The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 773 Childish Behavior

After kissing her, Clifford fled away. Bianca didn't know where he went after leaving the hospital.

She was now alone in her private ward, still thinking about the kiss they shared a while ago. That kiss was unexpected. She wanted to know why Clifford did that. But unfortunately, he escaped by leaving her.

Bianca was feeling annoyed. She wanted to beat Clifford for making her think so hard. She couldn't figure out why Clifford suddenly kissed her.

She felt like her head would break from thinking too much about it. "Sigh! Clifford, just you wait! You can't hide from me forever."

Feeling bored, Bianca just decided to watch movies while eating the chocolates bought by Clifford for her.

Meanwhile, the man whom Bianca was looking for was currently in the Cullens' company. He went there to see Brandon.

He didn't know why but he just had the urge to talk to Brandon. He felt like he cheated on his friend when he kissed Bianca. Feeling a little bit guilty, Clifford dropped by Brandon's office.

After visiting the hospital, Brandon went back to the company. He would be hanging out later together with Yuri so he had to finish his work early.

He didn't expect to see Clifford at this hour.

"Hey, what are you doing here? We just saw each other a while ago. Did you miss me already?" Brandon stood up from his executive chair, welcoming Clifford with open arms.

Clifford just shook his head before walking over. He sat down on the sofa near Brandon's table.

"Hmm. What brings you here, my dear friend?" Brandon asked him again as he joined him on the sofa.

"I'm hiding from someone. I think this is the best place for me to hide," Clifford replied nonchalantly.

Brandon creased his forehead. "When did my office become a hiding spot for CEO Sy?"

Clifford just smirked at him, patting his shoulder. "Just today!"

"Oh C'mon. What did you do this time?" Brandon eyed him suspiciously.

'I kissed your woman.' Clifford thought to himself. He was still thinking that Brandon and Bianca were a thing. He even thought that the two of them already slept together during their first date.

"Nothing…" Clifford said, fighting the blush resurfacing on his cheeks.

He couldn't believe that he really did it! Kissing Bianca in his sober state! He wished that the ground would open up for him and swallow him whole.

He didn't know how he would justify his action. Fortunately, Bianca was still recuperating. If not, then he should have been beaten up by her already.

He didn't know how to face her. Clifford could only sigh deeply, covering his face using both hands.

Brandon just watched him in amusement. He wondered what happened to Clifford.

"Hey man… don't tell me you are blushing? Your face is so red like ripe tomatoes!" Brandon started teasing Clifford as he detected his embarrassed expression.

Clifford just hit Brandon on his shoulder.

"Aww! You are becoming aggressive! Do you want me to throw you out of my office?" Brandon threatened him only to receive a cold shoulder from Clifford.

"You often hang out in the Sy Corp. Do you want me to ban you from going there?"

"Of course, I don't want to. But kidding aside, are you hiding from whom?" Brandon questioned him expectantly.

"Don't tell me it's a woman?" He added, flashing his teasing smile.

Clifford had the urge to cover Brandon's blabbering mouth. "It's none of your business, alright?!"

Brandon just shrugged his shoulders. He got up to offer him some drinks. "Rhum or wine?"

"Red wine please."

Brandon called his assistant, asking him to bring some red wine and glasses for the two of them.

"Okay. I will not force you if you don't want to talk about it. Just enjoy your stay here. I'm just gonna finish the remaining paperwork for today."

Brandon went back to his table. Clifford just watched him move across the room, contemplating whether to ask Brandon about something or not.

Brandon's focus was now on his laptop and the documents on his table.

"Why are you in a hurry to finish those paperwork?" Clifford asked, breaking the silence.

"I need to finish this early since I'm gonna hang out later…"

Clifford frowned when he heard that. "Hang out with whom?"

Brandon darted his gaze from his laptop to Clifford. "With a woman!" He said proudly, smirking at his friend.

Clifford's face darkened after receiving Brandon's response.

"A woman?"

"Yes!" Brandon declared, not noticing the grim expression on Clifford's face.

"How dare you hang out with another woman? Taking advantage of Bianca's situation? Are you two-timing women again?!" The nerves on his forehead were now visible. Clifford looked very mad right now.

Meanwhile, Brandon stopped what he was doing and tossed a look at Clifford. He couldn't understand why he sounded so mad.

"Hey! Why are you accusing me of two-timing women? Just to clear things out... Bianca and I are not in a relationship." Brandon explained to Clifford.

Brandon already talked to Bianca this morning. She already declined his proposal about pretending to be his girlfriend. He was cool about it, respecting Bianca's decision.

So Brandon couldn't understand why Clifford was getting mad right now, accusing him of something he didn't do.

"But still! Don't be so irresponsible, Brandon. You slept with her!"

Brandon's jaw dropped upon hearing that. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Clifford… are you okay? Where did you get that false information? Did Bianca tell you that we slept together?" Brandon asked Clifford in disbelief.

Clifford fell silent for a moment. Bianca never told him that. He just assumed it.

"No! She didn't tell me. Why? Nothing happened between the two of you?" Clifford gazed at Brandon intently, his eyes filled with interest. He wanted to know.

Brandon glared at Clifford. "What do you think of me? Do you think Alveena will forgive me if I touch Bianca for no reason. I am not a playboy, Cliff! Not anymore!"

"So nothing happened between the two of you?" Clifford repeated his question to confirm.

"Nothing! What made you think that we slept together? Damn, Cliff. Your lewd mind is now active!"

Clifford suddenly burst out laughing. Who would have thought that he assumed the wrong thing?

For some unknown reason, he felt better and glad after knowing this. He really thought Bianca slept with Brandon. But that was not the case.

Clifford was rejoicing inwardly. The grim expression he had moments ago was long gone. Now, he looked like someone who won a lottery.

"So what do you think of Bianca? Are you not planning to date her?" Clifford asked Brandon again.

Brandon raised his eyebrow. Clifford suddenly became interested in his personal life or rather, he was only interested in Bianca's personal life.

"I can't date her. She already rejected me."

Clifford's face brightened up when he heard that. His lips twitched, fighting a wide smile.

"Oh, sorry about that. Maybe you are not her type." Clifford said, consoling Brandon.

"Why do I feel like you are laughing at me right now? Why are you grinning like a fool?" Brandon pursed his lips, folding his arms over his chest.

"Huh? Who's laughing? No one is laughing at you…" Clifford feigned innocence.

Brandon just shook his head helplessly before continuing what he was doing.

"By the way, who's the lucky girl?"

"Lucky girl?"

"The one going out with you tonight!"

Brandon just rolled his eyes skyward. "I am going out with a friend. It's not a date. Besides, I need to properly apologize to her for the hassle I gave her abroad."

"Hmm, who is she?" Clifford didn't stop asking Brandon.

"It's Yuri. Bianca's doctor." Brandon finally answered his friend.

"Eh? How did you know each other?"

"She's my doctor before." Brandon smiled inwardly as he recalled his moments with Yuri.

He was still a naughty guy before. He was a stubborn patient who gave his doctor lots of hassle.

"Oh, you are the one who bullied her and made her cry? Alveena mentioned it to me."

Brandon scratched the back of his head while smiling sheepishly.

"I didn't mean to make her cry. It's just that I wanted to tease her. I didn't expect that she would burst out crying after threatening her."

"Eh, what did you do to her in the past?" Clifford was intrigued.

"Eh, I just asked her to date me. If she won't, then I told her that I would not get my treatment and drink my medicine on time. Because of too much pressure from me, she cried."

Clifford wanted to hit Brandon's head. He had never imagined that Brandon had this kind of childish behavior.

"If I were Yuri, I would have tortured you using thousands of syringes. Make sure to apologize to her properly. How dare you threaten and ask your doctor to be your date? Are you that desperate?" Clifford clicked his tongue.

"Hey. I know I was at fault here. That's why I will try my best to make it up for her."

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