The Cheat Seed

Chapter 76: Revenge...CHECK!!

Chapter 76: Revenge...CHECK!!

Marcus's fist didn't connect with Gabriel's destroyed face, Instead, it grazed his skull. But that was enough to shatter the clouds around them and sent Gabriel blasting down. His height reached the maximum and Marcus was paused in the air just for a second but soon felt the gravity act on him. They had reached a height where eagles flew.

Gabriel's limp body sliced through the air, down into the arena with a terrifying force. Marcus was right above him, diving headfirst.

The Crowd went panic mode altogether when they saw two black spots plummeting down into the earth. Gabriel's Unconscious body would have burned if it wasn't for Marcus manipulating the air around them.

The speed at which they were falling was still the same when Marcus aimed Gabriel's body at the king and poked him with one of his fingers. He created a transparent air path with his other hand and manoeuvred Gabriel's still body to the glass window through which the king was watching.

The king didn't notice it yet that his son was plummeting down to the earth, down to him. His eyes were shocked as they widened when he realized his son's torn off undershirt comes into view.

"Mom!. Use your Barrier...NOW!!"

Marcus boomed inside his mother's mind, his body was slicing through the air like a knife on butter.

His mother's body jumped a little but Reiren didn't try to pry more details. Her trembling and scared hands came together as a whole transparent layer covered her and the rest of her family.

They had been dead scared when they saw Marcus's hand almost touch the ground the third time.

But right when they thought he had lost....No!.. They had lost, their son's surprising comeback hit them hard and left them thinking whether the world was like a piece of cake for him.

Now!. What they had to do was to trust him. Trust their son who told them that he would easily win this battle, and it did seem like he was utterly humiliating and destroying his opponent.

The King and his guards had no chance as Gabriel's body busted through the glass and rummaged into the King's lap. Their VIP lounge was 70% destroyed. Only 30% remained where Marcus's family sat, without any harm.

Marcus landed right after. His legs kissed the tile floor (His Qilin Powers) as he smoothly touched the floor after instantly neutralizing the momentum.

Gabriel's blood splattered on his father's face. The King's face was in fear when he saw his blood-covered son on his lap. The King's left leg had broken and he was late to realize it as he tried to move from his place.



The screams of The King could have boomed throughout the entire stadium if Marcus hadn't suppressed the cry with the Air Manipulation.

Sound needed a medium to travel, Marcus knew this as he cut off the air supply around the fallen royalty. They could die, without oxygen. The Entirety of the city People knew who was inside the VIP lounge.

Marcus's mind changed soon after he realized his family could get into trouble. He thought of letting them live and give them a final chance.

Now ..... All Marcus needed was the time and space to talk with the king. A nice talk about what he had planned for their future.

His hands clasped each other tight and Marcus's eyes went blank. The Domain was active.

The King's face met the land on a levitating island as he accidentally swallowed the dust on it.

Gabriel was lying still beside him. The King's face flushed and his hands traced his son's body, his eyes frantically searched around, his other hand traced the land and the dirt beneath him.



The thoughts ran haywire inside and the king pulled his hair trying to regain himself.

His muddled thought was pierced by a strong, sharp voice from behind.

"OOH!!The King?. Isn't he the mightiest one in the entire world??. Doesn't he have important matters to attend to?. Right!! He doesn't have enough time to meet peasants but would love to accompany the rich??. Doesn't he??. Raymond Richard!!??"

It was Marcus, His voice booming into the King's ears and the empty air intensified the ring inside Raymond's eardrum.

"Why...Wh..why are you doing this??.. I am the..the king"

King Raymond trembled, the pressure was on him, the deadly aura seeping out of the man in front of him urged him to bow down.

"I don't give a fuck!!. You are a complete failure when it comes to being a father. Look how your son ended up"

Marcus enraged his voice. His Amazingly pleasant voice cracks shook the land.

"I'll give you one more chance .... Both you and your son!"

His red eyes met the King's as he bent down towards him.

"Tomorrow morning, I should get the news that my father was appointed as the Supreme Commanding Mage ..."

"And you'll feed the millions of poor farmers starting from tomorrow ....If you don't... KEKEKEK..."

Marcus's maniacal chuckle and The King's terrifying scream of agony echoed inside the Domain as Marcus stepped on the broken leg of the frightened king.

"I will break you and put you together again...I'll do this to that extent that you'll fall on my feet, pleading to kill you"

He lifted his leg from the King's almost separate leg and turned towards the darkness of the abyss.

The back faced the King, but Marcus's scary eyes were dead trained on the King when his head turned a bit to the right, piercing through him like a godly spear.

"Is it clear?... King?"


Raymond almost cracked his forehead when he bowed down and hit the ground head first. His leg screamed at him like a dehydrated traveller in a desert...It asked for water, it asked for relief.

"KEKEK...That's pleasant for my ears"

Marcus laughed and turned again, this time facing the almost dead Gabriel. Gabriel was losing blood fast and would have been completely drained if it wasn't for Marcus kicking him straight on his broken ribs.

The Only air left inside him whooshed out as Gabriel spat blood through his mouth. The King agonized at the gruesome sight with his wide eyes which would have popped out of his eye sockets if it was given a gentle push.

Gabriel's heartbeat was crystal clear inside the sound boosted abyss. It was like drums in a descending octave, going slow as time passed.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

*Thump* *Thump*




The struggling breath of Gabriel seized with a final gasp. The King fell on his son's body and cried heavily.

'Didn't the monster say he would give them one more chance?'

The King's thoughts were screaming inside him.

"And I did"

Marcus's voice faded inside the King's thoughts when his body suddenly bobbed.

IT WAS GABRIEL!!. Raymond lifted himself as he looked at the miracle. His son's broken ribs cracked again and aligned back to be more perfect. The torn skin and muscles spread on top of each other, making layers until the skin covered the fresh muscles.

His Face became more perfect as the protruding, cracked skull realigned perfectly and filled the gaps in the cranium. The newly formed face of Gabriel was handsome than ever. IT GLOWED IN THE DARKNESS.


Gabriel's eyes opened out of the blue. His torso moved and his hands grabbed for the air around him. He was alive.....HE WAS MORE ALIVE THAN BEFORE.

His son was alive and perfectly well!!, The King was caught by surprise when a shoe found his face during his turn.



A Clap rang in his ears, Raymond's cheekbone burned with pain. His blurred vision cleared up. He was staring at a ceiling, the ceiling of the VIP lounge, Gabriel on top of him gasping and groaning as he looked around him.

But Marcus was nowhere to be seen. Loud and excited screams of the crowd protruded the silence through the bust-up window as the king pushed Gabriel off from him in a daze.

Raymond Richard stood up with a jolt and forced himself to run to the window. The guards behind him tried to warn, but the king silenced them with his finger.

Out on the arena, standing tall and straight, was Marcus, a walking nightmare for him, the king.

Marcus's face had a tight grin but his eyes etched fear inside Raymond as it shot bullets of rage at him.

The referee shook his head and walked towards the Challenger. If the battlers were out of the boundary line at the same time then the first to reach back would win. Now, Marcus stood on the destroyed floor, UNSCATHED.

"Remember what I said King, Or else I would have to add 'break and repair' to my hobby list"

The king went still when his eyes met Marcus. His lip-read skill toggled on the man standing in the arena.

Raymond nodded awkwardly and bowed down to his trembling feet.







It maybe was because of fear or urgency but the King forgot that his broken leg wasn't.....



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