The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 216 Extraordinary Woman

Finally arriving at the inn, which according to Bartos, was a favorite hangout among his officers to meet and talk about important and confidential matters, Jayra found herself subconsciously checking herself over, making sure that she was presentable even as they disembarked. Immediately, she composed herself, Bartos helping her unmount as she brushed her hand through her hair.

She smiled when Bartos possessively held her hand, their fingers locking together as he then pulled her inside the inn. Inside, Jayra’s smile widened when she saw a group of men and women inside bantering amongst each other. However, as soon as they saw their Alpha enter, they quickly showed their respect and greeted Bartos with her included.

“Finally!” one of the shirtless men with a trimmed beard and mustache commented.  “Our Alpha has his Luna!”

Jayra blushed at that. It never got old hearing that she was Bartos’s Luna.

Bartos shook his head at the greeting. He then formally introduced her to the masses. “She’s Jayra, a royal mage from the Kingdom of Ebodia, and a close friend of Princess Xenia…” he began.

He then took a deep breath as he proudly added, “She will be the Luna of our Lock Heart Pack going forward. Please spare my voice and do the honors of introducing yourselves to her now one by one…”

At that, they all went into a line and they did as they were told. The one who initially teased Bartos first stepped forward and said, “Greetings, milady. I am Eston, the second-in-command of the pack.”

Jayra gave him a curt smile and nod, which were then soon followed by the others as they all gave their introductions. It all went well enough, but one particular woman from the group made her uncomfortable for some reason. She was Dorin, the one in charge of the administrative duties of the pack.

[Is Dorin one of the women you humped before?] Jayra directly inquired of her mate through their telepathic connection. [She feels off for some reason.]

Hearing her, Bartos almost choked on the drink he was having. [Huh?]

Jayra held her own as she decided to simply smile at him. It looked innocent enough, but there was danger behind those smiles of hers. She was a woman who was good at reading people, and this Dorin was giving her a vaguely envious and hateful stare every once in a while. The woman was silently sizing her up from head to toe, and she didn’t like it one bit.

In retaliation, she became extra touchy with Bartos, intentionally doing it on purpose to get a reaction from the woman.

[So? What is it then?] Jayra cautiously waited on Bartos’s reply.

The latter sighed as he answered, [It’s just one time, wife. I was so drunk at the time, and I don’t even recall how it happened. I just woke up naked one morning sharing a bed with her. I swear that was it.]

He even added, [After that, I made sure not to get drunk in the presence of any women. I won’t do it if I’m sober, since I made it a rule to never hump a woman inside my pack. That’s the first and last, so please believe me.]

“Seems like that’s not how it went for her,” Jayra simpered.

Shaking her head, she smiled before casually talking to some of Bartos’s officials instead. She felt annoyed enough with that information that she was feeling petty. It would’ve been somehow bearable if she wouldn’t be coming face-to-face with the women Bartos humped before, but she guessed that her life would be too perfect if she somehow avoided any encounters like this every time they came up.

And at that, she couldn’t help but wonder just how many women this werewolf of hers played with in the past… Ah, she probably shouldn’t dare ask if she wanted to preserve her sanity.

Clearing her thoughts, she quickly shifted her attention to know more about the officials of the Lock Heart Pack instead. This would be a good distraction for her, mingling with the others like how she used to. She would show them how naturally approachable and pleasing her personality was, and she wanted them to have a good first impression of her as Bartos’s Luna. Yes… She should focus on that instead of getting annoyed about Dorin.

[Wife…] Bartos telepathically called to her but Jayra ignored him as she kept her composure. That didn’t mean that she stopped observing Dorin in the background, however.

Soon enough, lunch was served, and everyone was gathered by the long table of the inn.

“Are you going to have a wedding ceremony, milady?” one of the female officers curiously asked. “I believe you have that kind of tradition in your kingdom, right?”

Jayra flashed her sweetest smile as she looked at everyone. Still, her eyes particularly lingered on Dorin as she answered, “My husband respects our traditions, so he wants us to have our wedding ceremony as soon as His Highness, King Darius, comes back with our Princess Xenia.”

She smiled as she continued, “I honestly appreciate this kind gesture of his, showing great respect for me and my traditions even if I’m a foreigner on this land. Although, I must say that I’m already more than content with being bonded to him like this.”

“Woah! Who would’ve thought that our aloof Alpha has that side of him…” Eston commented with a gleam in his eyes. “I mean, he never got too serious with any woman before this. But I guess it’s really different when you’re blessed with experiencing the Mate Pull.”

Jayra chuckled at that. Everyone inside the room seemed to genuinely welcome her into the pack like she was already one of them. Well, except for the one who couldn’t seem to hide her irritation towards her by not talking to her. She was even making that awkward expression of her trying her best to hide her annoyance.

“The Mate Pull is indeed strong, but it’s nothing but pure carnal lust and desire among us werewolves, isn’t it?” Dorin suddenly chimed in. “At least, that’s what I heard from others who experienced it.”

[Wow, your past humping partner has a tongue in her, I guess,] Jayra unknowingly snorted telepathically to Bartos.

Hearing Bartos’s heavy sigh, she turned at him. She was surprised to see the dim expression on his face, all while glaring intensely at Dorin as he said, “It’s not just carnal desire or lust, Dorin. I guess you won’t understand since you haven’t experienced something like it.”

He firmly stated, “Jayra is a human. And like our King, I had a choice to easily reject the Mate Pull if I didn’t find Jayra to my liking. But in my case, I chose to accept it because I haven’t met such an extraordinary woman like my wife. I mean, just everything in her looks perfect for me. Even if she’s angry or annoyed, I simply cannot picture myself sharing my life with any other woman than her… We’re not bound by mere lust. We’re held together by everything we have for each other.”

Jayra’s eyes swelled at Bartos’s words, and she simply couldn’t help herself but move and sealed that wonderful mouth of his with hers without care to everyone else around her.

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