The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 188 A way out? - Part 1

188 A way out? - Part 1

"It's been going well," replied Madeline, "He has been taking care of everything."

"Expected," Lucy nodded her head, "I remember the time when I got married. My mother was making sure I lost more weight than I was before. It almost made me look like a corpse, not that I minded," laughed the vampiress, "What about your parents? Has brother Calhoun not invited them?"

"He has, I think they were still packing," she smiled at Lucy before looking ahead. She didn't know why her parents had not arrived at the castle yet. When she and Calhoun had visited, Madeline was sure that her family would visit the castle the very next day. But it had been some days now. What was keeping them away? Asked Madeline to herself.

Lucy noticed the expression on Madeline's face.

Most of the people would have jumped out of glee and happiness when they heard that someone from their house was getting married to the royal family. But knowing the way Madeline had ended up in the castle, she wondered if her family were still unhappy and uncomfortable with the thought that their daughter was getting married to the King. Calhoun was not like other ordinary people, but Lucy believed that he was the right person to ascend the throne.

He had his perks, but he was a good man in Lucy's eyes. She knew that he loved Madeline enough to fix their marriage right away, without waiting to delay their time together.

"I am sure they will be here soon," Lucy said to Madeline, to see the girl nod her head. After a few seconds, she said, "Initially, I wasn't happy to get married. I had different plans because of my other interest."

Madeline had heard a part of it from Calhoun when he had told her about the deceased family members, but she wasn't someone who wanted to pry or comment on others lives.

"You are going to be my family now. Actually, you already are, and you will eventually find out things that has transpired in the castle," said Lucy, her hand rising to tuck the piece of hair behind her ear that had come out to fall on the side of her face because of the wind.

"I heard what happened to the King and the Queen," Madeline didn't know how the lady's relationship was when it came to her parents. Calhoun might have not been in good terms with them, but that didn't mean Lucy would have hated her parents. It was because Lady Lucy didn't appear to be the person who would hate someone out of whim.

Lady Lucy smiled at Madeline's words, "I see, brother Calhoun has already mentioned about it to you. That's good," she nodded her head.

The vampiress looked ahead of her, her red eyes now wavering as they continued to walk, just the two of them without the maids or servants carrying an umbrella over their head, "I didn't understand when it happened. Like many, I was left in shock. But it happened a long time ago. With time, the memories start to dull down, and the pain turns bearable."

Madeline pursed her lips, not commenting on what Lucy said. The lady didn't know Calhoun had a hand in her parents death. Lady Lucy was sweet, and for a vampiress, she seemed kinder than any person she had met.

"Any way, what I was saying was that I was not happy with the marriage. I married out of anger and even by force," Lady Lucy had a sullen look on her face, as if remembering what had happened years ago, "Not many are aware of it. But I used to like someone here. I think you already figured it out who it is," hearing this, Madeline gave the lady a nod.

Lady Lucy was the first person out here in the castle with whom she felt comfortable to talk to. Someone she came to believe that there were good vampires where she could share things apart from Calhoun.

"I try to control my emotions, but I get angry when I see Theodore," saying this she laughed, trying to hide her past emotions.

"Do you regret marrying someone else?" asked Madeline. She had heard from Calhoun that Lady Lucy's husband was cheating on her which the lady was unaware of, "My apologies for asking something so personal," Madeline quickly corrected, bowing her head when she realised it was something she was not supposed to ask.

"No, don't be. We are going to be sisters," saying this Lady Lucy placed her hand on Madeline's arm, "It has been a while since I felt at home. The last person I could freely talk to and who could speak back to me was my caretaker. I used to call her 'Nana' but she is no more. I don't know if I do or don't. When my mother found out about my growing interest towards Theodore, immediately my marriage was fixed, and he was told not to have anything to do with me. I am married to Samuel, who loves me, so I wouldn't say I am sad."

Madeline smiled back at Lady Lucy.

Both the girls continued to walk on the grounds of the castle, their footsteps slow, speaking about other things which didn't involve the family. When a carriage entered the castle grounds, moving towards the castle, Lucy said,

"I think I know to whom that carriage belongs to," Madeline turned her head to catch sight of the moving carriage, "It is the Wilmot's carriage. Let's go meet them," came the enthusiastic voice of Lucy.?Heading back inside the castle, Madeline noticed it was Lady Rosamund and Lady Sophie who had arrived in the carriage, making their way through the corridor.

"Lucy, my darling!" exclaimed Lady Rosamund who walked to the front to take Lucy in her arms, "I wasn't expecting to see you here. How have you been?" asked the older vampiress.

"I have been doing well, Lady Rosamund. I wrote a letter to you, didn't you get it?" asked Lucy and Lady Rosamund blinked for a second.

"I don't think I received it. Else you know I would have replied to you right away." Though Lucy didn't see it, Madeline who stood in the corners saw how Rosamund was lying through her teeth while acting as if Lucy was dear to her heart.

Since the very first time Madeline had met Lady Rosamund, both the ladies had grown a distaste towards each other. Madeline didn't forget how Rosamund had asked her to get out of the carriage, without showing a bit of sympathy while she was being dropped in the middle of nowhere with no other ride.

When Lady Rosamund turned to meet Madeline's eyes, to her surprise, the woman stepped forward to put her hands around her for a hug before pulling away,

"Congratulations Lady Madeline," Lady Rosamund congratulated her and Madeline took more than a second to question herself on what was happening, "We just heard about the marriage that is going to take place and thought that we should personally come and congratulate the future queen. I cannot believe that I finally am going to have another daughter."

Madeline's already raised eyebrows looked at the lady before putting up a smile, "Thank you, milady."

"Sophie, where are the flowers," Lady Rosamund turned to her daughter who stood there stiffly. Soon Madeline's hand was holding gathered flowers, "Sophie made these for you. She was saying how wonderful her time was with you, when she last visited here."

Sophie bowed her head, and Madeline greeted the young vampiress back. Now that the King had announced about his marriage with her, it seemed that people had suddenly changed their behaviour and views about her.

"That is very sweet of sister Sophie," Lady Lucy was oblivious to the politics that went in and outside the castle, like an innocent lamb who believed and trusted people around her.

"Are you here by yourself, Lucy?" asked Lady Rosamund.

Lucy replied, "I came here with Samuel. He's been talking to brother Calhoun in the courtroom."

"I see," nodded Lady Rosamund before her interest went to fall back on Madeline, "I thought you would need some help with our customs, as there are no elders in the castle, you will need some help, who better than the aunt, right?" smiled Lady Rosamund.

Vampires had different customs? Asked Madeline to herself.

"I forgot that we have different customs. It is good that you are here, Lady Rosamund," said Lucy. Madeline was not comfortable in Lady Rosamund's presence, but she didn't show it. If they were going to end up being family, the least Madeline could do was ignore things that had occurred in the past as it would only turn awkward when they would meet each other face to face.

The ladies started to walk further inside, making their way to the Seating room when Lucy excused herself to go to the powder room and Sophie decided to tag along with her, leaving the room for Lady Rosamund and Madeline.

Madeline wondered if she should go to the powder room too. Not because she wanted to make herself pretty but just so that she wouldn't have to share the room alone with Lady Rosamund who had been smiling at her sweetly.

Lady Rosamund raised her hand for the maid who was in the room to come forward, "Bring us something to drink. Preferably wine for me and…" she left the words hanging for Madeline to complete.

"Water," said Madeline and the maid was dismissed by the hand wave of Lady Rosamund.

"Close the door," ordered Lady Rosamund and the maid obliged, "The maids can get nosey sometimes. Don't you think, Lady Madeline? I heard about what the maids commented about you. I am so sorry you had to hear that," and the lady who was sitting next to Madeline, placed her hand on top of her hand.

Word did travel fast, thought Madeline to herself, "Thank you for your kind words. It is something that has been dealt with."

"You are right," agreed Lady Rosamund, "You know, Lady Madeline, you don't have to hear such vulgar things. Because after what I heard happened to you, I feel bad for you."

"I am sorry?" Madeline looked at the older vampiress in surprise.

Lady Rosamund offered Madeline a kind smile, "You don't have to go through this marriage if you don't want to. I can help you with that. It is never too late."

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