The Damned Demon

Chapter 377 Don’t Pry Too Much

Chapter 377 Don't Pry Too Much

Asher's gaze followed Kira as she moved around the room with the grace of a dancer, her every step seemed choreographed to captivate.

She offered him a seat with the elegance of a queen in her court, and he took it, the plush cushion embracing him as he settled in.

"Since you have exceeded my expectations, you have proved yourself just like you said you will to become my 'friend'," Asher said with a raise of his brow.

Kira's smile was like a crescent moon, alluring and slightly mysterious, "To be called a 'friend' by you is a crest I shall wear with honor," she responded, her voice a melody that played upon the air, "I assure you, my loyalty is as steadfast as the tides."

As she gracefully seated herself across from him, Asher's eyes couldn't help but linger momentarily on the smooth expanse of her skin down to her deep ravine, showcased so enticingly by her gown.

She seemed to notice, for the edges of her smile deepened just so, and she poured the aromatic drink with a flourish that suggested she knew exactly the effect she was having.

Kira handed him a cup, the scent of the drink pulling him back to the matter at hand, "The Deviar is quite the prize," she said, her eyes locked onto his, "After your triumph over Prince Agonon, I doubt anyone would dare question your authority because of your origins and background. That treasure alone is a deterrent in its own right."

Asher accepted the cup, the warmth from the liquid seeping into his hands while knowing what exactly she was talking about.

He then took a measured sip, his eyes never leaving Kira, "So tell me, Kira, how exactly did you find out about Oberon and his dragon?"

With a graceful gesture that made her tails ripple, Kira caressed her flute, her voice smooth as honey, "You flatter me, darling. I don't want to brag, but it takes someone who can create illusions to please people to discern other beings experiencing such an illusion. In this case, it didn't take much effort to see Jesryth is fooled to think Oberon is worthy of being its Master."

She then shook her head with a look of disapproval, "But such methods are not really dependable. Things can go wrong any time when you apply them to powerful beasts like dragons. There is a reason Oberon rarely calls upon Jesryth."

Asher's eyes narrowed just a fraction, a flicker of intrigue passing through them, "How interesting. But why does it feel like you already knew this before I even asked you?"

Her lips curled into a coy smile, "And what leads you to believe such a thing?"

The corners of his mouth tilting up slightly, he asked, "Does the term 'Oseon Continent' ring any bells?"

For a moment, Kira's expression wavered imperceptibly, her emerald eyes sharpening. But on the outside, her expression was smooth as ever as she said, "Oseon? It does ring a bell. But it's just filled with death and strife, hardly worthy of interest. It may have been quite famous almost two centuries ago, but now...nobody cares."

"But some do," Asher chuckled, swirling the contents of his cup, "...especially certain people like Rebecca, who has been rather... persistent in her quest to uncover how her son fell into a coma. To find someone capable of inducing such a state without a trace? She wasn't wrong to think that there couldn't be many with such exceptional talent in our world."

"I do feel flattered by your judgment of my capabilities, my king," Kira said, her voice a melody that danced in the air, "But you needn't worry about what Rebecca does. It won't affect us."

Asher, sitting across from her, hummed thoughtfully. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his gaze never leaving Kira, "I had thought to intervene and stop Rebecca, thinking you might have a connection to the Oseon Continent."

For a fraction of a second, a flicker of change passed through Kira's eyes, but her expression remained as serene as a still lake.

Asher took another sip as he added, "But to my surprise, it seems Rebecca found nothing that could satisfy her curiosity. Anyway, my efforts would have been wasted since you said we shouldn't be concerned."

Kira clicked her tongue in pity, "Poor Rebecca must be quite frustrated. But I feel moved that you almost decided to stop her for my sake," Her eyes trembled with nervousness and worry as she said with a look of pain, "If she one day finds out it's me, she will definitely leave my body dry of blood. But what can I do? Your needs are more important than my measly life. You still have to be careful though," Kira sighed with a coy blinking of her eyes.

Asher's smile widened, "Oh, how lucky I am to have a sincere madam like you willing to do my bidding. But don't worry about me. She knows I'm not capable of such a thing," His voice carried a hint of disappointment as he added, "It's a shame, though... If you had some connection to the Oseon Continent, I would've been very interested in the fall of the Kingdom of Eclipsion. It is one of the intriguing mysteries of our world, even though people think they got too greedy and caused their own downfall or that Draconians secretly caused their fall. So many theories are there as to what happened."

Kira's eyes narrowed slightly, her gaze becoming sharper.

However, the corners of her lips curved in a subtle smile, "Eclipsion's fall? Haai~…It was quite a tragic event. Such a kingdom of wisdom and magic, gone in the blink of an eye."

Asher leaned back, observing her, "True. Their kingdom wasn't as old as our kingdom, but they rapidly gained power. Some say that if they had lasted another five hundred years, they might've rivaled even the Draconis Kingdom."

Kira's tails swayed slowly behind her, each movement hypnotic. She took a sip from her drink, her gaze never leaving Asher,

"Rivaling the Draconis Kingdom? Now, that would've been a sight to behold," Kira mused, her voice laced with a hint of amusement, "But alas, history is written by the victors, and Eclipsion is but a whisper in the wind now."

Asher watched her closely, a knowing look in his eyes, "Yes, very tragic indeed for a kingdom that had such a bright future and was so proud in nature," Asher mused, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity, "They even refused an alliance with us when House Valentine proposed one 230 years ago. It's as if they were confident of their potential."

Kira shook her head, "Too proud for their own good, don't you think?" Her voice was a melody, each word dripping with a mix of charm and sarcasm.

Asher shrugged, his eyes never leaving hers, "But why wouldn't they be? The race of Caleumbra, which ruled the kingdom, was known for their few numbers yet also for their frightening power of illusions, making even the Draconis Kingdom not try any reckless moves to usurp their kingdom. But how did they end up going extinct? You are quite the expert when it comes to not only illusions but also information. So, do you have any idea how they failed to see their own greed? Were they that hungry for power like the draconians or too foolish enough to get taken advantage of?"

Kira's tails stopped dancing as they slowly floated down. Her gaze locked onto Asher's, a mysterious smile playing on her lips, "How could a lowly Madam like me guess such things? My illusions are mere tricks, not worthy of your compliment and you overestimate how informed I am," she said, her voice laced with humility and then looked down, "Ora~ You finished your drink already. Let me fill it up for you," She stood up and turned to refill his drink, her fluffy tails swaying hypnotically behind her.

However, Asher stood up, following her with his gaze, "I didn't know mere tricks were enough to fool House Thorne and charm their young lords without even making them realize that they were slowly walking towards their grave," he said, his voice holding a deeper meaning.

As she poured the drink, her eyes momentarily glowed with a dangerous light, unseen by Asher.

She spoke nonchalantly, her voice smooth and controlled, "I really have no idea what you're talking about. Please, darling, stop teasing me like this. It's not charming of you."

Asher curved his lips as he slowly walked towards her, each step deliberate, closing the distance between them, "I also heard the Caleumbras were served by a respected noble tribe of Vulpins, known for being their advisers," he began, his voice low and steady, "And there was a rumor that the fallen king of Eclipsion had an affair with the matriarch of that tribe... and even fathered a child. Such a union is considered impossible because of their bloodlines being so different. But I guess it was one of those one-in-a-million chances."

Kira's hand, still holding the bottle, tightened imperceptibly. Her breathing remained even, but the subtlest shift in her aura betrayed a flicker of tension.

Asher stepped closer, now standing right behind her. He leaned in, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered with a subtle smile, "But I think that child is alive, closer to us than we think. What do you think? Do you maybe know them? They must be pretty old by now."

But his brows furrowed when suddenly, Kira's aura began to subtly shift.

The air around her seemed to shimmer with an unfamiliar energy, and her form began to transform, revealing something he had never seen before.

Her slender figure became more ethereal, her skin glowing with a faint, otherworldly sheen that reflected soft hues of silver.

The three golden tails swayed more gracefully, almost mesmerizingly, as if imbued with a deeper magic. Her fox-like ears, already pointed, became slightly more elongated, echoing the elegance of the Caleumbras he had seen in books.

The delicate horns that emerged from her hair glistened pearly white, curving elegantly back amidst her luscious golden locks.

Then, in one fluid, mesmerizing motion, Kira turned around to face Asher.

Her eyes, now larger and more luminous, glowed with a captivating green, their vertical pupils dilating as they locked onto his. She stepped closer, her movements a blend of predatory grace and seductive charm.

Reaching up, she delicately caressed Asher's cheek with her slender, perfectly manicured fingers.

"It really was you…" Asher mumbled, his face looking both shocked and mesmerized even though he had his suspicions.

Her voice, now a blend of seductive allure and underlying danger, echoed softly, "You should know, darling, a woman doesn't like it when a man pries too much into her affairs."

Before Asher could let any thought cross his head, he saw his surroundings suddenly dissolving into pitch-black darkness.

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