the narrow mansion.

“Ah, I’ve found you. Hello, Baroness. How are you feeling today?”

“I heard an intruder broke into the mansion, but it turns out to be a cute one?”

Rost did not entrust Linnea with any dangerous tasks.

She was merely insurance. When Duke Foris appeared, she was to act as a representative to lead the negotiations on behalf of Titan.

But Linnea thought differently.

It was painful to stay still when there was something she could do.

Therefore, Linnea decided to rescue the kidnapped children while Titan was buying time.

Now, when no one was paying attention, was her stage.

“Do you know where the children who were brought here are?”

“Aha? Despite your cute appearance, your actions are quite crude?”

Linnea threatened the baroness with a self-defense dagger.

In her mind, the hostages needed to be rescued as quickly as possible.

Whether Titan killed the opponent or just distracted them, it didn’t matter.

Right now, Titan was buying time, but soon they would come to their senses and could smuggle the children away.

‘It’s better to be sure.’

Linnea took off the old robe she usually wore to hide herself.

Then, the clothes of the future city, including the pure white robe, from Nidavellir Mountain were revealed. It also revealed her identity.

“You know who I am.”

“Yes, everyone who needs to know, knows. The runaway girl from the Spirine family.”

“You seem quite relaxed.”


The baroness laughed loudly, not frightened at all by Linnea’s approach with the dagger.

“Little girl, can you stab me? Have you ever killed a person?”

The blade of the dagger, which looked like it had never been used, indicated that she was not accustomed to combat.

Could she, who had grown up in a greenhouse, really stab a person easily?

Of course not.

Therefore, the baroness could remain calm despite Linnea’s threats.

Because she believed that someone righteous enough to come to rescue a child would never be able to stab her.

“Yes, when I was around seven years old.”


But that composure crumbled instantly at Linea’s answer.

And at the same time as the baroness understood those words.


Without hesitation, Linea severed the baroness’s wrist.

It wasn’t a clean cut; she completely severed it with a small dagger, as if slicing through the wrist.

“When I was seven, I once encountered an assassin who had successfully infiltrated the mansion.”

Linea shuddered as she spoke.

It was a horrific memory from the past that she wanted to forget but couldn’t.

“Unlucky, I guess. It seemed like the assassin was quite well-trained.”

Linea spoke as she watched the baroness retreat, clutching her wrist.

“Back then, I severed the wrist just like I did to you now.”

“…That must have been tough.”

The baroness took a step back, watching Linea’s reaction.

“Yes. Even though I severed the wrist, the assassin didn’t even blink. But at least you blinked, baroness.”

“Crazy woman…”

“Haha. Back then, I was just a weak girl, so the assassin who seemed unscathed despite the terrible wound was terrifying.”

As someone who had received medical training, the fear was even more palpable.

Even though she should have been pressing down on the wound of her severed arm, she had launched an attack.

“So I didn’t stop at the wrist. I divided the elbow, the shoulder, the limbs, and then the neck.”

Terrified, the opponent who showed no sign of pain seemed like an immortal.

So she cut everything that moved in front of her. She screamed as she saw the arm writhing on the floor. She screamed as she stabbed the opponent.

Without even realizing that the opponent was dead.

She was just so scared that she used every means she could.

“It was indeed too harsh for a child to do. So I understood why the people in the mansion avoided me and found me unsettling.”

Linea had a talent.

Her greatest talent was…

“In my eyes, I can see the weak points of my opponent as if they were a manual. When I hold a sword, they appear as lines; when I hold a dagger, they appear as dots; and when I hold nothing, they appear as deep claw marks and bite marks.”

It was the alien power she possessed.

In the world, it was praised as a unique ability or condemned as a curse, a power that changed depending on the situation.

Linea was staring at one of her hands, which was not holding a dagger.

As she said, the form it took varied depending on the weapon she held, but she decided to categorize them all as lines.

Perhaps because she was a beastkin, when she held nothing, her claws were the sharpest.

In her eyes, she saw rough lines as if scratched by claws.

“When I place a sword on those red lines, whatever it is, it gets cut easily. They are lines that show me what I can cut.”

Linea mocked herself.

It was a great power, but she did not desire it.

The people of the mansion knew her secret. They knew that as she grew, her power became stronger.

Because of that, they began to avoid her. They gossiped behind her back and kept their distance.

They were thorough in their etiquette towards their employer, but unfortunately, the beastkin Linea could hear all their gossip.

“So, I left the mansion. I left for a place where no one knew me, intending to live while keeping my secret.”

As her body grew, the number of lines she saw on people’s bodies increased.

Naturally, the world she saw became monotonous.

The world gradually began to be stained with red lines.

“However, it seems that even someone like me was still human…”

She lived to become a doctor. She learned that way and lived that way.

She thought it was just an imitation. As the people of the mansion said, she thought she was a monster.

But it seemed she was wrong.

When she heard the details of the incident, she too could feel anger.

In her eyes, people still looked like mere chunks of meat, not humans…

Nevertheless, it seemed she could still get angry about such things.

“Baroness, now that I see, you are not even human.”

From the Baroness’s hand, instead of blood, dark red smoke was rising. A demon. No, a demon who had already lost all human elements.

“That’s a relief.”

Linea smiled brightly at the meat in front of her.

“There won’t be any blood splattering.”

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