The Damned Demon

Chapter 441 Just Like Those Times

441  Just Like Those Times

Guided into a secure room by Naida and Eradicator, Asher was reassured by Eradicator's diligence, "We checked this room thoroughly. It is safe for you to stay, Your Majesty," she stated with certainty.

Asher responded with a light chuckle, "I am sure it is. It's not like Lysandra would be sending me here to die after all that. But good work... both of you. Urgh..." His words were abruptly cut off by a grimace of pain, a searing heat spreading through his body.

He felt like his bones, nerves, and everything were slowly being melted. If this keeps up, he might go crazy.

Eradicator instinctively stepped forward, the gaze from her crimson slit wavering, but she was unsure how to alleviate his discomfort.

At that moment, Naida stepped in, her actions swift and practiced. She assisted Asher towards the bed, her voice calm and reassuring, "I'll prepare some potion to help you feel better," she told him.

Eradicator looked at the two for a second before she bowed respectfully and exited the room, leaving the king in Naida's capable hands. After letting Asher lean onto a soft pillow on the bed, he asked with a grimace, "The key…it's safe, right?"

Naida smiled as her fingers reached the cleavage of her dress, making Asher blink his eyes.

Then, with a sudden, graceful motion, she dipped her fingers into the V of her dress, and then she withdrew her hand, the crimson hilt glinting in the dim light. "As promised, I would never let it fall into the wrong hands," Saying so, she placed the hilt on the table and then moved to a table, where she skillfully prepared a potion, pouring it into a chalice.

Asher was surprised that she hid the key in such a vulnerable place, or maybe it was not that surprising since there weren't many options left to hide it.

But who would have known this harmless-looking hilt was the reason the most powerful kingdom was trying to hunt him down. He definitely had to find out the secrets behind this 'key'.

However, with the room now quieter and now that they were alone, Asher couldn't stop wondering what Naida was thinking about what she saw back there.

If she tells someone, he will be finished. Not even Rowena would tolerate someone who has some sort of relation with radiant mana. It goes against the beliefs of demons and would make them feel threatened.

Isola was able to accept it not only because of the initial circumstances but because she had never fought a Hunter in her life until she came out of the seas. And so he wanted to make sure for once and for all, "About what happ-"

"I always wondered about your origins, Your Majesty," But before he could complete his sentence, Naida unexpectedly interjected, her tone curious yet gentle. She then turned to face him with a thoughtful smile, "It's like you dropped out of the sky since you can't be from our world. Thus... an alien. You fascinated everyone in good and bad ways the first day we knew of your existence, even though you were just a soulless child. Some people thought you were an abomination that was never meant to exist."

Holding the conversation, Asher accepted the chalice from her, his eyes narrowed. Naida then sat down beside him, her demeanor open and inquisitive, "I also wondered if you had any idea of your origins. But if you knew, you would probably be doing something to get back," she mused, her eyes searching his for any hint of recognition or understanding.

Asher, his expression contemplative, took a sip of the cooling potion. Naida's words stirred questions within him, but answers seemed just out of reach, obscured by the unknown.

Naida continued, her voice tinged with wonder and a hint of melancholy, "It makes me wonder if there really is life outside our world, even if it's hard to imagine, considering how everything outside our world is filled with death," she said, her head shaking softly.

Asher remained silent, pondering her words as he took another sip of the potion. All these things were something he wondered as well.

However, now he wasn't in the mood to ponder about it.

Then, Naida's tone shifted to one of warmth as she focused back on Asher, "But you, my king... I had a feeling you were special when our late king brought you in. I just didn't realize it completely until after the trial. You are truly a worthy man."

Asher felt a stir in his chest at her words, sensing the sincerity and depth of her words.

It prompted him to voice the question that had been lingering in his mind, "Why aren't you asking me about what you saw?"

Naida's smile was gentle and understanding as she replied, "Other than the fact that you may not want to talk about it, I felt knowing the answer wouldn't change anything... not for me, at least."

Asher was taken aback by Naida's unwavering faith in him. Her trust, so blindly and resolutely placed, was unexpected, and it stirred a deep sense of feelings within him. Why would someone like her do so? Yet, he couldn't help but question her certainty, "What makes you so sure? What if the truth would make you want to kill me, and nobody would blame you for it?" he asked, probing the depths of her previous words.

He also wondered why he wasn't feeling worried that she might actually try to have him killed or at least questioned forcibly. Anyone would have tried to do that in her place.

Naida didn't hesitate as she said in a heartfelt tone, "I would rather kill myself than kill you, even if you are someone who ends up destroying our world. If somebody else had seen what I saw, I would have killed them for you," she declared softly, her bright red eyes shining with an intense fervor despite the softness of her voice.

Asher had never seen such a look in her eyes, as if she really meant it despite the casual way she said it.

And before he knew it, he found himself drawn towards her, their gazes locked in an intimate proximity. Yet, as their eyes met, Asher hesitated, his conscience reminding him of the boundaries he should not cross. He turned his neck away, mindful of the respect he owed to House Valentine including Vernon and the fact that Naida was someone else's wife. It wouldn't be right to do anything improper for no good reason. He had no quarrels against them, and it wouldn't be wise to create a reason that could offend them.

He also felt that whatever feelings he was feeling now was because of Raziel's memories, confusing him. He should set his head straight and separate his life from someone else's.

Naida maintained her smile as she asked with a raise of her brow, "Is the potion helping you feel better?" "Yes, it's—Urgh!" Asher's reply was cut short as he suddenly grimaced, a powerful wave of heat radiating through his body. It felt as though his organs were aflame, an intense and searing discomfort.

Naida's expression shifted to one of alarm as she quickly took the chalice from his trembling hands, preventing it from falling, "Are you alright, my king? You are burning up," she asked, her brows furrowed in worry as she touched her palm against his forehead.

As the heat continued to torment him, Asher conveyed his agony to Naida, "I…I feel too hot, as if I'm being burned alive from inside, urgh…" he gasped, his voice strained with pain.

Naida's expression tightened with worry. Realizing the severity of his condition, she advised, "You should remove your clothes and let your skin breathe in the cool air. It might help alleviate some of the heat."

Asher, desperate for any relief, attempted to undress, but his hands trembled uncontrollably, making the task nearly impossible. Seeing his struggle, Naida gently intervened, "Please, let me," she offered, her voice tinged with concern.

Carefully and respectfully, she assisted Asher in removing his robes and pants until he was in his underwear.

As the cool air made contact with his skin, Asher felt a slight reprieve from the burning sensation, though the pain persisted.

Observing that Asher was still in distress, Naida sighed, her face reflecting her determination to help him.

She slowly took his hand and placed it against her bare skin on her upper chest, "Let me take away the heat from you," she said softly, wincing slightly, "And you can take the cold from my blood."

Asher's eyebrows raised in surprise as he felt a dark, cold mana flowing from Naida into his body. The sensation was both startling and soothing, like being submerged in a cool, tranquil pool. The cold mana began to counteract the scorching heat ravaging his insides, offering him a much-needed respite.

As the cool, soothing energy continued to alleviate Asher's pain, he noticed Naida's expression contorting with discomfort. He could see that she was also using her mana to absorb the scorching heat being produced inside his body. It had to go somewhere afterall.

Concerned, he attempted to withdraw his hand from her skin, not wanting to cause her any more pain.

However, Naida held firmly onto his hand, her grip unyielding.

Asher, increasingly worried, insisted firmly, "Stop, Lady Naida…I'm already feeling better."

Naida, her face marked with a pained grimace, softly responded, "Just a bit more... so that you can sleep peacefully for the rest of the night." Asher's heart clenched upon seeing the toll it was taking on her. If she keeps this up too long, her skin could get burned or worse.

Her pale skin was now tinged with color, and sweat glistened on her body. He knew it must be agonizing for her.

Vampires were susceptible to heat, and her skin was now uncharacteristically warm. He was about to protest again when her grip loosened, and she slumped forward, her eyelids drooping.

Asher's reflexes kicked in, and he leaned forward to catch her, his arms instinctively wrapping around her waist. Their foreheads touched as he asked with genuine concern, "Do you need a healing potion?"

By now, he was feeling a lot better and almost normal.

Naida's eyes fluttered open, meeting his gaze, "Your arms... They are very comfortable. For now... all I need is them...just like those times," she replied softly, her smile tender while her eyes were distant as if remembering something.

"Naida…" Asher whispered her name, his voice barely audible. The emotions simmering in her bright red eyes stirred something within him, a feeling he struggled to define.

The memories he struggled to separate himself from flooded in, especially the ones where he held Selene when she was dying in his arms. Only in the last cycle was he able to hold her where she wasn't dying, and the warmth they shared in that moment felt the same as what he was feeling now.

Suddenly, the distance between them vanished. His fingers gently brushed a stray strand of her ruby-red hair from her face, and before he knew it, he was leaning in, capturing her rosy lips in a searing kiss.

Whoa...what's he thinking? :#

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