The Damned Demon

Chapter 439  A Blast From The Past

Chapter 439  A Blast From The Past

A few moments ago,

Asher was keeping an eye on Drakar and Boragaor since they were the most dangerous ones in the hall he had to look out for while the rest were busy fending off the werewolves.

But then he saw Boragor shouting, and the next moment, he saw a small orb flying through the air that was beginning to glow with a radiant golden light, making his eyes widen in recognition.

But before he could process his shock, he saw Naida fighting off a bunch of draconian guards a couple of feet away, where the orb was about to fall, and she was too busy to notice.

"Everyone get down!" He shouted at the others, though he wasn't worried since they were still far away. However, Eradicator, hearing his shout, immediately pushed Leonidas, Caelum, and Silvan away while using her cloak to shield her and the three of them.

As for Naida, Asher rushed towards her while the orb fell on the floor, humming louder and the light's brilliance beginning to fill the hall.

Naida grimaced as the light made her eyes shut close while Asher's dark yellow irises began to turn a radiant gold as he got to her.

"Get down!" Asher wrapped his arms around her as he pushed her down while covering her body with his.


The golden orb exploded in a magnificent burst of light, and the entire banquet hall was engulfed in a blinding golden radiance, eliciting screams of agony from those caught in its radiance.

The blast was so powerful that it sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shaking the very foundations of the hall. Those who were too near to the explosion were instantly vaporized before they could even let out a whimper, their bodies reduced to nothing more than a faint mist that dissipated into the air. The draconians cried out in agony as the explosion's radiance seared their eyes, leaving them blinded and disoriented. The intense light singed their scales, causing them to writhe and scream in pain.

Drakar, though less affected by the blast and having protected himself with his singed wings, was still left reeling as the radiant pulse from the shockwaves disrupted all his senses as he stumbled away.

The werewolves, including Boragor, who came fully prepared with heavy cloaks and masks, weren't completely unfazed. They felt the force of the explosion as their feet were dragged backward, their grunts echoing as they struggled to face the bone-crushing shockwaves.

The hall was filled with a deafening silence, broken only by the faint echoes of the explosion and the cries of the injured.

Those who didn't even directly face it or tried to protect themselves, like Eradicator and the others, were still caught off guard. Their bodies lost strength temporarily as all their senses were thrown into disarray by the intense radiant mana that washed over them.

Amidst this chaos, only Asher and Naida remained unfazed by the light. Instead, Asher felt the pain and exhaustion he was feeling, getting suppressed to a great degree as the light enveloped him.

Without him even realizing it, a thin layer of golden light was wrapped around Naida, which disappeared the next moment as the golden light began to dim.

Naida's eyes were blinking in disbelief as she slowly turned around and looked at Asher, his eyes glowing with a golden light that was getting dimmer until they returned to their original dark yellow color.

Asher saw the look on her face as the realization of her making sense of what just happened made him hold his breath.

"You…" Naida's lips parted, her brows furrowing as if she wanted to say something, though she wanted to say something.


But her attention shifted as a couple of werewolves were about to ambush them, making Naida get up as she turned to deal with them while Asher was finally able to release his breath, wondering if he was fucked.

Just why does it always have to happen in such unexpected ways? But most of all, how the hell did these werewolves get their hands on his blood?

These demons…first it was his head and now his blood. He also felt the pain and exhaustion slowly coming back. He couldn't understand how he was unaffected. He knew it was once his power but he was a demon now. It wasn't making sense at all, though he didn't have the luxury to ponder about it now.

In the aftermath of the explosion, as the light began to recede, Lysandra emerged from the side doors. Her entrance was timely, and she immediately took in the scene before her with squinted eyes. Her sharp gaze landed on Asher, who, unlike the others, stood unaffected by the blast. She furrowed her brows in confusion and disbelief, not expecting him to not get affected by such a powerful blast of radiant mana.

But she quickly refocused her attention when she noticed Boragor and his werewolves exploiting the disarray, charging directly towards Asher. They were ruthlessly cutting down the disoriented guards and nobles in their path, their movements swift and deadly.

Lysandra's eyes glinted with a deadly determination as her figure vanished from the spot. Boragor, who was leaping over the draconians while clawing away at their necks, was surprised to see this alien brat still standing despite the explosion of such powerful radiant light.

But he quickly refocused on his mission as he knew there was no time to linger around here once the draconians recovered, especially Drakar. Only mere seconds were left to make his move.

But he was confident in his ability to seize Asher's head and make a swift escape.

In his confidence, Boragor pulled out a disc-like metal object, glowing ominously with a dark red light. He threw it behind Asher, who was now encircled by werewolves, effectively cutting off his escape routes. But Asher recognized the disc as a very powerful item known as a Portal Disc that could open a teleportation portal to transport people dozens of kilometers away from their current location. No wonder these werewolves confidently barged in. Everything was so well planned that he wondered if the Moonbinder Clan helped them out again. Just why were they so hell-bent on getting him?

The disc expanded, forming a dark red portal, but Asher found himself unable to reach it due to the werewolves surrounding him. Eradicator and the others were still reeling from the disorientation caused by the explosion.

Boragor, with a malicious grin, readied his claws for the kill, "Haha, you will be the first short-lived king of your kingdom," he declared triumphantly. However, just as his claws were about to strike Asher, a woman's hand emerged suddenly from the space beside him, grabbing Boragor's neck and forcefully smashing him to the floor.

Naida, who also reached Asher just in time, stopped upon seeing Lysandra getting ahead of her.

Lysandra, having intervened just in time, shot a quick, urgent glance towards Asher while moving her lips in a whispery manner as she only wanted him to hear and then she shifted her gaze towards the portal. Her silent gesture was clear – the portal was their only way out.

The werewolves growled in fury at seeing their chief, Boragor, sneak attacked by the draconian queen. Several of the more powerful werewolves lunged at Lysandra, intent on defending their leader. But Lysandra was not one to be easily overwhelmed. Her dark silver wings unfurled in the blink of an eye with a powerful burst of wind, and with swift, precise movements, she used the sharp ends of her wings to slice through their vital veins, causing them to collapse to the floor.

Boragor, enraged by Lysandra's interference, growled fiercely, "Bitch, stay out of my way!" He lunged at her, initiating a fierce and intense battle between them. The two engaged in a deadly dance of claws and wings, each strike filled with lethal intent.

Meanwhile, Asher, realizing the urgency of the situation, saw that some werewolves were still blocking their path to the portal. He also didn't want to leave behind Eradicator and the others, even if the path was clear.

He and Naida assisted Eradicator and the others to their feet, "A portal has opened, we have to leave now," he said, unsure if they could hear him since he knew such a powerful explosion of radian mana would disrupt not only their sight but all their senses.

But to his relief and astonishment, Eradicator quickly regained her composure. She stood upright, immediately looking at her king before focusing on the portal. With a powerful charge, she swung her heavy blade, cleaving through the werewolves blocking their escape route.

"Your Majesty," Eradicator called out.

Asher grasped Leonidas and Silvan, guiding them towards the portal. Eradicator, with equal determination, lifted Caelum with one hand and headed for the portal.

However, Oberon was still a few feet away, writhing in pain on the floor, his eyes blurry. He was quite far from the blast and managed to even take cover just in time fortunately.

Still, it wasn't enough to protect him completely, though he was clear-headed enough to barely see Asher and the others trying to escape through the portal.

His eyes widened as he shouted with all his might, "Nooo!! Wait for me!!"

His scream echoed across enough to reach Asher, who was rushing towards the portal while dragging along Leonidas. But as Asher reached the portal, he shot a quick, cold smile at Oberon before taking another step forward.

Oberon's eyes widened to their extremities as he saw that cruel smile, a silent message that he was being abandoned, making his face turn a few shades paler.

However, at that moment, Drakar, recovering from the disorientation, turned to witness Asher and his people making their escape through the portal. His reaction was immediate and furious, "NO!!" he roared, his teeth gritted in anger. His black wings unfurled menacingly as he charged towards the portal, his dark red eyes ablaze with a deadly resolve.

But the portal was already beginning to close, making Drakar get fueled by desperation and fury, mustering all his strength in an attempt to breach it. However, just as his hand was mere inches from the closing gateway, the portal snapped shut, thwarting his pursuit. He withdrew his hand sharply, coming to an abrupt halt.

"They must not be outside our kingdom! Get out and search for them! Now!" Drakar bellowed, his command reverberating throughout the hall. The remaining guards and nobles, regardless of their injuries, scrambled to their feet and hastily dispersed to carry out his orders.

Drakar unleashed a roar of anger and frustration, the intensity of his emotions palpable in the air.

He then turned around, only to be confronted with a sight of Lysandra standing amidst a scene of carnage, holding Boragor's severed head, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of werewolves.

"Why did you kill him before I could make him say who allowed him to get inside our kingdom?" Drakar demanded, his voice laced with menace.

Lysandra met his gaze unflinchingly, "I had no choice. He was trying to kill Asher. Would you rather lose the key?" she answered, her tone firm.

Drakar clenched his fists, his features contorting with anger, "Droco must have let them inside. Only he could be capable of that after knowing our secrets. We will deal with the audacity of these dogs infiltrating our kingdom later. But first... we can't let Asher get back to his kingdom with that key," he stated darkly.

"And what happens if he does?" Lysandra inquired, her brows furrowing.

"Then you can forget about killing him anytime soon," Drakar replied, his eyes glinting with a menacing resolve.

Lysandra's attention then shifted to Oberon, who was still struggling after a draconian guard beat him up. They stopped after receiving a glance from Lysandra, "What about him? We can hold him hostage as a backup. He might prove to be useful," she suggested.

"You deal with it then. I have bigger things to deal with now," Drakar responded dismissively before walking away, leaving Lysandra to make her decision.

Oberon's body and senses were aching as he struggled to regain his bearings. His vision was blurry, still affected by the aftermath of the radiant and explosive chaos. But the pain of getting abandoned and left to die hurt him more than anything. He never expected those traitorous bastards would really dare to leave him, a decorated prince of the kingdom, in the middle of this death trap.

Gradually, his eyes began to adjust, the sharp scent of blood and death permeating the air around him.

As he looked around, the sight that greeted him was one of carnage - dead werewolves and draconians lay strewn across the banquet hall.

Determined to still try to find a way to escape, he attempted to rise with a gasp, but his movements were halted as a shadow loomed ominously over him.

Lifting his gaze, Oberon found himself staring into the chilling eyes of the draconian queen, Lysandra. Her presence was suffocating, freezing him in place. A wave of terror washed over him as he knew what would happen if they got their hands on him.

Oberon gritted his teeth as he felt Asher must have purposefully left him behind to suffer at the hands of these draconians. He would have rather chosen death than get captured.

Rhygar, stepping forward, noticed Oberon's plight, "Oh? This bloodburn pig got left behind? Maybe I can keep him entertained for you, mother. You don't have to bother with the likes of him," he said with a sadistic grin, relishing the opportunity to torment Oberon.

" kill me..." Oberon rasped out as blood trickled down his lips.

"Do whatever you want, but don't let him die," Lysandra said with a cold look before walking away, her mind already distracted with other thoughts.

Oberon, despite his fear, managed to retort defiantly, "Stay the fuck away. My queen won't let this go," He believed Rowena would try to get him out somehow. After all, he was still part of her House and she would still be holding some kind of sentiment towards him after knowing each other for all these years other than being related by blood.

Rhygar laughed cruelly, his confidence unshaken, "Your queen isn't here to save your sorry ass, hehe," he taunted, reaching down to grab Oberon.

As Rhygar's hands closed in, Oberon gritted his teeth, bracing himself for the worst. His vision was obscured by Rhygar's looming figure, his fate now in the hands of his enemies. He didn't even dare to imagine if getting tortured under Asher's hands was going to be worse than his current predicament.


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