The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 292 High House- Part 3

292 High House- Part 3

"That's not required," said Lilith, picking one of the letters which Daphne had been holding to hand it over to Calhoun. "We already are aware that it is Markus Wilmot who wrote it to us as he had written his name in the letter. We are here because of the strong allegations, and it might be where your highness will need to pause your wedding until this matter is resolved. Unless you can prove that you had nothing to do with it."

Calhoun's eyes didn't leave his cousin, and it only turned Markus aware of Calhoun's overbearing presence. "Pray tell me, what have I done, cousin, that you decided to put the false allegation on me?" The King tilted his head.

The Wilmot's were trying to frame Calhoun for a very long time before he even turned to be a King. Rosamund was close to her mother, and when her brother's wife, the then Queen couldn't bore a son, the promise to the throne was given to her, that it was her son, Markus, who would be ascending the throne. But before the chance could be presented, like a carpet being pulled underneath one's feet, Rosamund's chance was taken away from her.

After her daughter, Sophie, who was a naive child, turned unsuccessful in her attempt to sway the King, she had laid the next traps for Calhoun. But what she didn't know was that the High House would go so far as to expose her son's involvement in sending the letter. Not that it mattered.

Markus answered Calhoun's question, "Forgive me, my King," he bowed his head, "When you assigned me on the task to check who demolished the Harris' shop, I was trying to find the culprit when everyone who witnessed it said it was done by you, by the King. And with the recent death of the girl...your ring was found near the body."

Weasley said to Calhoun, "The ring is an heirloom that was gifted by your father." He pulled out something from his pocket and then placed it on the table. It was the ring that was sent by Markus along with the letter where he mentioned about the King's deeds, "Isn't this the same ring which was given to you before your father's death, my lord?"

"Are you speaking about this one?" asked Calhoun, raising his hand to show another identical ring which was on his finger.

"That's a fake one!" Lady Rosamund was quick to say, and Calhoun pulled out the ring.

"I am sure, dear Lilith can identify which is the real stone and which is fake?" he handed it to Lilith. "It is quite obvious that the ring is not mine. There was only one ring, and I don't know who would have the knowledge of creating an identical replica of it. Unless one has seen the ring many times. I don't like to wear it often but like to carry it in my pocket."

But her expression had turned sour when she realized that the necklace was picked up in a local market made out of cheap metal and stones. This had taken place during the second year of his reign in Devon.

After observing it, she said, "The King is right. The one which was found in the village is made out of cheap stone." She handed the ring back to the King.

Lady Rosamund accused, "You killed my brother, didn't you? To kill your own father.."

"Now now, let's not take hasty steps," Calhoun tutted his aunt, "Markus, was the ring all that you have as proof?"

"There have been witnesses who saw you in the action. Someone saw you leaving the maid's house and also near the dead body of the duchesses' daughter," informed Markus without batting his eyes. "I can go fetch the witness. If you will allow me," he asked the High House's permission.

"Weasely, you can go with Mr. Wilmot," Dimitri ordered.

Madeline stood there, watching the scene unravel along with the hate and deception towards one another in the same family.

For thirty minutes, everyone stayed in the room waiting for the witnesses to be brought, until Lilith said, "In the meantime, let us take a look at the dungeon if you don't mind. We wouldn't like to waste our time."

Calhoun stretched his hand forward, "After you, milady."

Lady Rosamund was waiting for this since the time the High House people had arrived. Calhoun had boasted without a care about the werewolves, blaming the Warrings, when in truth, he was holding one in the dungeon. As everyone made their way to the dungeon, the doors of the cell rooms were opened, allowing the High House people to take a look at every one of them.

Madeline couldn't help but glance at Calhoun now and then as they walked in the passage of the dungeon. Was he going to show James who was locked up in there? Not to forget her grandmother was there too. Her grandparents had seemed paranoid about the High House. If they were to find her grandmother there, her parents would know about it through the Wilmot's, and that was not good.

Calhoun held an inexpressive face, and she wondered what was going to happen. As they passed through every cell room after taking a look, they came to the one where James was locked. Madeline held her breath when the door was opened.

The room was empty.

Like the High House members who were waiting to see something inside, Madeline frowned when she caught sight of a neat and clean room. Where was James? Madeline turned to Calhoun who continued to have a relaxed expression on his face.

"How many more rooms are in here?" asked Daphne as it looked like they had covered most parts of the dungeon and so far, they found only some vampires or humans who were imprisoned.

"There are two more rooms, one which is an old one that has a skeleton residing in there. And the other is an empty room," responded Calhoun. The guard who had accompanied them, opened the locks to find no werewolf in there too.

"Is the moon out?" inquired Dimitri and Madeline who stood near the window, looked up at the sky to see the moon present there.

"We have kennels for the wolves if you are willing to take a look in there," Calhoun's confident suggestion had Dimitri press his lips.

"No. We can head back inside the castle and wait for the witnesses to arrive," suggested Dimitri before starting to take his leave along with others from there.

Lady Rosamund was taken aback because Markus had clearly stated that there was a werewolf along with James Heathcliff. Where did they go?! The High House had come for a surprise visit, and there was no way Calhoun had the time to hide the werewolf. Not to mention, clean the cell room as if no one was put in the cell room.

Getting back inside the castle, Calhoun said, "Since when did the High House come to believe baseless rumours that have no actual evidence in it? And Aunt Rosamund, you should know that I would do nothing wrong. Isn't that what you have always told me?" he asked the vampiress who continued to be stunned because of the revelation in the dungeon had flopped her plan.

Rosamund retorted back with, "If Markus has found you to be doing something guilty, I have raised him right. To stand to what is right," she tipped her chin up.

"I hope you can stick to your words until the end. It looks like the carriages are back," stated Calhoun.

Madeline heard footsteps approach the room where everyone was. The doors opened and in came Markus and Theodore along with five men. She identified four men as they belonged to the same village she came from.

Dimitri, who had taken a seat with the rest of them in the room, spoke, "This is how the proceeding is going to take place. Even though this trial is going to be a small one, if we find the convict, they will be taken to the High House for the next trial depending on the proofs and evidence from the witnesses."

"Who would like to go first?" Dimitri asked, looking at Calhoun and Markus.


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