The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 171 A dark place- Part 1

171 A dark place- Part 1

"Welcome my King, to my humble shop," said James, "Milady," he finally greeted Madeline who gave him a nod with a small smile. The last time she had been looking at James, it had warranted with Calhoun's hand moving up on her thigh. She was learning, Madeline was a fast learner compared to the other girls whom she knew, and she prided herself on it. She hoped it was true.

"Good day to you Mr. Heathcliff," no tailorman? Asked Madeline to herself. Was Calhoun nice because James was polite? Also, it would be rude to look down at James when they were not in the castle but in James' shop.

Calhoun had a big smile on his face and said, "I am here on Lady Madeline's word that you make excellent clothes compared to the others in the towns," upon the King's words, James turned to meet Madeline's eyes, "And I have to agree on her word. You do have beautiful clothes, indeed. The one that she wore during the night of the Hallow in the castle. Beautiful creamy white that was smooth to touch."

"Thank you for your praise, milord," James bowed his head, and his assistants bowed their heads too, "It was made of cotton silk which was mixed with linen. We were hoping to make something-"

"Mr. Heathcliff, I was speaking about Lady Madeline's skin," chuckled Calhoun and this had everyone's eyes widen, but James was not exactly pleased hearing this. James' lips pursed, "I meant the cut around the shoulders was extravagant, showcasing her slender shoulders."

Madeline didn't know what part of it was more mortifying with what Calhoun just said. This was no closed court but a shop that was outside the castle. Before Calhoun could say anything, she said, "We were looking for gowns for me."

"Wedding gown," added the King just to make sure the others didn't miss.

"Miss Harris, are you getting married?" asked one of the assistants, astonished.

"I would have never thought that it was going to be Lady Madeline first, before her sister," came another assistant's words who was a young woman.

Madeline could feel James staring at her, and all she wanted to do right now was run away from this shop. Even if it meant, going back to the castle with Calhoun willingly. She made sure not to look at him and kept her eyes on the shop's assistance who questioned her.

And when they realised it was in the castle, they looked at Madeline and then at the King. Miss Harris was getting married to the King?!

"Congratulations, milord! Milady!" the female assistant looked more excited than anyone and Madeline put up a smile, "It is good to hear that there's going to be a wedding."

Calhoun chuckled, "I am sure you will have the opportunity to attend more than just ours," his eyes moved to look at James.

James' hands clenched at his sides at the helplessness he felt right now. If Calhoun was not a King, but a normal person, a human, James would have plummeted his fists into the man's face. But he knew better than to do that.

If James even went to try it, he would not only be beaten, but there will be much worse things that would await him. Taking a deep breath, he kept his tone polite, "We will need to take the lady's measurements unless you would like to take a look at the wedding gowns that we already have here."

"Please," said Calhoun, walking towards the stool which was placed by Greg, he sat down. Madeline's body was measured by the young woman who worked for James. Starting from the hands, asking how they would like to it when it came to the designs, "Something that could match Lady Madeline's beauty and also simple enough to remove," the King had no filter and Madeline tried not to react so that they could be done with it quickly and leave the shop.

James, on the other hand, was trying to control his anger.

In the meantime, Calhoun sat there with his legs crossed one over another. Staring at Madeline as if she was his world. His eyes then slowly moved at James, his lips moving up with a sinister's smile. Calhoun had asked Mr. Barnes to speak to James, and he was hoping Mr. Barnes had done the job. Mr. Barnes' daughter, Catherine, was in love with James. As it was the King's order, Mr. Barnes could not refuse it. And if James refused, it wouldn't be Calhoun's problem at all. Mr. Barnes' ego would be hurt, and he would make sure to get James married to his daughter. Either way, it was a win-win situation, and all he had to do was sit back and smile.

"Madeline and I will be returning here to check the gown. Thank you for your assistance," Calhoun said, once they were done, he shook James' hand in his, not so gently.

"It was my pleasure," answered James, his eyes finally moved to look at Madeline who didn't look at him. When the couple eventually left the shop, Greg, the assistant moved to stand next to James,

"Miss Harris is lucky, isn't she, Mr. Heathcliff?" asked the boy, "It is not everyday one gets married to the King."

The female assistant who had come out to peek at the handsome King commented, "Miss Harris is so pretty, I wouldn't be surprised even if the Gods came for her," Greg laughed along with her, but Mr. Heathcliff was in no mood to join their little chatter. To make a wedding dress for someone who he loved, his teeth gritted at the thought. The King was going to marry her, and there was nothing he could do.

Madeline walked beside Calhoun. As it was only about measurements, their visit to the shop was a short one, and she was glad for it. The men and women of the village couldn't stop looking at the King and the lady next to him. Whispering, words of gossip that had already started to spread in the village the moment they had seen the couple step down from the carriage.

"Relax, Maddie. I feel a duck is walking next to me," commented Calhoun when he noticed her stiff shoulders.

"Do you blame me for that?" she asked because she was not used many people staring at her.

"I have a feeling that when we grow old, we will still be that bickering couple," whistled Calhoun and Madeline turned to look at Calhoun,

"Can we go and visit my family now?" She had made sure not to upset him, and he appeared to be in a good mood.

"Soon," he answered, and she frowned.

"Soon?" she repeated his words.

Calhoun nodded his head and got into the carriage before her and offered his hand for her, "I have someplace to visit before that. Accompany me, sweet girl. After that I promise to visit your family with you today. How about that?" he asked her.

It wasn't like Madeline had another option apart from agreeing to him.

Now that they were away from the crowd, she felt much more relaxed when she was seated in the carriage.

Calhoun's hand out of habit went to touch Madeline's head, smoothening it with the back of his hand. Unlike before, Madeline didn't move away from Calhoun's touch. With the amount of time she had come to spend with Calhoun, she was more aware of his presence around.?Even without touching physically, Calhoun had the ability to touch her with his gaze.

"Where are we going?" she asked him. She doubted it was a soiree as she had come to take note of the change of his hairstyle when it came to attending one or when he was in the castle. They were always different.

"There's a man named Raphael Sparrow," Calhoun gave a reassuring grin, and Madeline nodded her head. Not knowing exactly who the man was.

Madeline's eyes that were on Calhoun slowly wandered away to look outside the window of the carriage.

There had been a question that Madeline had for her sister as she was the one who shared the room with her all these years. She wanted to ask Beth if she had sleepwalked before because she didn't remember sleepwalking in the past. Maybe she didn't know, or it was the first time she had done something like that. Her heart raced when she remembered how she had found herself standing on the edge, feeling the air. She could tell that she was scared of heights or go near the windows after the incident had taken place.

"Thinking about it again," Calhoun asked her, who had not mentioned what had taken place four days ago. It seemed that Madeline needed time and Calhoun had given it to her.

He had asked Theodore to find the person who could help them give more insight on what had happened. Calhoun doubted that it was someone's doing because a glass didn't appear and disappear by itself. Not to forget the burn it had left on his hand when he had touched the surface of the window. But the person, Raphael, had been out of town since the last two weeks and had arrived only yesterday.

Therefore, all Calhoun could do was keep a close eye on Madeline to make sure nothing happened to her.

Madeline turned her head to look at him. She met his dark red eyes that had a look of curiosity in there.

"It is not every day one falls from the window," she said while having a aloof expression on her face.

He continued to pat the back of her hair, "You are right. Not everyone has such luck and hobby to do courageous things like that," stated Calhoun. He could see the fear in her eyes. She was scared of the unexplainable incident that had happened with her, "Don't worry, you can do that because I will be there. You know," he leaned forward as if he was going to tell her a secret, he said it in a whisper, "Because I have wings."

Madeline could tell that this was Calhoun's way of cheering her up.

Just so that she would not think she had gone mad, she had not discussed what happened since that night. Wanting some time to think. She noticed how Calhoun looked at her, his eyes filled with intrigue.

He then said, "At the place where we are going now, do not mention about the wings," Calhoun's words made her question on why.

"But everyone knows about it," replied Madeline.

"Some are unaware of it. We don't want to scare them."

Out of her own curiosity, she decided to ask, "Who is Raphael Sparrow?"

Calhoun's eyes slightly narrowed in thought, before he said, "He is a card reader. The one who reads cards," and he smiled at her expression. Madeline knew who card readers were, the one who were present in the fairs. They were nothing but a sham who told things one wanted to hear.

Did Calhoun believe in such a thing? Or was there something more to it?

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