The Damned Demon

Chapter 549 A Common Enemy

Chapter 549  A Common Enemy

In the ominous, rugged expanse of the Draconis Kingdom, the dark, stormy skies mirrored the turbulent emotions brewing within its heart. Drakar stood on the roof of his towering palace, his dark red eyes gleaming with barely restrained fury as he surveyed his vast domain.

Even though it had been a while, he still couldn't forget the humiliation he suffered at the hands of that alien who was only a junior to him.

He could still feel a stinging sensation in his chest after receiving that thunderous blow that incapacitated him at that time.

"Father, you called for us?" a rumbling voice echoed from behind. Drakar turned to see a bulky young man and a stunningly graceful woman with silvery-lavender hair and voluptuous curves standing before him, their frighteningly large yet elegant wings folded behind their backs.

"You two must have already heard what is going on now in the Bloodburn Kingdom," Drakar spoke in a deep, resonant voice, his dark red eyes burning with hidden flames.

Lysandra nodded slowly, her expression aloof, while Rhygar readily responded, "Yes, father. That alien pig married the young lady of House Thorne today. He must be desperate to gain as much influence as he can. If only there was a way to get past that barrier and crush them once and for all," he added with evident frustration.

"There is no point in trying to think of a way to break the barrier. It's impossible," Drakar said, his gaze narrowing as he looked to Lysandra, "So while we wait for the barrier to come down, we should focus on weakening them through any means possible. You must be able to come up with a way, Lysandra. Can't you?"

Lysandra furrowed her brows briefly, as if she was contemplating something. She then raised her gaze and answered with a deeper furrow of her brows, "Their kingdom thrives mostly on trades and alliances, not only from within their kingdom but also with those around them. We can send our people to force these small kingdoms, clans, and tribes to stop dealing with the bloodburners. But the werewolves would definitely interfere, just to ensure we aren't trying to gain more lands or power. It wouldn't be the first time. And now that their Moon Guardian has returned, it wouldn't be possible at all. They will be more united than ever."

Rhygar clicked his tongue in frustration, his eyes narrowing, "Does that mean we can't do anything but watch them slowly raise their strength? That alien will definitely be planning something using the time he has bought for himself and his kingdom."

Drakar's lips curved into a cold smile, "You two are right. We can't send our people directly, but it would be very foolish to do nothing but watch as they try to build their strength."

"Then what can we do, Father?" Rhygar asked, his jaw clenched tightly.

Drakar's eyes gleamed with a cunning light as he spoke, "Since force isn't the right strategy here, we will act as the generous patrons. Send our merchants and traders and order them to directly do business with every clan, tribe, and kingdom surrounding theirs, no matter how small. Tell them to offer a very kind offer that none of them can refuse."

Lysandra furrowed her brows, skepticism etched across her face, "Wouldn't that make us bear a huge loss of life crystals without even considering the losses due to the long distance?"

Drakar scoffed, a confident smirk playing on his lips, "The bloodburners have always been too proud and arrogant, believing that the people living outside their kingdom would forever be loyal to them. Now, let's make them realize how loyal they truly are. We will starve them until their internal resources can't catch up with their consumption. Then maybe we won't even have to lift a single finger to destroy them before the barrier lifts. This is more than enough to compensate for our losses in this period. We have the highest resources in this world. So we can afford to do it."

Rhygar's eyes lit up with cruel delight, "That's such a great plan, Father! This will definitely not let those bloodburner pigs grow any stronger but instead get crippled, hehe," he said, a wicked smirk spreading across his face. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Lysandra, slowly nodding, added with a look of approval, "It's an excellent plan, my king. I shall start preparations right away."

Drakar hummed in satisfaction, "You two deal with that while I have some other business to take care of," he said, his massive jet-black dragon-like wings unfurling. With a powerful leap, he soared into the skies, leaving a gust of wind in his wake.

Rhygar, excitement coursing through him, turned to his mother eagerly, "Mother, are you willing to come with me to scout for the right merchants and traders?"

Lysandra responded without even glancing at him, her tone detached, "I can't. I have other matters to attend to as well," she said, her dark red gown billowing as she walked away.

Rhygar clicked his tongue in frustration, muttering under his breath, "What matters would that be when nothing can be more important than this?"

Meanwhile, after a swift and silent flight, Drakar landed in the dead and desolate wastelands of the Oseon Continent. The land, barren and lifeless, stretched out before him, a stark contrast to the bustling kingdom he ruled. His sharp gaze scanned the horizon, as if searching for something or someone hidden in the bleak landscape. His voice echoed with commanding authority, "You don't have to hide. I am not here to kill anyone. But my patience is limited."

No sooner had the words left his lips than the air shimmered before him, flickering as two figures materialized out of the ether.

The first was a short, bald man with yellow skin, round ears, and large murky gray eyes—an unassuming appearance that belied the calculating glint in his eyes. However, any ordinary man would easily recognize this harmless figure as an infamous Mindslayer, notorious for their frightening power over the mind despite being physically weak.

Beside him stood a mesmerizing beauty, her voluptuous curves accentuated by a flowing, silken gown that sparkled in the dim golden light. Her long, golden hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing a face of captivating allure.

Her almond-shaped emerald eyes, framed by thick lashes, held an intensity and wisdom that contrasted with her youthful appearance. They seemed to shift in color with the light, drawing in anyone who dared meet her gaze. Her silk gown clung to her body, emphasizing a slender waist that flared out to full hips and a well-endowed bosom, creating a deep, tempting cleavage. Three bushy, golden tails swayed hypnotically behind her, making even Drakar momentarily entranced by her beauty and making him wonder how such an exquisite creature could stay hidden from this sight for so long.

He thought that other than Lysandra and Rowena, no other woman could charm him so much with just a glimpse of her figure, and yet it seemed as if he just didn't search for more properly.

However, he reluctantly had to put away these thoughts for now since nothing could best the boiling fury he couldn't wait to unleash upon that alien.

Shifting his gaze to the short, bald man, he addressed him with a mixture of disgruntlement and familiarity, "Orbos... it's been a long time, hasn't it? How's life treating you after using your little clever head to play for every side? My late father definitely sends his wishes from the Seven Hells."

Orbos responded with a respectful smile, a glint of cunning in his eyes, "Your Majesty flatters me. I am but a simple scholar who seeks to help those in need, just like Your Majesty and Her Grace here."

"King Drakar... you look even mightier in person," Kira said, her voice a melodious whisper.

"And you…the last Queen of the Eclipsion Kingdom is more beautiful than I could have imagined. Who would have ever thought the only daughter of the last king survived and even succeeded him after all these years. Makes one wonder how merciful fate can be," Drakar said with a smile as he comfortably ogled at her assets.

Kira wrinkled her nose briefly and said with a cold smile, "I wouldn't call it merciful. I am nothing but a queen of whatever remains of my kingdom," She then added as she raised one of her brows, "So is Orbos right in telling me that you can help me take care of a very important matter concerning my people?"

Drakar's eyes narrowed, a glint of doubt flashing within their depths, "This important matter, I believe, involves the Bloodburn Kingdom? I am glad to know that at least you understand the truth, even if the world blames my people for the unfortunate demise of your beautiful kingdom."

Kira's response was a short, charming giggle, but her eyes held a cold, dark light, "I know more than just the truth, King Drakar. I am aware that your kingdom benefited and scavenged from the remains of mine."

Drakar furrowed his brows but did not refute her claim. The truth, as inconvenient as it was, lingered between them.

"But none of that would have come true if not for the atrocities carried out by the Bloodburn Kingdom," Kira continued, her voice steady but laced with a sharp edge, "The only thing I want now is for their kingdom to suffer the same fate as mine. I aim to take their place since they have stolen my people's."

Drakar couldn't help but marvel at the dreadful aura emanating from such a charming and alluring woman. Her intensity was palpable, her killing intent unmistakable. He remained cautious, however, and asked, "What makes you think you can do anything to them on your own? Even with my help, do you think the werewolves would sit still?"

Kira's smile turned even more enchanting, her confidence unwavering, "I heard that you are looking to obtain a special key from Asher. I will help you get it as long as you provide me with the resources I need. As for the werewolves, let me worry about them."

Drakar's eyebrows briefly raised in intrigue before he laughed, a deep, resonant sound that echoed across the barren landscape, "How interesting. I have no need to doubt the words of someone who hid in an enemy kingdom for over a century. It's a pity we didn't meet sooner. I never thought I would be thanking you for this, Orbos."

Orbos smiled, a sly glint in his eyes. "There's no need, Your Majesty. We are all merely doing the devils' work."

Drakar turned his attention back to Kira, his eyes burning with renewed determination, "Very well, Kira. We have a common enemy and a shared goal. We will see the Bloodburn Kingdom fall and its remnants scattered to the winds."

Kira's smile widened, her emerald eyes gleaming with a mix of satisfaction and dark anticipation, "Then let us begin. The downfall of the Bloodburn Kingdom will be a spectacle the world will never forget."

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