The Days to Survive with Several Girls on the Uninhabited Island

Chapter 563 565 Draw

Allen didn't expect that when he was in a daze, both Luan and Gai would go crazy.

This made Allen embarrassed.

Facing Allen, Luan and Gai were embarrassed.

However, they still hoped that Allen could judge who had more firewood.

Allen smiled bitterly when he heard what they were talking about.

"You two are jealous, aren't you? You are competing with each other. I don't know what to say."

Allen shook his head helplessly and looked at the firewood. He estimated that he couldn't see anything, so there was only one best solution.

"Well, I declare that you two should have a draw this time! Don't talk nonsense next! Ignite the fire and show it to the ship!"

As soon as Allen opened his mouth, he completely suppressed all the unconvinced voices in Luan and Gai's hearts.

They followed Allen's direction and saw the big white ship.

When they first saw this ship a long time ago, they wanted to ask Allen about it.

But in the end, they had no chance to speak.

It was not until now that they realized what had happened and asked Allen.

"What's this, Master?"

"Yes, it can still walk on the sea. Is it a monster?"

Allen listened to their questions as he arranged the firewood. He had to explain to them slowly.

"This is not a monster. It's called a ship!"

Then Allen shared some knowledge on the sea with Gai and Luan. When the knowledge was almost finished, they also set up the fire rack.

Allen lit the fire. Soon, a huge flame and black smoke soared into the sky on the beach.

The group on the ship, who were voting, saw the black dragon soaring into the sky from a distance, and their expressions became even weirder.

Even Nolan fell into silence, and Peter showed sad expressions.

"Well, that's enough. Let's make a decision as soon as possible!"

Nolan said in silence. Everyone came to their senses and began to vote.

In the end, three people who had quit were excluded. In addition to Nolan, another two groups of people had a draw.

This made everyone stunned, so the final decision was still made by Nolan, who had not voted.

Nolan felt stressed.

But soon, Nolan sighed and said, "This is fate!"

He had made up his mind.

All the sailors were waiting for the final order of Nolan.

On the other hand, there was a look of helplessness on Peter's face. He was waiting for the final judgment.

Nolan looked around his friends and said slowly, "I decide to divide our people into two groups!"

Before he could finish his sentence, his words shocked all the sailors.

"Captain, what are you talking about? What do you mean by divided into two groups? Are you trying to separate us?"

"Yes, captain. We can eat whatever we want, but we can't talk nonsense!"

"That's right, captain. Do you have any unspeakable reason? It's not good for us to split up all of a sudden!"

"I don't want to split up!"

All the sailors were stunned. They had been in the same boat for so many years. No matter what happened, they went through it together.

But today, Nolan suddenly wanted to make a declaration of separation, which was unacceptable to everyone.

Nolan listened quietly. He also knew how much harm his words would bring to them.

But... If he didn't say that at this time, he didn't know what to do. After all, Nolan had his idea.

"All right, shut up. I must have my reason to do so!"

Nolan couldn't stand the nagging of the sailors around him, so he sighed and interrupted them.

All the sailors stopped their noise and looked at him, hoping to get the right answer from him.

Nolan took a deep breath and said slowly.

"I have something that I haven't told you all the time. At that time, we heard the leader of the pirate say that we went to the port to steal the ship. In the end, we got this ship. Do you think that we successfully stole it?"

When all the sailors heard this, they had vaguely thought of something, so the low voice just now slowly weakened.

Everyone was looking at Nolan, waiting for him to continue.

"But we can't steal such a large ship from a heavily guarded port with just a few people!"

"You don't know what happened at that time. When I entered the command room alone, I was caught! When I woke up, I was blindfolded and taken to a strange place. I made a deal with them here."

Nolan slowly spoke out all the threats and deals he had received at that time.

"After they knew that I stole the ship to come to an uninhabited island, they stopped the way to kill me. At the same time, they were willing to give me the ship!"

"At that time, I thought there would be something like pie dropping in the world, but now I know that they did it on purpose. This big ship was useless to them. Then why don't they use this big ship as a tentative weapon?"

"I have just comprehended this. There is a powerful force on this uninhabited island. This ship is bait, that can expose the powerful force. And we are the bait, too."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

After this, Nolan seemed to have aged a lot.

But his words were understood by all the sailors present. This was a tentative matter between the two super forces. They were just people who accidentally got involved in this matter.

So, this was the so-called lying down and being shot.

"Damn it! Why did this happen? I'm so angry!"

"Yes, the life of ordinary people is not life, right?"

"We shouldn't have left the leader of the pirates in the sea. We should keep him and deal with him slowly!"

"That's right. It's so kind of him to throw him into the sea and feed the sharks!"

"The more I think about it, the angrier I get. I want to get him out of the sea right now!"

"All right, shut up. Listen to the captain of the ship!"

All the sailors complained. Some of them were angry that they were used as bait, constantly cursing the conscienceless operation of the powerful forces, making them ruthless cannon fodder. Some people said that it was all the pirate's fault. It was his fault to let them make such a mistake!

But it was just their complaint!

In the end, it was Nolan to decide what they should do next.

"Just do as I said before. Separate!"

"But this time, I still give you a chance, a chance to choose!"

Nolan saw that his crew finally calmed down after the noise and made a decision.

That was to make things clear and let these fellows make their choices, and he would never randomly decide their lives!

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