The Damned Demon

Chapter 344 Corrupted Hunters?

Chapter 344 Corrupted Hunters?


Indignation, swift and fierce, danced in Amelia's eyes, her voice a whip that sought to cut through the mist of suspicion that hung heavy between them, "Such audacity, to cast accusations upon us, upon her! Do you think you can stand before the president, bearing the stain of this unfounded suspicion, without consequence?" Her words, sharp and biting, bore into the five with the heat of righteous anger.

A tremor, subtle but unmistakable, ran through Rachel's form, her lips quivering like leaves under the weight of a brewing storm.

The intensity of her gaze bore down upon the man, a silent, compelling force that caused him to dip his head, acknowledging the power and position she held.

In this scene of tension, another figure emerged from behind the man, a woman whose eyes held a mix of caution and understanding, "Please, Miss Rachel, Miss Amelia, do not take offense. We are on alert, especially after what happened, and with only a week left, we can't risk taking any chances. And surely, the president himself would commend our caution in the face of potential danger."

Amelia's retort was poised on her lips, a barrage of sharp rebukes and pointed queries, "Who dares to spread around such nonsense information with no foundation but baseless rumor? Where is the evidence that supports such a grievous accusation?"

But before the words could take flight, Rachel's hand, steady and resolute, rose like a silent sentinel, quelling the tide of Amelia's anger.

With eyes hardened into chips of diamond, Rachel nodded, the gesture a silent acceptance, a surrender to the inevitable, "Very well," she intoned, voice steel wrapped in velvet, "We understand the situation. Lead us to the rest."

Within the established confines of the Safe Zone, a flurry of whispers unfurled, casting a haze of tension and uncertainty.

Fifteen pairs of eyes, hovered with skepticism over Rachel and Amelia, a wordless echo of distrust playing in those silent glances.

Amid the low, pulsating hum of hushed conversation, Rachel's gaze, steely and unwavering, swept over the assembled individuals, each of their expressions making her skin crawl.

A distinct shift in the atmosphere heralded the arrival of a young man whose build spoke of strength, hands tucked nonchalantly in his pockets.

With a step forward and a lift of his hands, he beckoned for silence, voice steady and calming, "Ease your minds, friends."

Rachel's gaze locked onto the man, arms crossing over her chest in a stance that was both defensive and imploring, "Hwan, we've fought side by side, stood shoulder to shoulder during those international exchange programs between our academies. You know me well. Help us dispel this confusion, so together, we can spread out, rally the others, punish the demons for our fallen friends."

His response, however, was cushioned with an awkward chuckle, a sound that danced between discomfort and apology.

Hwan's hand pressed over his heart, eyes meeting Rachel's with a mixture of regret and understanding, "Miss Rachel, truly, my heart weighs heavy with the seriousness of this situation, and I stand ready to extend my aid to both you and Miss Amelia. But—" A pause, pregnant with unsaid words, hung in the air, Hwan's expression tightening with reluctance, "We received word from a very reliable source, information we cannot simply disregard, suggesting you two are compromised. In the face of such intel, we must tread with caution, with the safety of everyone present in mind. I trust you'll please understand and cooperate with us to swiftly bring light to this matter. If there's naught to hide, there's naught to fear, yes?"

Amelia's scoff sliced through the tense air, her words an echo of disbelief and frustration, "This is ridiculous! Rachel's word should be enough to—"

"It's okay, Amelia," Rachel interjected gently, halting the brewing protest with a fleeting smile directed at her companion. Her gaze swung back to Hwan, a flicker of determination lighting her eyes, "We understand your concerns. We're willing to cooperate if it will put everyone at ease. What do you need us to do?"

With a hesitant scratch of his chin, Hwan motioned for two women among the group to step forward, "Firstly," he began, eyes flickering between the duo, "since neither of you are carrying bags, could you please empty your pockets? Hand over anything you have to my two friends here. This is merely a precaution. Whatever you hand over will be returned if it's harmless."

Amelia shook her head, her gaze a blend of incredulity and defiance, "Why should we empty our pockets? If we had some dangerous intent or concealed weapon, wouldn't we have utilized it already? Stop treating us like criminals. We are distinguished Hunters."

Hwan exhaled a weary sigh, eyes beseeching, "Miss Amelia, I implore you, let's not complicate matters further. Refusal only casts further doubt, and that helps none of us. There's nothing incriminating to hide, is there?"

Amelia's eyes darted towards Rachel, a ripple of anxiety flickering within them, reflected in the tremulous pupils of her companion.

The outline of a phone, barely discernible against the fabric of Amelia's pocket, caught Rachel's eye, sending her heart into a frantic cadence. Her eyelids dropped, veiling the storm within.

The memory of something that villain had said earlier began to echo in her mind,

"You are just like your father. You care about your face more than your own morals and values. You are willing to kill, to destroy, and ruin everything as long as your image is intact. You are no Hunter. You never deserved to be one."

Rachel's fists tightened as she shook away his voice from her head while mumbling inwardly, 'No…I will prove you wrong, Asher."

Rachel slowly opened her eyes and looked up, her gaze steady, the resolve within unwavering, "Fine," she acquiesced quietly.

She then took a deep breath, her heart shuddering for a brief moment before looking at Hwan and the rest of the gathered Hunters, "We'll comply. But in return, can we have your word, the word of everyone present, that you'll stand with us in seeking retribution for what we went through, no matter what?"

With an assenting nod and a clenched fist pumped affirmatively in the air, Hwan declared, "Absolutely! Our blood has been boiling the entire time. The only reason we laid low was because there was nobody like you to lead us. Once this misunderstanding is cleared, we'll follow your lead, Miss Rachel."

"Rachel…" Amelia's voice, laden with anxiety, whispered through the quiet tension, her eyes mirroring her uncertainty.

Rachel's smile was gentle, soothing, a balm against the fretful atmosphere, "Amelia, these are our people. We're all Hunters with aligned goals, sworn to the same duty. We always have each other's backs. United, our strength is unbreakable."

Her words were met with nodding heads and murmured agreements, "You couldn't have said it better, Miss Rachel," concurred Hwan, his gaze steady and approving.

With an acknowledging nod and fleeting smile, Rachel proceeded to empty her pockets.

There was practically nothing until a unique piece captured the attention of all: a mystical black amulet, its surface undulating with a faint, sinister energy that pulsed through its dark form. Eyes widened in recognition and shock.

"Is that…the Deviar?!" The words fell from Hwan's lips, a whisper laden with disbelief and awe, echoed by gasps that rippled through the small crowd.

With unyielding resolve lighting her eyes, Rachel affirmed, "Yes. Stealing it from Hellbringer was not easy. But with it in our hands, he's vulnerable. The mere scent of it will draw his demon enemies like moths to a flame, all thirsting for his power. For now, I entrust this to you," she said, placing the coveted item into the hands of one of the women, "until clarity is restored."

Hwan's eyes, reflecting the enormity of the revelation, flickered with understanding and awe, "This is really huge, Miss Rachel. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you two to get that. Maybe the rumors of you two getting caught on purpose must be right. It was to steal this, right?

A fleeting, knowing look passed between Rachel and Amelia, invisible threads of understanding passing through the silent exchange.

Amelia's nod was subtle, her voice a mix of grit and resolve as she broke the silence, "Indeed. We couldn't have infiltrated Hellbringer's haven otherwise. Once this ridiculous confusion is dispelled, I demand to know the identity of the slanderous tongue that dared question our integrity."

Hwan's laugh was an awkward ripple in the tense atmosphere, a bid to ease the gravity pressing down on them all, "Rest assured," he said with a nod that attempted reassurance, "we aren't taking this lightly. If we find the accusations baseless, necessary actions and compensations will be dutifully rendered."

With a grunt of acknowledgment, Amelia emptied her pockets. Her hands hesitated momentarily over a device, a phone, which she slowly pulled out.

Eyes flickering towards Rachel, she found a nod, though tight-lipped and anxious, and Rachel's fingers nervously rubbing against each other.

Hwan's eyebrow arched in visible surprise, "A phone?" The incredulity in his voice mirrored his expression. "Whose might that be?"

"It's... another item we stole from Hellbringer," Amelia replied, stiffness coating her words, painting a veneer of calm over the undercurrent of anxiety rippling through her voice.

A chuckle of disbelief escaped Hwan's lips, "A demon with a phone? That's... interesting. I should definitely take a look at it. May I?"

With a sigh that whispered through the tension, Amelia relinquished the device, placing it into Hwan's awaiting hand.

"Ha, how dumb of him. It only has a pattern lock. This should be easy for me to figure out," Hwan mumbled as he caressed the screen with his forefinger as if to discern something.

The subtle tension in Rachel's form intensified, her fingers pressing into one another, heartbeat a throbbing drum against her ribs as she awaited the unfolding of the next moments with bated breath.

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