The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 95: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (44)

Chapter 95: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (44)

Chapter 95: A female mate chooses to farm (44)

After receiving the imperial edict that was delivered to the Jinnan Palace at full speed, Yan Kejin was extremely angry and smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

Others may not understand the emperor's intention, but Yan Kejin, his biological son, is fully aware of his father's thoughts.

Why else?

Isnt it just to please his current queen? In his eyes, everyone else is just a tool.

Reuse him?


This does not mean that he is living happily and comfortably in Nanman, right?

After hearing the imperial edict, Xu Yin almost lost control of her hidden temper.

The **** who read out the imperial edict was invited by the discerning butler to the teahouse for tea and snacks.

When only the couple was left in the room, Xu Yin couldn't help but ask: "Why is the emperor having such a fit?"

Finally adapted to the southern barbarian climate, settled here, started agriculture, industry, commerce, and built infrastructure, but an imperial edict sent people to the northwest border again.

Is it okay to be so shady?

You are his biological son, right?

Yan Kejin suddenly felt much better when he saw the cute look on the princess's face as she rolled up her sleeves angrily and wished she could rush to the capital to vent her anger for him.

The haze that had been stuck in my heart disappeared at this moment.

Not angry, not angry.

He hugged her into his arms and kissed the top of her hair.

Isnt it me who is so angry and feels distressed? Well, if you think about it from another angle, its not entirely a bad thing.

"Oh?" Xu Yin calmed down, followed his train of thought, and suddenly realized, "That's right! You were worried about not being able to recruit troops, and he just sent you 100,000 troops?"

Yes! Yan Kejin clapped her hands and laughed, We can form the firearms battalion you mentioned.

Think about it from another angle, this imperial edict came just in time.

The couple looked at each other and smiled.

However, the road to Yanguan is long, and the transportation of firearms is no better than other supplies.

Fortunately, I originally planned to build a solar-powered mechanical vehicle that could replace horse-drawn carriages after returning from Qin County. Now I am even more determined to design a vehicle that can carry both people and objects.

Xu Yin searched around the system mall and found the design drawing and some materials of a military armored vehicle that can be transported over long distances. The exchange price was 9999 energy points! !

Good guy!

She called him "good guy!"

This is the rhythm to clear the balance of energy points.

She clutched her chest in distress.

After exploring the five Nanman counties, in addition to harvesting five map frames, I also received a wave of gratifying energy point rewards.

Having a five-digit energy point balance is all due to this wave of rewards.

But its going to be spent before you can keep warm...

The distress was distressed. After repeated thought, Xu Yin still redeemed it without hesitation.

Energy points can be earned again after they are spent. If you miss the armored vehicle design, you may not have the chance to get it again.

After getting the drawings, first give the necessary materials to Yan Kejin to collect.

Now, she no longer makes excuses, and he cooperates so tacitly that he doesn't ask where it comes from, and just uses it.

Thanks to the proliferation of workshops owned by Wang Fu everywhere, iron carriages, glass windows, rubber tires... can be obtained quietly without alerting the outside world. Xu Yin turned on the scene simulation function and concentrated on tinkering with the engine.

In addition, she made a purchase list of supplies: "Mommy, pick a few smart boys and purchase them separately. We are in a hurry, the sooner the better."

Yanguan is located at the northwest gate. There is a big temperature difference between day and night. When it is cold, you shivering while wrapped in thick cotton robes. When it is hot, yellow sand blowing on your face can burn your skin.

She first thought of down. Arent there many people in Qin County raising sea ducks? Even if the duck down is not discarded, it is mixed in the humus pile for retting.

When he asked the imperial chef to kill the ducks, he collected the fine velvet-like down and used it as a sample to give to the boys who went to buy it.

"This is the duck down I'm talking about. You can harvest as much as you can."

It doesnt matter if you cant collect enough duck down in a short time. Open the down workshop first and collect and make it at any time. Once its made, let the Escort Bureau transport it to Yanguan in batches.

The problem of keeping warm in cold winter is solved, and then there is the veil and veil to protect from sun and wind and sand in summer.

Men may look down on this thing, but the women in Yanguan will definitely like it.

There are many female relatives in Yanguan, so she brought some as souvenirs, which can also shorten the distance between her and them.

Xu Yin was thinking about it bit by bit while tinkering with the car engine, and she would prepare whatever came to her mind.

Living supplies are nothing more than rice, flour, grains, oils, condiments, clothes, bedding, and daily necessities.

In the past two or three years, Zhuangzi under the Wangfu has gradually planted high-yielding grains. The existing stock in Zhuangzi's granary alone is more than enough for them to live in Yanguan for several years.

As for oil, since the purchase of yoshidou has been liberalized, oil pressing mills have also been opened. In addition to obtaining soybean oil, we are also trying to extract protein fiber from soybean meal to make soybean fiber quilts.

The amount of soybeans purchased is not enough for three workshops to receive orders and start operations at the same time. Therefore, the soybean fiber has been excluded from trial production and has not yet been officially put into use.

At the moment, Xu Yin couldn't care less. The production progress of the tofu shop and the soy sauce shop was slowed down for a while, while the oil pressing shop was working overtime.

Brown sugar, white sugar, rock sugar, soy sauce and other condiments are temporarily suspended from receiving orders from merchants in the Central Plains, and all orders will be given priority to the needs of the palace.

Xu Yin was particularly lucky at this time. As soon as she arrived in Nanman, she had the idea of popularizing high-yielding grain varieties and building workshops, and put it into practice.

Had this been a year and a half later, we wouldn't have been able to raise so many supplies at this time.

The workshops under the Royal Palace have not stopped production during this period. The workers work overtime day and night in three shifts. Even though they have recruited batches of more people, their overtime wages are still more than double or triple their monthly salary. .

With this momentum, the workers dont think they have to wait two or three years to build a solid and bright brick house in the spring of next year!

Xu Yin is busy, and Yan Kejin is also not idle for a moment.

He was worried that after he left, the prince might send spies to Nanman to inquire about the property in his name.

His eyes were sharp: "Yan Qi, pass on the order: come and cut off one, come and cut off two and a pair!"

This is his fiefdom. In addition to taxation, it is also his base camp.

Only when the base camp is stable can the front line be protected.

Otherwise, how can food and grass be sustained?

It's not that he was overly concerned. Based on his understanding of Yan Keheng, that guy might have interfered with it and deliberately deceived him. He might even have cut off the food and grass and cut off the livelihood of the soldiers at Yanguan.

Once the soldiers are hungry, it is not known whether they can obey the orders, let alone attack the city and plunder the territory.

Xu Yin listened to his concerns, thought about it and put forward feasible suggestions:

"It would be too far for the Nanman to supply food and grass to Yan Pass. In this case, my father wrote a letter saying that the emperor has approved his resignation and he will be able to return to his hometown in the north of Furong County soon. It is better to let my father purchase a number of fields there. , growing high-yielding rice, wheat, sweet potatoes, and potatoes. The climate in the north of Furong County is very suitable for both rice and wheat. The transportation from there to Yanguan is much closer than here. Eggs cannot be put in one basket. In the same way, We can also put more granaries in more places."

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