The Daily Life of the Immortal King

Chapter 403 Little Silver is Arrested Once Again

While this battle seemed very long and tedious, Little Silver only took less than five minutes to defeat his opponents. In the end, the disparity in realms still couldn't be made up with magic treasures. This was in fact an error on the part of many modern cultivators, who believed that as long as their magic treasures were strong enough, they could forcibly outclass their opponents in a fight... But the truth was that if their realms weren't high enough, no matter how powerful their magic treasure was, it would be difficult to release even ten or twenty percent of its capabilities.

After successfully killing the two cultivators of the Demon Hunters Association, Little Silver sent a message to the chat group to explain that the matter had been resolved.

Dharmaraja replied almost a second later. "So fast?"

In front of his screen, Fang Xing couldn't help laughing. "This was a nuecaiju to begin with!"

This was a holy beast who could unleash an intrinsic spirit field! In a situation where Little Silver was allowed to fight, Fang Xing felt that apart from Wang Ling, he was the only other person in the group who could put up a fight against Little Silver.

However, the difference was that Fang Xing would have to use the two supreme spells "White Night Spell" and "Immortal Mode," just like in his battle against the Master of Immortal Mansion back then, before he could fight Little Silver, while it would be enough for Wang Ling to perform as he always did.

"Little Silver, remember to clean up the bodies; be careful when you're doing so, in case of any traps." Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal sent Little Silver a private message.

Little Silver nodded, hands on his hips and a very relaxed look on his face.

With two pu pu sounds...

He spat twice on the two corpses.

While this behavior looked pretty uncivilized and it wasn't recommended that anyone imitate it, the phlegm of a silver unicorn contained potent acidity, and was a natural corpse liquid. As long as the corpse's realm was below Little Silver's, it could be instantly dissolved.

Hence, disposing of these two bodies was no trouble at all for Little Silver.

Furthermore, there were no surveillance cameras around the site, so it could be said that he had perfectly dealt with the aftermath.

Just as Little Silver dusted his hands off, preparing to leave, there was suddenly the sound of police sirens from the nearby streets.

Little Silver wanted to leave, but it was too late. Several police cars sped into the construction site and surrounded him. A dozen headlights illuminated him, and he involuntarily lifted his hands to block out the piercing glare.

What was going on here?

Little Silver had utterly no idea why the police would have noticed this place.

Before making a move, he had clearly been very careful to make sure that there was no one around!

A captain got out of a police car, followed by a young man in a tie and suit who looked like an office worker and who trembled behind the captain.

The captain patted the young man on the shoulder. "Don't be afraid. Tell me what you saw."

Little Silver instantly started to sweat... He hadn't expected to be seen fighting just now! That shouldn't have been possible!

But if someone had really seen him kill the two cultivators of the Demon Hunters Association, he really would be unable to defend himself...

Little Silver raised his hands, an innocent expression on his face. "Police uncle, I didn't do anything!"

He knew that there were no surveillance cameras nearby... If this young man really had seen something, it would be okay as long as Little Silver denied it.

Right! That was right! He had the right to remain silent!


The young man pointed at Little Silver and bellowed, his eyes showing extreme righteous indignation.

"..." Looking at this scene, the song Cold started to play in Little Silver's heart...

This young man's tone sounded very firm, as if he had proof.

If that really was the case, then that was bad...

The captain: "Calm down, sir. Just speak slowly."

"I'm a construction engineer at this construction site. When I was passing by after work, I noticed some activity inside..."

The young man pushed his glasses up, then pointed at Little Silver. "I went round the back and noticed that this man was deliberately wrecking things in the construction site! I definitely saw it! All the rubble and bricks nearby were floating in the air! And I also saw him..."


Hearing this, Little Silver secretly thought that this was bad; perhaps the young man really had really seen something.

"I also saw him..."

The young man trembled with anger as he spoke. "I also saw him... spit!"

Little Silver: "...Huh?"

After that, the weight finally lifted off the young man, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "Although I only saw him from behind when I was around the back, I definitely didn't see wrong! He did spit! Two large mouthfuls of phlegm, on the ground!"

Little Silver: "..."

After the young man finished explaining Little Silver's offenses, the captain's expression turned slightly heavy as he gazed at Little Silver. "Young lady, what are you doing in this construction site so late at night?"

Little Silver: "Cultivating... what's wrong with cultivating here?!"

It was indeed a little unscientific to show up in the middle of the night at a construction site that had been locked up...

"Cultivating here in the middle of the night?" The captain couldn't help the way his eyebrows twitched. "But that's not a good reason for you to deliberately wreck someone else's construction site. Furthermore, you even spat everywhere... You're such a pretty girl, why are you so uncivilized? Why did you spit?"

Little Silver: "When I was cultivating... I suffered an inner deviation... so I spat to get rid of some of the heat! Is there anything wrong with that?"


The police officers around him, along with the young man who had given evidence, were all stunned.

Unexpectedly, they couldn't find any damn hole in this perfect response, which was like Difaso.

The captain drew in a sharp breath and looked at Little Silver gravely. "Young lady, you spat and also deliberately wrecked someone else's construction site... According to public security administration regulations, we need to detain you for fifteen days. Please come with us!"

Little Silver: "..."


Seven o'clock at night, Anning District Cultivation Police Station, Songhai city.

Little Silver was in handcuffs in front of a police officer who was preparing to take his statement.

He had been in the interrogation room for about ten minutes before two police officers had pushed the door open and entered. When the police little brother responsible for taking down the statement saw Little Silver, they looked at each other in dismay and astonishment.

The corners of the police officer's mouth twitched as he couldn't help cursing. "Damn it! Why is it you again?!"


Little Silver also hadn't expected to actually run into an acquaintance here. He had specially memorized the name of this police little brother from the last time; he was called Gao Tian, Officer Gao.

Next was the standard interrogation process.

After the two police officers sat down, the officer responsible for the interrogation was the first to speak.


"Little Silver."

"I'm asking for your real name..."

Next to him, Officer Gao couldn't help sweating. "His name really is Little Silver, he's been here before."

Little Silver couldn't help sighing. "It really is convenient to have an acquaintance..."

The two police officers: "..."

The corners of Officer Gao's mouth twitched. "Don't try to butter me up... Tell us, why were you cultivating on someone else's construction site?"

Little Silver laughed in his heart as he stared at Gao Tian. "I missed you."

Officer Gao: "..."

Next to him, the police officer who was originally in charge of questions couldn't help letting out a "Yooo"...A term used in RPG games which refers to an expert player torturing a novice player.From the 2017 Chinese TV drama 'Eternal Love'Difaso, or Dihuazhixiu, is actually a Chinese haircare brand, but the word has become a meme used to mean that someone's behavior is awesome.

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