The Damned Demon

Chapter 321 Rise Of Hellbringer

Chapter 321  Rise Of Hellbringer

[ You have gained 2 Passive Abilities ]

[ You have gained 2 Talents ]

[ You have gained 1 Skill ]

Level : 30

Rating Points : 0 / 67,525

HP : 28,688 / 28,688

MP : 15, 231 / 42,333

STR : 8586

DEF : 5737

INT : 8467

DEX : 5265

Passive Ability:

[ Eternal Damnation - Scorch the souls of your enemies in the Dimension of the Damned to command their damned souls. The more darkness in their souls, the stronger their Damned Form would be ]

[ Rupture of the Damned - Upon unconscious or conscious activation, you will undergo a cataclysmic transformation into your Hellbringer Form, releasing a formidable explosion of damned energy. Your enemies caught within the blast radius will have their strength sapped temporarily. The radius of the blast will depend on how much MP you decide to utilize ]


Talent (Inactive: Doomfall -> -25% INT | -25% DEX ): [ Diabolic Defiance - You gain Doomfall's strength and defense, increasing your STR and DEF by 25% instantly (0/20) )

[ Hellbringer's Havoc - You will deal 100% of your STR as damage and steal the strength of your unfortunate enemies that get caught up in the blast upon activation of Rupture of the Damned. This stolen strength will last for 30 seconds while you will temporarily lose 100% of STR from your MP (0/30) ]


Skill (Inactive: Doomfall): [ Infernal Aura - Emanates a palpable aura of pure infernal power, a chilling miasma that seeps into the very soul of your foes. Those close to you will feel crippled by your aura and will last as long as you have enough mana (Cost: 2000 MP/ second) (Cooldown: 5 minutes) (Cast time: Immediate) (0/25) ]


[ The Deviar has been forged. All Forging Matrixes will be permanently shut down ]

[ The duration of the quest has been extended by 2 months. The location of the group that claimed it will be exposed from tomorrow onwards ]

[ Anyone can teleport to previous mini-dungeons to and fro. Safe Zones in all mini-dungeons are no longer managed by the Zone Masters. Anyone can take control ]


Asher's eyes skimmed the messages flashing in his mind that he had received earlier. He knew these 2 months were just a last desperate chance for demons to try and take back the Deviar while others could still use it to search for some measly treasures.

Despite the gravity of the messages, he couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from them, a reminder of how much he had evolved in power.

These were not threats, they were just minor obstacles.

Brushing off the warnings, he turned to his companions with a devil-may-care smirk, "I think it's time we took a breather until the quest is over, don't you? Tidal Tempest seems the perfect place to unwind."

Ceti raised an eyebrow, disbelief lacing her tone, "Really, Your Highness? Relax? When most of our enemies will be after your head and the Deviar? Even if the Hunters may not care anymore, the enemies back home are plenty enough."

His lips curled upwards, especially upon seeing somebody walking in.

Jael, with his poised demeanor and a refreshed look, walked forward, joining the conversation.

"Quite the show you put on, Your Highness," Jael commented, a refined smile hanging on his lips.

"Our entire kingdom would be thrilled with what you've achieved. Your power, the might you've displayed, it's unprecedented. However," he paused, glancing pointedly at the gleaming amulet resting against Asher's wrist, "until we get back, perhaps you'd permit me the honor of accompanying you? Ensuring none of the ambitious ones get too close to your Deviar?"

The presence of a Soul Devourer like Jael immediately put the minds of Isola and the others at ease. The odds of successfully defending the Deviar just tilted in their favor.

Once Asher gets back home, he no longer has to worry about the Deviar since he can hide it in some secret place that nobody else would know.

That would discourage anyone from trying to kill him for the power of the deviar since without the Deviar itself, killing him would be pointless.

Asher's smile widened, his gratitude evident, "I would greatly appreciate that, young lord."


Word traveled fast across all mini-dungeons.

The rapid pace of the whispered conversations, hurriedly passed messages, and echoing cries of disbelief carried the same message: The Damned Hunters, led by the notorious Hellbringer, had claimed the Deviar.

In one of the mini-dungeons, a dim-lit tavern put up by the collective effort of a lot of Hunters, a group of disgruntled Hunters sat around a wooden table. A burly man with an eyepatch slammed his tankard down.

"Damned demons! How did we let this happen? How did we let them take the Deviar?!"

A woman with long braids and a quiver full of arrows shook her head in disbelief, "We all had hopes on the president's daughter and her team. With Sir Victor and Lady Amelia by their side, we thought the Radem was ours."

A man with a scar running across his cheek sighed, "I've heard they're dead. Hellbringer and his lackeys probably slaughtered them."

Another piped in, a tinge of hope in his voice, "No, I've heard different. They're taken prisoners. That demon doesn't show mercy by killing. He prefers to torture. That sadistic bastard!"

"It can't be. They must have escaped. Those prisoners traveling with him must be some other group. Do you seriously think the daughter of our president and Elite geniuses like Sir Victor and Lady Amelia is going to get themselves captured?"

However, no matter their speculations, the mention of Hellbringer's rumored support from Soul Purgers and Soul Devourers sent shivers down the spine of many.

Murmurs of revenge, retaliation, or rescue were quickly replaced by fearful glances and hushed tones, though there were still very few willing to save their heroes.

Across mini-dungeons, the demons had mixed reactions.

Those who worshiped and admired the monstrous genius who happened to be the consort of the Bloodburn Queen, only felt even happier, especially those who belonged to the Bloodburn Kingdom.

However, the werewolf clans, the Draconians, and so many other demons of different tribes or kingdoms could only growl upon hearing the news and even started to make plans to ambush Hellbringer and take back the Deviar after killing him.

But those were only a minority as some of them decided to play it safe and not rush to do anything.

Yet, in shadowed corners and behind closed doors, plans brewed, alliances shifted, and the sudden domination of Hellbringer set the stage for a conflict that threatened to shake both realms.


As dawn broke over the horizon, casting a golden hue on the vast landscapes, a grand procession began its journey.

At the head of the convoy was Asher, his demeanor commanding and aura, overwhelming.

Behind him, a gathering of some of the most powerful figures from the demon realm followed, forming a formidable sea of power and influence.

It didn't take too long before Asher's vassals found him, thanks to his location being exposed.

It seemed as if they rushed towards him with everything they had, as if they were worried they might be too late.

Leonidas Stormrider, a proud demon with a mane of deep shade of red, falling to his shoulders in thick waves, and Caelum Nightshade, a charming vulpini, adorned in dark, ethereal robes reflecting the vastness of a night sky, were among the first to offer their support to the royal consort.

The might of their groups, trained in the arts of both battle and magic, added even more gravitas to Asher's already imposing entourage.

Isola, Ceti, and Merina watched with relief, as more people flocked towards them.

Every new arrival presented gifts, rare artifacts, and treasures, each more magnificent than the last, in a bid to earn Asher's favor. The shift in power dynamics was palpable. The Bloodburn Kingdom was poised for a new era, and all could feel the winds of change.

Among the merriment, Callisa was an amusing sight to behold. Her massive pincers reached out, playfully snatching up some people and tossing them into the air, treating them like toys, much to her delight.

The people squealed in fear, but none dared complain. Challenging Consort, a risk no one was willing to take.

Ceti was surprised that Asher was even letting some unknown this young Kraken was tantamount to challenging the Bloodburn Consort, a risk no one was willing to take.

Ceti was surprised that Asher was even letting some unknown demons join him and telling them to gather as many as possible.

He even ordered some of them to split up and inform as many people as possible to come and gather at the Safe Zone they were heading towards.

It was the same Safe Zone they had stayed while Asher was in a coma.

Was he trying to raise an army during his "vacation"? She couldn't understand what he was thinking by trying to gather so many people.

However, she wasn't worried since the powerful ones among them were loyal to Asher, and Asher himself was stronger than all of them.

Yet, amidst the triumphant procession, there was a group that garnered whispered conversations and furtive glances - the five captured Hunters.

Their presence was a stark contrast to the exuberant mood. Shackled and subdued, their mana circuits sealed, these once-proud warriors were paraded as captives.

The bags over their heads made it impossible to identify them, but their stature and the manner of their capture hinted that they were no ordinary Hunters.

They could hear some muffled sounds from 2 of them, but it was obvious their mouths were sealed as well.

Speculation was rife among the ranks about their identities. But one thing was certain in the minds of all who saw them: these Hunters had met their downfall at the hands of the Bloodburn Consort, and their fate, whatever it might be, was sealed.


The looming entrance to the Safe Zone was dotted with towering statues, each signifying the security and sanctuary it promised to its occupants.

As Asher's entourage approached, the massive gates creaked open, revealing a line of imposing minotaurs standing at attention. Their massive forms and powerful physiques were impressive, their horns gleaming in the midday sun.

They had red tribal tattoos on their chests, making it quite easy for people to recognize they were from the Gorehorn Tribe, a tribe notoriously infamous among the Hunters due to their certain tendencies.

And apparently, they had taken the initiative to side with the Bloodburn Consort, or did the Bloodburn Consort entice them with something?

A particularly burly minotaur with an ornate silver ring piercing his nose, stepped forward. His deep voice rumbled like distant thunder, "Your Highness, we have received your message. The Safe Zone is now under your command. Is there anything else you wish of us?"

Asher, acknowledging the minotaur's loyalty with a nod, replied, "You have done well, Gorun. But yes, there's one more matter you and your people could help us with, and before that, I have an announcement to make."

Curiosity sparked in the eyes of everyone present, both from Asher's group and the minotaurs, as he curved his lips.

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