The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 717 Members Of Fiery Eagles

~ At Fiery Eagles Headquarters ~

A man in his mid-20s wearing his laboratory gown was watching their captives through the monitor screen. He was busy mixing some substances in the Erlenmeyer flask and glass tubes.

He was also heating a transparent substance in the beaker, waiting for it to boil before adding another green substance coming from the flask.

He was Dos, the genius scientist in the group. He was responsible for creating some useful drugs that they could use during their mission. Experimenting was his hobby. But all his products and experiments were useful to the organization.

He was not selling this to anyone or any organization. His knowledge and skills including his drugs and experiments belonged only to the Fiery Eagles.

It was already 2:00 am in the morning but Bishop and his men refused to disclose information about his clients. They were using burner phones so it was impossible to track or locate the mastermind unless he would contact Bishop once again.

It's not their nature to do some kind of torture to get some information from their prisoner or captives. Torturing them was their last resort since they were not that ruthless and barbaric, unlike the other organization.

They were not a black organization nor a mafia. The Fiery Eagles Organization was not classified as an underworld organization either. They still followed the law of the society but they had their unique methods of doing things.

Most of the members were unique, talented, and intelligent individuals.

Uno: The current leader of the group. He is 45 years old. He is considered the Brain of Eagles.

Dos: the genius scientist. He is 27 years old. As mentioned above, he was the one creating some useful drugs for the organization to use during their mission. He named those drugs according to their uses and effect.

Tres: she is the hacker of the group. She is good at computer programming. When it comes to computers and technology, she is considered as the prodigy in that technical field among the members. She is just 23 years old. She is also called the Inventor.

Fourth: he is the master of disguise! He was a top-notch spy. He is also called the King of Trickster! He is just 25 years old.

Fifth: he is a fighter and a sharpshooter! He was the one who trained everyone when it came to fighting a fist to fist combat and how to use different guns. He was also the "Manager" of the group since he was the one responsible for managing the weapons and other supplies of the Eagles.

Six: she is the female version of Fourth. The femme fatale beauty. She was good at luring their targets and enemies using her charm. She's beautiful but deadly.

​ As for Zero, he is the most mysterious in the group. His identity was unknown even to his comrades. He only communicates with them through email and messages. They hadn't even heard his voice yet. Zero was the main information source of the Eagles.

They were not sure whether Zero was a man or a woman. Some speculated that Zero was a member of the Davis Family.

They even thought that Grandpa Lu was Zero. But no one could confirm that. Only Zero and Grandpa Lu knew the truth about Zero's real identity.

Dos was still mixing the substance when someone entered his laboratory. He turned at the door, raising his hand as he signaled the newcomer not to enter.

"STOP! You are not wearing your lab gown! How many times do I have to tell you that you are not allowed to enter my working space without wearing the lab gown!" Dos said, reprimanding Fifth.

Fifth just rolled his eyes skyward. Dos was really strict when it came to his own rules and protocol.

"Alright. I will not step inside. Just listen to me. Are you done with your formula? I think we should use your drugs now to make them speak. They still refused to disclose any information about the Mastermind," Fifth lamented to him.

He was already losing his patients. Their leader, Uno, already told them to work fast so that they could proceed to their next move. They haven't slept yet because of this.

Dos removed his mask, raising the test tube containing the green substance that he mixed with the transparent substance a while ago.

"Ok, it's done. I will just let it cool down first before injecting it to the other guy. Choose their leader! You can prepare the interrogation room now."

A sly smile appeared on the corner of Fifth's lips after seeing the finished product of Dos's experiment.

"Injection? Why don't you just let him drink it? Aren't you curious about the taste of your new drug? Hehe… I know you are excited because you got your instant test subjects today!"

Fifth decided to tease Dos.

Dos let out a soft giggle. He didn't deny it. He just improved some formula in his personally made Truth Serum. He increased the dosage so that this truth serum would make someone confess everything they wanted to know.

Without further ado, Fifth proceeded to the interrogation room, bringing Bishop. There was a steel chair in the center. Even their chair was high-tech credits to Tres.

The moment Bishop sat on the chair, several metal cuffs attached in the armrest of the chair automatically bound him, restricting his arms from moving. Fifth also adjusted Bishop's legs to be restrained by the metal brackets.

Bishop glared at Fifth. He had never imagined that he would end up getting caught by these unknown men.

"Who are you? You are not the police!"

"Yes, we are not the police. But just like them, we also work for justice and to catch bad guys like you!" Fifth proudly said after he finished binding Bishop on the chair.

"Don't worry… we will not salvage you after you talk. The likes of you are not worth killing," Fifth added, mocking Bishop.

"Well, they can be the test subjects of my experiment. Of course, they will serve their purpose. Their lives will not be in vain," Dos had spoken from behind.

He already entered the room still wearing his laboratory gown. He was also holding a steel briefcase in his right hand.

Bishop looked at him in confusion.

"What experiment?!" He snarled at them. "I knew it! Not killing us my foot! You are the same with others! You are even worse! Experimenting on humans?!!" Bishop screamed at them, trying to maintain his brave front but deep inside he was a little bit scared.

Sensing the different aura coming from the men, he could tell that they were not ordinary.

Dos fixed the position of his eyeglass on his nose, before putting down the briefcase on top of the table beside Bishop.

Dos was just scaring him when he mentioned test subjects. He was not a vicious scientist who would experiment on humans unless it was necessary.

Second, he would do it if Zero and Uno would request him to do it.

Third, if the Head of the Davis Family would give such an order, he would be happy to comply, making those scumbags his test subjects.

"Okay. Let's begin now!" Dos said, signaling Fifth.

Fifth held Bishop's mouth, forcing his lips to open. Meanwhile, Dos unlocked the steel briefcase and several truth serums could be found inside.

Bishop's eyes widened in horror seeing those green substances inside the small transparent glass tubes.

'Are they trying to poison me? That green liquid looks disgusting!'

He tried to struggle and close his mouth but Fifth put on a steel dental mouth opening inside his mouth, stopping him from sealing his lips.

"Hehe, tell us what the taste is. Be proud because you are the first one who will get to taste this special serum, especially made by our handsome genius scientist!" Fifth said, continued teasing him.

"Thank you for calling me handsome! But Fifth, I already knew that! Can't you give me another praise?" Dos said, grinning from ear to ear after getting one truth serum inside the briefcase.

Fifth was about to say something when someone entered the room.

"Stop playing around. Get it done already!"

Fifth and Dos immediately stood up straight greeting their team leader, Uno. Dos glared at Fifth. He didn't mention that their leader was around.

Fifth just smiled at him apologetically while scratching his face. The two men greeted Uno respectfully. Now, they stopped mocking and provoking Bishop.

Uno was in a hurry to get an answer from him. They needed to take some action as soon as possible.

Dos forced Bishop to drink the Truth Serum with the help of Fifth. Uno was watching them on the sideline. They waited for the truth serum to take effect before starting the questioning.

It did not take long when Fourth reported to Uno. Six and Fourth already caught the person who was following Zhen-Zhen's car during the vehicular accident.

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