The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 190: A Man’s Dignity

Chapter 190: A Man’s Dignity

Yan Ran clearly wasnt leading a study trip for the first time. She went over these points thoroughly, covering every detail.

She spoke rapidly, detailing a list of rules and prohibitions, all aimed at preventing the academy from being embarrassed.

However, few were seriously paying attention; their thoughts seemed to have drifted to Flame Blue Town already. In their minds, they were all anticipating the wonderful life that was about to begin.

That night, as soon as Sui Lier got home, she started packing her belongings. Clean clothes, toiletries, personal items.

Hehe Ill bring this too! Sui Lier took the painting that Chen Ling had given her from the wall, looking at it with a face full of joy.

Just then, Chen Ling walked in from outside and calmly said: No need to bring so much. Whatever you want, you can retrieve it when you come back.

Chen Ling only needed a moment to return from that distant Flame Blue Town.

Huh? No way! Then whats the point of traveling! Sui Lier quickly shook her head: Traveling is about being outside these few days.

Thats the essence of traveling!

Chen Ling pursed his lips, not quite understanding. Wasnt his own bed comfortable enough to sleep in?

Mainly, he wouldnt be able to hold Sui Lier at night during the trip. Schedules like this usually separated boys and girls for accommodations.

Em I cant leave it behind Sui Liers small suitcase was a gift from Chen Ling very small and convenient. However, the painting definitely wouldnt fit in it.

What are you doing with it?

I want to look at it. I usually glance at it before going to sleep

This was the first painting Chen Ling had given her.

Chen Ling responded calmly: Ill paint you another one when the time comes.

Huh? Really? Sui Lier looked at him with happiness, Hehe~ Then I wont bring it.

She happily hung the painting back up and muttered to herself: Ill be back in a few days.

In the evening, Sui Lier washed up, and quietly waited for Chen Ling on the bed with a blushing face.

Boom~ A loud thunderclap.

Sui Lier shivered slightly under the covers, but she didnt get up to run outside; after all, Chen Ling would come in by himself

Hiding under the small blanket made her feel even safer. She just needed to call out softly, and that would be enough.

So, she opened her mouth wide inside the blanket and shouted loudly: Chen Ling! Im scared! Hurry, come in!

Chen Ling had actually been standing at the door for a while, waiting for her to call before he entered. However, today he didnt go in.

Boom! A sound even louder than the previous one echoed.

Sui Liers head shrunk into the blanket from the fright, but the next moment, she peeked out and shouted loudly: Chen Ling! Help!

Before the thunder could even flash, she quickly retreated back under the covers, waiting for Chen Ling to come in.

However, Chen Ling remained still and silent.

Sui Lier: ???

Why isnt he coming Sob


Sui Lier couldnt stand it anymore. She got up from the bed, wrapped herself in the small blanket, and thought of going to find him.

Suddenly, her eyebrows furrowed, and she thought of something. Blushing, she shouted loudly: Hubby! Im scared!

Outside the door, Chen Ling grinned, then opened the door and walked toward Sui Lier with a smile: I was wondering who was calling me. Turns out, its you.

Sob Come in quickly! Sui Lier released her little blanket.

Chen Ling crawled into the bed with a smiling expression.

I hope Flame Blue Town wont have thunder Im so scared of Misty Rain Citys thunder

Chen Ling chuckled softly at her words, not saying anything.

Sui Lier continued to mutter softly: Why does it thunder every night recently It didnt used to be like this, right?

It wasnt just Sui Lier who was puzzled; everyone in Misty Rain City was confused. The thunder was too loud, disturbing their sleep. Even when they finally managed to fall asleep, they might be startled awake by sudden claps of thunder.

I dont know~ Chen Ling replied shamelessly.

Chen Ling~ Can you control lightning? Sui Lier suddenly asked.

Chen Lings heart skipped a beat, and he shook his head: No, I cant.

Oh~ Alright then~

Sui Lier was mostly just venting. She didnt actually want the thunder to disappear. If it did, there would be no reason to cuddle and sleep~

Soon, she drifted into dreamland.

Meanwhile, a few dark mages from various places were starting to stir.

I heard the students from Aries Celestial Academy are going to Flame Blue Town.

What a gift-wrapped feast even though theyre all a bunch of Intermediate mages, they should be tender meat.

Aries Celestial Academy has so many beauties! Fry them up, and theyll be delicious! Hehehehe

Many dark mages had already gone to Flame Blue Town ahead of time, including some at the level of Curse Masters.

The next day, Sui Lier woke up early, her eyes opening. Looking at Chen Ling sleeping beside her, she couldnt help but smile: I can go on a trip with Chen Ling!

After they finished breakfast, Sui Lier happily returned to her room and pulled out her small suitcase, Hehe~ Im all set~

Chen Ling laughed and said: You can leave this luggage with me; no need to carry it around.


After saying that, with a thought from Chen Ling, he directly stored her suitcase in his system space.

Later, at the appointed time, they arrived at the eastern plaza.

By now, numerous large flying vehicles had landed on the plaza.

Ah! So frustrating! Why didnt I get this treatment when I was a freshman?

Teacher Yan Ran, sob, Ill miss you!

Many from the proficient and advanced classes had come here to watch them depart, feeling envious.

Students from other classes of Intermediate mages were also envious. This was due to the two instructors standing in front of Class A:

Chu Jian: High heels and super short black stockings, with an extraordinary appearance.

Yan Ran: Clean and enticing sportswear, perfect figure, and long legs that everyone loved.

As soon as these two stood in front of Class A, they immediately attracted everyones attention.

Wow! Why does Class A get this treatment? I refuse to accept it!

Why?! Whos that instructor in the black stockings? Does anyone know? I need all her information within three minutes!

Because the flying vehicle was relatively large, it could accommodate two classes at once. So, both Class A and Class B would be on the same flying vehicle.

Students from Class B were thrilled about this arrangement.

Sui Sui~ Luo Yuxiu immediately came over.

The flying vehicle had three seats in a row, so Luo Yuxiu sat by the window, Sui Lier sat in the middle, and Chen Ling sat on the other side.

Throughout the journey, Sui Lier and Luo Yuxiu chatted happily.

By the way, Sui Sui, did you buy a swimsuit?

I did! Hehe, Chen Ling bought it for me~

After saying that, Sui Lier suddenly remembered something and looked at Chen Ling: Chen Ling, did you forget to buy one?

Chen Ling replied nonchalantly: I already had one.

Oh Do you really like swimming?

Chen Ling chuckled softly: I do!

I like watching others swim

Meanwhile, not far behind them, there was a bearded boy named Lin Ming, who was staring at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling had publicly said that he was short! Lin Ming had taken note of this grudge. He had originally planned to go to the restroom to measure it, but he realized something.

So many days had passed, and he had never seen Chen Ling go to the restroom even once!

This was quite suspicious, but this study trip was a great opportunity. He had to reclaim his dignity. As a man, he would never allow himself to be called small by others!

No one would do, this was a matter of pride, so he even specially bought a unique swimsuit. Visually, it would appear particularly


During the trip, he planned to casually walk past Chen Ling and seriously strike a blow to Chen Lings ego!

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