The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The battle with Barigos took more than half a year.


At first, Choi Yeonseung couldn’t use it often due to its extreme internal energy consumption. He moved around to regain his internal energy most of the time, only ever using concentrated fist energy at the right moments. Nevertheless, it was intimidating enough.

“Human! What is that light?”

Until now, Choi Yeonseung hadn’t been able to break through Barigos’ defense magic. However, this new light ripped his defenses apart like it was a piece of paper.

[The ‘Blood Shield’ magic has been destroyed!]

[The ‘Master’s Protection’ magic has been destroyed!]

[The ‘Advanced Magic Shield’ magic has been...]


Once used, it broke through the magic layers around Barigos. He couldn’t help but be nervous.

‘Here he comes!’

Barigos raised his?axe?and accurately aimed at Choi Yeonseung’s trajectory. He didn’t know when to dodge it, but he could hit it when it was close to him.

-Master of Blood! The strength of your power!

Barigos shouted, and the power bestowed upon him by his master, the constellation, dwelled in the?axe. In response, Choi Yeonseung imbued his hands with concentrated?fist?energy.

Burning white concentrated energy!

The air began to rumble as the two huge forces caused their surroundings to vibrate. Soon, a roar broke out.

Choi Yeonseung’s concentrated?fist?energy struck the blade of Barigos’?axe. The impact nearly caused the axe to pop out, much to Barigos’ surprise. In an instant, Choi Yeonseung dealt a series of hits. He raised his fists, which were filled with concentrated fist energy, and unleashed a barrage of Origin of the Celestial Fist. He lost track of how many times he attacked, but Barigos’?axe?blade soon bounced away, creating a gap in Barigos’ defenses.

Choi Yeonseung was supposed to rush in with Origin of the Celestial Step and deliver a critical hit but couldn’t.

‘I’ve consumed too much internal energy!’

[The concentrated fist energy is consuming your internal energy rapidly.]

[Three Flowers Gathering restores your internal energy!]

[Heavenly Martial Physique's internal energy consumption has been reduced.] V/\IssịT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).𝘤𝑜/𝓂 for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

Choi Yeonseung used the Origin of the Celestial Step to move backward. As expected, Barigos quickly went on the defensive, creating a magic circle around him to block intruders. Choi Yeonseung would’ve died if he hastily rushed in.

“Human! Try and stop this!”

Barigos charged in with all his might. Choi Yeonseung’s concentrated?fist?energy seemed to have awakened Barigos’ competitive spirit. The?axe?burning with magic power hit the ground?and unleashed waves of red magic power?toward Choi Yeonseung.

Getting hit by that would be fatal for Choi Yeonseung, who had already used up over two-thirds of his internal energy. He could dodge it using Origin of the Celestial Step, which didn’t consume internal energy, but...

Choi Yeonseung chose to use Origin of the Celestial Finger instead, unleashing powerful energy through his fingers. Each internal energy bullet slowed down the waves of magic power for a moment.

-Master of Blood!

Barigos used the power of the constellation again. He didn’t know what Choi Yeonseung was doing, but Barigos could tell that his opponent had overused his strength and was weakening. Choi Yeonseung’s inability to break through Barigos’ defense was painful for him, but it was equally frustrating for Barigos, who still hadn’t won despite already having turned the entire area upside down.

Constellations could watch their household members’ every move. In other words, his master, the ‘Ruler of Blood and Brawls,’ was also watching this boring fight! This situation was bound to cause irritation.

Hence, Barigos seized this opportunity. He started to push with all his might. Barigos’ entire body started to burn. Red magic power burned every time he breathed and exploded every time he took a step. Moreover, he appeared to shrink in size.

Choi Yeonseung was shocked. It wasn’t an illusion. Barigos was actually shrinking.

[The ‘Ruler of Blood and Brawls’ has given you the power to win!]

-Thank you, Master!

Barigos thanked the constellation.


Choi Yeonseung immediately understood how dangerous that transformation was. There was only one reason why anyone would let go of their size advantage.


He couldn’t think of any other reason. He would’ve preferred wide-ranged magic, but...


Barigos roared and rushed in. It was a simple and ignorant method of fighting that had neither form nor frame. However, the combination of enormous magic power and speed seemed more threatening than any martial arts. Barigos’?axe?blazed with condensed red magic power. It was like concentrated energy.

Choi Yeonseung?used Origin?of the Celestial Step with all his might. He crossed over the?axe?that swept toward his legs and fired the Origin of the Celestial Finger toward Barigos’ head. Barigos deflected it with a mere shake of his head.

‘Crazy bastard.’

His opponent’s ridiculous defense method dumbfounded Choi Yeonseung. His attack had enough power to pierce through even a thick sheet of iron with one blow, yet Barigos easily deflected it.


Barigos swung his?axe?as if he had lost his mind. Choi Yeonseung condensed internal energy on his hand and defended against it. Afterward, he grabbed Barigos’ arm. He then used Covert Attack Reversal and returned his opponent’s power back at him!

Barigos’ entire body was burning with magic power, so Choi Yeonseung had to protect himself with internal energy even when using this skill. When?Barigos spun around in the air, Choi Yeonseung barely managed to widen the distance. With his axe in hand, Barigos spun rapidly in place, firing a blade-like magic power.

Choi Yeonseung fired the Origin of the Celestial Finger and struck the magic power’s edge, creating a gap in the trajectory. Having barely escaped, he took a moment to sigh. However, Barigos was already standing in front of him.

Choi Yeonseung’s enemy had such ridiculous physical strength. Barigos balled his free hand into a fist and swung it at Choi Yeonseung. Being able to use a power that resembled fist energy without learning even a single martial art was ridiculous.

‘Magic is really annoying!’

Weren’t magic users normally weaker than martial artists in close-quarters combat? Yet magic made the opposite possible...

However, Choi Yeonseung didn’t have time to think about anything else. Barigos had already appeared right in front of him using a physical ability. Choi Yeonseung tried to stop him using Origin of the Celestial Fist and Origin of the Celestial Finger, but Barigos just took the attacks head-on and rushed in.

A horrific storm of magic power poured out of his body, eliminated Choi Yeonseung’s escape route, and tied up his feet. For the first time, Barigos hit Choi Yeonseung. Realizing it was unavoidable, Choi Yeonseung tried to dissipate as much of its power as possible, but Barigos’ attack was far too strong for him to resist.

Impenetrable Skin has been broken!]

[It will take time to restore it.]

The power to shatter Impenetrable Skin with a single blow. The moment the red magic power passed by Choi Yeonseung, it broke through his defense. Choi Yeonseung gritted his teeth as he was thrown back and sent flying.

‘I will die if I lose focus!’

The external shock disturbed his internal energy and shook his dantian. Nevertheless, Choi Yeonseung quickly recovered and prepared to counterattack. He’d get killed if he stood still just because he got hit!

‘Fist?energy doesn’t work. Concentrated fist energy!’

Choi Yeonseung had never emptied his dantian when fighting.

He could never expect when the enemy would come into this realm. Hence, using up all of his internal energy here could mean death. However, he’d likely die soon anyway if he held back against Barigos. Choi Yeonseung squeezed out his internal energy and made it into concentrated energy.

It wasn’t concentrated fist energy. Choi Yeonseung had just created a tubular-shaped concentrated energy. It wasn’t one of the Origin of the Celestial Divine Arts’ techniques. Rather, it was one that Choi Yeonseung instinctively squeezed out.

[You have created the Origin of the Celestial Concentrated Whip!]

[A basic?fist?movement has been added to the Origin of the Celestial Divine Arts. The Origin of the Celestial Divine Arts has evolved further.]

Choi Yeonseung created a basic fist movement and added it to his existing martial art, causing his martial art to evolve further. It was an amazing feat, but Choi Yeonseung couldn’t afford to think about it. The tubular-shaped concentrated energy extended from Choi Yeonseung’s palm and flew toward Barigos’ torso.

Barigos hurriedly dodged it, but the Origin of the Celestial Concentrated Whip’s speed exceeded his expectations. It blew away one of his arms.


Surprise and anger! Ignoring his injury, Barigos swung his?axe?with his remaining arm. He sensed he’d be in real danger if he couldn’t finish the human now. There was a chance his opponent would rise even higher! Likewise, Choi Yeonseung reached a decision upon witnessing Barigos charge at him with the intent to kill. He had to kill Barigos here, even if it meant squeezing everything he had in his dantian. If he backed off now, Barigos would tear him apart.

At that moment, Choi Yeonseung resonated with the world. His body, which had been injured by Barigos’ magic power, was swallowed up by the world.

On the other hand, Barigos saw an illusion of Choi Yeonseung growing endlessly and swallowing the world.

He had to empty his dantian! That was the next step that he had to take! The moment he emptied his dantian for the first time, Choi Yeonseung felt the world. He?realized that the internal energy of his dantian had no meaning. The dantian was a world within oneself. If he expanded that world outward, then?the world would serve as his dantian.

Swallow the world!

‘Origin of the Celestial!’

Origin of the Celestial Divine Arts meant the universe. It was just a simple name, but Choi Yeonseung now felt destined for it. Internal energy filled his empty dantian like a rising tide. No, this no longer had value. After all, Choi Yeonseung had realized how to expand himself and swallow the world, allowing him to use martial arts even without internal energy.

[You have?reached the?transcendent-class stage.]

[You have acquired perfect enlightenment on the S-rank skill ‘Concentrated Breathing Arts.’]

[You can now freely handle concentrated energy!]

[The S-rank skill ‘Suppress the Strong and Support the Weak’ has been acquired.]

[The S-rank skill ‘Overcome Oneself?to Become Strong’ has been acquired.]

[’Resonance From the World’ is becoming stronger and stronger. The world is waiting for your call.]

[The constellations of the Abyss who are watching your battle shows interest in you!]

[The ’Cat of Lava and Magma’ is shaking its paws!]

[The ’Horseman of Plague and Darkness’ promises you a scythe.]

[The ’Red Bull That Tramples on the World’ is exhaling rapidly from its nose.]

[The ’Ruler of Blood and Brawls’ is furious!]

‘They were watching our fight?’

He didn’t expect constellations to be watching their battle. Choi Yeonseung extended his hand forward. The Origin of the Celestial Concentrated Whip tore through the space and pierced Barigos’ shoulder.

“Kuooch... Not yet... Not yet...!”

The Origin of the Celestial Concentrated Whip was similar to a whip, but its destructive power was incomparable to any magic. He sliced down from Barigos’ shoulder joint to his side, causing blood to splatter.

Barigos let out a mournful scream.

Choi Yeonseung didn’t stop. Beasts tended to become more dangerous when wounded. He had to end it here.

Origin of the Celestial Finger! The moment he?reached the?transcendent-class stage, the Origin of the Celestial Finger’s power was beyond imagination. Every time he flicked his finger, bead-like internal energy flew out. The concentrated energy bullets, or concentrated spheres, pierced through Barigos relentlessly, shattering all of his remaining magic.

Barigos knelt down. “I… accept my defeat, human.”

[You have won the battle against the glorious Barigos, the first household member of the Ruler of Blood and Brawls who has received the?Axe?of Blood!]

[You have gained strength from the world through ‘Overcome Oneself?to Become Strong.’]

Barigos admitted defeat.

“Human, you are worthy of refusing my master’s offer.”

“Thank you, Barigos. Sincerely,” ?Choi Yeonseung spoke with sincerity. After all, he wouldn’t have reached a new stage if it wasn’t for Barigos.

“Human. I don’t know the identity of the constellation that made a proposal with you, but... there is no need to accept such a proposal.”


“Become stronger! Enough so that no constellation can look down on you. Carve your name into?the?Abyss!”


“Become a constellation, human!”

Barigos’ words made Choi Yeonseung’s heart skip a beat.

Become a constellation? He had never thought about such a concept.

Earth’s hunters dreamed about becoming household members of a constellation, not becoming a constellation themselves. A caterpillar crawling on the ground could think of becoming a butterfly, but it could never dream of becoming an eagle. Nevertheless...

Choi Yeonseung could feel it now. The idea of him becoming a constellation wasn’t necessarily groundless.

‘Me becoming a constellation?’

Just as he did when the Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead made a proposal with him a few thousand years ago, Choi Yeonseung answered immediately.

“...Yes. Those words... I’ll accept them.”

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