The Damned Demon

Chapter 330 The Frustrated Thorne

Chapter 330  The Frustrated Thorne

Asher walked into a more eerie part of the dungeon.

Its deeper recesses were enveloped in an almost palpable darkness. The corridor, where Asher walked with confident steps, echoed with a chorus of eerie whispers, groans, and the occasional raspy breath, heightening the sense of unease.

Not even windows were present in these cells, preventing any light from entering.

As he approached one of the cells, a smirk formed on his face as he slid open the bean slot, "Knock, knock," Asher's voice was dripping with mockery, "Are you still breathing in there, or feeling good for a second round?"

A shuffling noise emanated from within the cell, "H-Hellbringer!" Victor's voice came through, cracked and filled with pain. His breaths were ragged and uneven, hinting at the torment he'd been subjected to.

Asher chuckled, his laugh echoing through the corridor, "Damn! As expected from an Elite Hunter, not even 5 of the strongest from the Gorehorn Tribe managed to wring you dry. It seems like people have misunderstood your talents the entire time, or perhaps you need more vital friends, yeah?

From within the cell, the rattling of chains echoed, followed by the dull thud of a body hitting the ground, "NO! No...please...anything but that...Just don't...drag me out there...please..." Victor's voice was a desperate plea, laced with terror.

Even now, the images of those 5 minotaurs with their monstrous junk ravaging him inside out on both sides for hours while the demons around him cheered, howled, and threw stuff at him, made him only dread demons, no matter the gender!

The humiliation was not even the worst part.

If he had the choice, he wouldn't want to have anything to do with any of them ever again. Such disgusting shits!

Asher tilted his head, feigning innocence, "Did I upset you? My apologies. I helped you come out because I thought that was what you wished for, especially after your moving speech. How foolish of me to not realize it would cause you such anguish."

The weight of desperation weighed heavily on Victor's words, "Just...tell me what you want from me. I-I'll do anything…"

The sinister smile returned to Asher's face, his eyes glinting maliciously, "Oh, you're willing to listen now? That's good. Well, let's start simple. Accept my slave seal willingly. Then we can negotiate your future."

Asher knew the slave seal he had on Victor now wouldn't last long since not only was Victor a low-level S Rank, but it was placed against his will.

Even if he places a slave seal again, its effectiveness would only lower until it stops being effective.

But once he accepts one willingly, it will be bound to him forever, and even if he regrets it later, he can't do anything to remove it.

As for Rachel, he wanted her to return, so he couldn't place a slave seal on her unless he wanted someone on the other side to find traces of it lingering in her body.

The silence that followed was deafening as Victor processed Asher's demand.

"Hm? Looks like you need to spend more time with your Gorehorn friends to dec—"

"FUCK NO! I…will accept it willingly…" Victor's breath shuddered as he didn't dare risk gambling with this malignant demon.

If he gets dragged out and thrown among them again, then he was sure he will definitely be broken in many ways.

"Good boy. Now obediently, wait like a dog until I need you," Asher smiled as he closed the bean slot and walked away while Victor's cries were muffled.


The idyllic beach at Hellbringer's Haven was a sought-after retreat for many demons, better than any in other places or mini-dungeons, especially since it was the safest.

Today, the sun shimmered down its molten gold onto the sapphire waters, making the waves glisten as they lapped onto the shores.

Various demons - from goblins to high-ranking lords - splashed about, reveling in the freshness of the water and the serene atmosphere that enveloped the beach.

Considering the beach's location in the territory of the immortal genius, Bloodburn Consort, its tranquility was unsurprising.

This serenity was ensured by the guards that patrolled the entrance, keeping out any potential disruptors.

Anyone familiar with the consort's reputation knew better than to defy his directives, and the fact that violators faced public execution only added to the aura of unquestioned authority.

However, today's visitors to the beach were about to witness a unique spectacle.

The guards snapped to attention, their demonic eyes widening in recognition and shock as a distinct party approached them.

Leading the group was none other than Edmund Thorne, the Young Lord of the illustrious and feared House Thorne.

The silver tresses that flowed down his back and his uncanny red eyes were unmistakable.

Flanking him were three noble demons, each of them a person of significant influence in their own right: Thaddaeus Slate of House Slate, Zephyrine Gale of House Gale, and Ignatius Pyre of House Pyre.

Behind them, adding a sinister touch to the regal procession, was a group of orcs, dragging 2 chained, naked, and pregnant Hunters, their spirits broken and their faces brimming with despair. Their figures also seemed weak and sickly, as if they were dancing with death.

Gulping down his initial shock, one of the guards managed to find his voice, albeit slightly shaky. "My lord," he began cautiously, "May I ask what brings you to Hellbringer's Haven?"

Edmund frowned as Zephyrine stepped forward, her dark green eyes flashing in indignation, "How audacious of you! To question the intentions of the Young Lord of House Thorne? Are we not from here to enjoy the beach and the rest of it just like the others.

"Tch," Edmund clicked his tongue, his red eyes scanning his the same kingdom? Know your place!" Her voice was sharp, cutting through the ambient noise and drawing the attention of many demons nearby.

The guard's face paled even more, sweat forming on his brow, "My apologies! Please, proceed." With a deep bow, he and the other guards hastily cleared the path, ensuring the party had unobstructed access to the place.

Whispers spread like wildfire as onlookers watched the entourage make their way, wondering if these young lords and this lady were here to enjoy the beach and the rest of it just like the others.

"Tch," Edmund clicked his tongue, his red eyes scanning his surroundings, especially the bustling and polished city-like place, with evident disapproval, "I can't believe that alien mutt managed to not only claim the Deviar but is now ruling his own little fiefdom here."

Zephyrine cast a wary glance around, taking note of the curious gazes turned their way, "Maybe we can come up with something else instead of our initial plan?""

Edmund scoffed, his ghostly eyes glinting with a cold fire, "What other plan? He's got an entire army at his beck and call here. If I had my House's resources in this crap town, I would have razed his so-called Haven to the ground. This would have been child's play."

Ignatius, his flaming eyes reflecting his agreement, chimed in, "You're spot on, Edmund. At this point, it's not worth risking our necks. The consort, no matter how I despise admitting it, has some devilish luck on his side. But luck can be fickle. We will get another shot at him."

Thaddaeus, who had been silent till now, rumbled in his characteristic deep voice, "I wouldn't be too sure about that. Word on the street is that the consort singlehandedly took out Prince Agonon and his whole group," He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in, "He was the second most formidable genius of our generation. Yet he fell to someone supposedly inferior. We already saw the ruckus this news had caused outside. It will be tenfold more when we get back home. But this could only mean that the royal consort's strength has reached a point where—"

Edmund's face contorted with rage, "That's a load of nonsense!" he spat out, "There's no way that alien cur did it without some help. It must've been my Isola. I'm sure he has her under some vile influence, taking advantage of her unique prowess as a Soul Devourer. It's the only way."


A sudden, frantic movement on the periphery caught Edmund's attention.

Whispers grew into excited shouts as a group of people raced past them, sending dust flying in their wake, "Make way, make way!" one of them hollered, "The Bloodburn Consort and his gorgeous entourage from the Bloodburn Kingdom are headed to the beach!"

All around, the beachgoers' reactions were instantaneous. Many, drawn by the allure of seeing the famed beauties of the Bloodburn Kingdom and the illustrious consort of the queen himself, immediately abandoned whatever they were doing, charging in the direction of the beach.

Edmund watched the scene with growing distaste. With a click of his tongue, he remarked with thinly veiled sarcasm, "Really now? Are these fools so starved for entertainment? Would they make such a fuss if their so-called immortal genius decided to relieve himself in the sand?"

However, amidst the brewing sarcasm, Zephyrine's eyes glittered with a newfound resolve. She stepped forward, her silver-blue gown shimmering in the blazing sunlight, "Maybe it's not that bad," she began, a cunning smirk playing on her lips, "I might just have thought of something. If I can pull this off, you might get to have the Umbralfiend Princess to yourself."

Edmund's uncanny red eyes narrowed, intrigue piquing, "What do you have in mind?"

Ignatius, always wary of whatever these guys were planning, held his breath while wondering what this bitch could possibly achieve when the royal consort was no longer that weak for her to mess with.

As Zephyrine finished explaining her simple plan, Edmund's lips curved, and his eyes glowed as he said, "Now, this sounds like a solid plan. Let's go to the beach and pay a visit to our consort."

"Can we come too? We would like to fuck these two in the cool waters," Gronk, the orc leader of his group, asked with an eager glint in his eyes.

Edmund clicked his tongue, "Ugh, aren't you bored with them yet? They are going to die any time, just like the others. But either way, stay away. I don't want you idiots ruining anything."


A/N: Emiko and Yui official art uploaded in discord.

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