The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 73: A Successful Banquet

Chapter 73: A Successful Banquet

The Black Tulip is really beautiful.

His face brimmed with gentleness as Leewilliam gently stroked the lone Black Tulip. It was by relying on tulips that the family had risen. Naturally, he had a distinct fondness for tulips.

Madam Penlope also gently stroked the purple-black flower: A new type of magic ingredient and a tulip to boot, this is a sign that the family continues to thrive. I previously believed Liszt not to be lucky, yet now it seems that he is the luckiest one in the Tulip Family.

For the sake of the family, the Black Tulips should be promoted vigorously. Said Madam Marie seemingly casually.

Lytton followed up by saying with a trace of innocence: It's so beautiful. Father, can I have a Black Tulip? I want to plant it on my bedroom's window sill so that I can see it every day.

In due time, Lytton. Levis interrupted Lytton. Next, he looked at the plucked capsule and asked Liszt, How many seed have been plucked?

There is a total of thirty five ripe capsules with about thirty seeds each. With Little Fragrance's help, it should be possible to cultivate them on a large scale within half a year's time.

But of course, Little Fragrance's cultivation speed is top-notch among greater sprites.

I will give you the seeds on your return.


The two casually exchanged a few sentences before reaching an agreement regarding the cultivation of the Black Tulips, not leaving any leeway for other people to interject. The brothers were of one mind: Lvera could come on board, but never Lytton. As they were not brought by the same mother, there would naturally be no affection between them.

The count looked at Madam Marie and Lytton.

Then looked at Liszt, who was already much taller than he was. He ultimately didn't say a word.

Madam Penlope whispered in Lvera's ear: The two boys have already formed their own views; Leewilliam's expression is really pleasing to the eye.

Although it was said in a hushed tone.

But everyone was close to each other, so there was no privacy.

Leewilliam had no choice but to act as if he hadn't heard it, saying to Liszt: The flower farm has declined. When I first discovered tulips here, there was a sea of them. I hope that you can reproduce the scene from that time.

The revival of the flower farm has always been part of my plans.

I can see that you understand how to become a qualified lord. The Flower Town has a thriving atmosphere to it, I hope that it continues this way.

After seeing the Black Tulip, the group of people immediately returned to the castle. It was too hot outside. On the way back, Leewilliam saw Blackdragon on the horse field outside the castle. As a Sky Knight, he had a very keen discerning eye regarding horses. He could tell with a glance that Blackdragon was more majestic than his White Leopard.

What is its bloodline?

I don't know. Liszt didn't say that it was of dragon bloodline. Where he to say that, then the count would definitely s.n.a.t.c.h Blackdragon away. Aristocrats paid great importance to dragonhorses.

Perhaps it is of mid-ranked magic beast bloodline. If you manage to breed a herd of equally majestic horses, then I will buy a batch from you to replace my knight order's mounts.

That may have to wait for a long time.

Leewilliam looked meaningfully at Liszt: Don't worry, time is on your side.

In the castle.

The servants had already made ample preparations for the banquet. After a bit of washing up, the banquet had been formally initiated. Servingmen brought dining plates after dining plates before putting them in front of each aristocratic guest. Carter gave his all in instructing the servant team to be well organized.

The guests had no reaction to the food brought by the count as it was what they often ate.

But when seafood was brought, what should have been a plain banquet entered a climax. There were a lot of delicious-looking dishes that they had never eaten before.

What is this? Under the guidance of a maid, Madam Penlope dug out clam flesh from a sh.e.l.l and took a bite. A delicious and soothing flavor, vastly different from that of the dry land based dishes, excited her taste buds, Hmm, it is quite delicious. It is so tender that there is almost no need to chew it.

This is clam, a kind of seafood from the seaside with very delicious flesh. Not only is it very tasty, but can also prevent the occurrence of some diseases.

After learning how from a maid, Lvera peeled a pippi shrimp: And what is this?

As the host, Liszt continued to explain: This is mantis shrimp, perhaps the name pippi shrimp is more interesting. It is of a sweet and delicate flavor and is in no way inferior to the Longtaro Castle's rock lobster. Unfortunately, it is already summer. If it were spring the eggs laying season of the pippi shrimp then it would taste even more delicate and delicious.

Seafood does it come from the sea?

That's right. The Flower Town has no specialty products. In order to improve on the recipes, the only choice was to cast the gaze to the East Coast's Azure Waves Sea. Fortunately, there are countless tasty seafood waiting to be explored.

Seafood was an important source of nutrition.

Currently, there still weren't many aristocrats that had noticed this, but after today's banquet, the Coral Island might welcome a seafood craze. Of course, there was also a chance that it might not. In the eyes of the aristocracy, dry land was much more important than the sea.

At times, what restricted development was not the field of view.

But inertia.

This was what Liszt discovered in the endless words of praise that the people present had for seafood. The count and the others did indeed give seafood quite the high evaluation, but what they wished for was to purchase it from the Flower Town instead of catching it themselves. Perhaps in their view, it would be a waste to let serfs act as fishermen.

Of course I can supply the Tulip Castle with seafood. In fact, you should have also seen that I am in the process of clearing the road through the Thorns Ridge. Once the road is cleared, I will establish the Flower Town's caravan to travel to and fro the Coral City to sell the Flower Town's specialty products at regular intervals.

The count took a sip of red wine and nodded: Once the restriction of the Thorns Ridge is removed, the Flower Town may also develop into a prosperous town just like your sister's. Train a group of knights as the glory of the aristocracy is all along striven for on horseback.

After the seafood.

Another delicacy, dried Wind Peregrine Falcon meat, was served. This was also the final main course. With magic beast meat drawing the main course to an end, it was befitting of a finale.

Seeing that the guests had a good time eating and that no one complained.

As the butler, Carter stood with his back strait and his chin raised to the side. He was filled with pride. Everyone thought that the Flower Town was a barren, shabby town and that the lord ate lousy food and lived a humble life. However, this banquet was enough to display the Flower Town's riches.

Only a rich aristocrat was a dignified aristocrat.

Besides, the servants he led were hard working, which in turn reflected the castle's aristocratic disposition. He was convinced that there was no longer anyone that still believed Liszt to be a countryside baron'.

The Flower Town was a place beloved by the glory of knights.

Master, can the dessert be served? Mrs. Abby has already made enough ice cream.

Go ahead.

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