The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 88: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (37)

Chapter 88: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (37)

Chapter 88: A female partner chooses farming (37)

On New Year's Eve, except for the birth of a child, all the other servants in the mansion had a holiday, and the chef hired by Linhai County also returned home to celebrate the New Year.

Except for the imperial chef, its a long way back to Beijing. One trip back and forth, and a season has passed. Its better to stay here and celebrate the New Year with everyone.

With the imperial chef here, it was not Xu Yin's turn to worry about the auspicious dishes necessary for the Chinese New Year. She took her maids to the vegetable garden in the back garden of the Xu Mansion, picked a basket of vegetables that were most suitable for the hot pot, and gave them to her. The kitchen sliced some fish and mutton, kneaded some meatballs and shrimp dumplings and sent them over.

As soon as the twelfth lunar month comes, I want to eat hot pot.

Although the weather in Baigui County is warm and winter has entered, the daytime temperature is still ten or twenty degrees, but she still misses hot pot.

So while the blacksmiths at the mine were still on vacation, they quickly made a batch of mandarin duck copper pots and paired them with a mushroom clear soup base and a red oil spicy soup base. They also mixed a dipping sauce and took everyone with them. Let's make hot pot together.

In the outer courtyard, servants gathered around a table in small groups.

In the inner courtyard, she and Yan Kejin shared a pot, serving meat and vegetable dishes in turn, and finally a portion of noodles handmade by the royal chef.

basking in the warm winter sun and eating mandarin duck hot pot made with pure ecological ingredients, a sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

The servants in the outer courtyard were chatting away:

When I heard that I was coming to Nanman, I was so frightened that I was ready to endure hardships. How could I have imagined that this place would be so good!

Thats because our master and princess are smart. If you try it with someone else, have you forgotten how hard it was when you first came here?

Was it hard when you first came here? Xu Yin lowered the curtains and turned to ask the man.

Some of the servants of the rough envoy arrived in advance with the imperial construction team.

Its my first time here, and Im not used to food and accommodation. In addition, this place is really poor, so I dont have much to ask for. Its normal to be miserable.

Yan Kejin raised an eyebrow.

I thought to myself: If the princess had not grown high-yield grain, given him the treasure map, and opened so many mines, I might not be so comfortable this year.

What plans does the princess have for the new year?

He gave Xu Yin a few tender and delicious fish balls.

The imperial chef was trained by his own princess, and he knew how to cook everything.

Xu Yin poured him a cup of mulberry wine she brewed, thought about it and said:

"The first batch of soy sauce will be ready for spring plowing. Let's take some to Minyue County. Each county has set up a soy sauce factory. The soy sauce brewing period is half a year. I hope this trip can bring back some orders for the soy sauce factory. Again. Sir, I heard that pirates are rampant along the coast of Minyue County every April and May. Dont you want to test the power of firearms? Just try it with those pirates, and it wont be a waste.

Yan Kejins brows jumped when she heard the word pirate:

"Since the princess knows that pirates are rampant in that area in April and May every year, why would she choose Minyue County? No matter how powerful the firearm is, it is impossible to prevent it. Yan Qi can arrange the soy sauce. If the princess wants to travel, she can choose Baigui County In the south of the county, after the new year, the cement road will probably reach the north of Qin."

In his opinion, if there are a large number of exiles, they are easier to manage than pirates. The worst thing is to arrange a few more secret guards for the princess.

Xu Yin was speechless: She chose Minyue County because pirates were infested there.

"The prince is the lord of the fiefdom, just like the head of a family. If the family is invaded by foreign enemies, how can we ignore it as the head of the family? Besides, we made a batch of guns with saltpeter. How can we know if we don't try it? The power?"

This time it was Yan Kejin's turn to be speechless.

He was worried about her safety, but he didn't want to leave the rampant pirates alone.

As soon as these firearms came out, the personal guards escorted a group to support the counties in Minyue County that were most vulnerable to pirate invasion.

Xu Yin was stunned when he heard what he said: "Have you sent people to support? Then it's okay."

She originally thought that the owner of the fiefdom was not allowed to interfere in the government affairs. Even if she made a batch of guns using saltpeter and iron ore, she would have to find a reason to use them. For example, if you disguise yourself as a businessman from other places, encounter pirates and rob you, and kill them all on the pretext of self-defense, the court will not say anything if you find out afterwards.

But if you send personal soldiers and weapons to reinforce, aren't you afraid of being cited by the censor?

Yan Kejin's handsome eyebrows raised: "Isn't that what the princess said? The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Do something here. When the news comes back to the capital, the day lily will be cold. What's more, the counties of Minyue and Baiyue Shou, they are all my kings people now.

Are you awesome?

A few days after this topic was discussed, Fei Ge, the governor of Minyue County, sent a letter reporting on the recent glorious achievements in the battle against pirates.

captured more than a hundred pirates and captured three large ships, which greatly frightened the pirates.

Yan Kejin happily relayed it to Xu Yin.

After that, we can take advantage of the victory and pursue it, attack Huanglong, and completely destroy the pirate den. What do you think, Princess?

Xu Yin thought for a while and said: "Before we find out where the pirates' home base is and whether there are any ambushes around it, it's better not to act rashly. The key is to protect the security of coastal counties and improve people's livelihood."

After a pause, she suddenly smiled:

"I have an idea. The prince can organize a fleet of his own, select a group of capable men, bring firearms, and carry out anti-robbery specifically against pirates. Officers and soldiers can't do this, otherwise the impact will be bad. The prince has nothing to do now anyway. Real power

Ahem, what I mean is that the prince set up a fleet to go to sea in order to make overseas friends. When he encountered pirates on the way, he had no choice but to conflict with them. I can only blame them for their short-sightedness, and they would not be able to steal whoever they wanted to steal from the prince..."

Before Xu Yin could finish speaking, Yan Kejin suddenly touched her palms: "What a great idea!"

He really felt that the princess was humiliating herself as a daughter.

How could there be such a smart person!

King Jinnan, who was open-minded, immediately set out to form a long-distance voyage fleet that was soon called the "pirate nemesis" along the coast.

The fleet set sail from Qinbei. When it left the port, it happened to be the end of spring plowing. Xu Yin was not there and taught the tenant farmers to breed rice flower fish and rice flower crabs in Zhuangzi. However, through the letters sent by Yan Qi, he felt the first batch of selection The royal guards who boarded the ship were filled with excitement as they were about to sail away.

Thanks to the abundance of weapons forged from fine iron, the inventory of firearms is also increasing day by day. Otherwise, at this rate, there will not be enough for the royal guards.

Without strong firearms strength, the rear base camp alone would not have enough people to guard it.

Xu Yin proposed to set up an **** bureau, similar to the security company and express delivery industry in later generations, and recruit a group of people who knew boxing and kung fu to act as escorts. If the workshops under the palace were in need, the workshops would be given priority.

To put it bluntly, it mainly provides services to the palace. In your spare time, you can also take some outside orders. Its nature is similar to that of a carpenter's workshop.

More and more workshops under the royal palace are built, and they will soon be opened all over Nanman. In the future, they will also go out of Nanman and to the world. It is very necessary to set up your own **** agency.

And in this way, the personal guards can save some manpower, and they don't have to go out every time to **** supplies.

Yan Kejin has always been very efficient in doing things, which Xu Yin thinks she can't even keep up with. Often she just draws up a plan, while Yan Kejin not only takes shape but also implements it.

No, it was not until the end of spring plowing that the idea of building a **** bureau was raised. In May, winter wheat, corn, beans and other crops began to mature, and the Weinan **** bureaus located in various counties and counties began to be used.

Weinan, well, defend the southern barbarians.

Xu Yin sometimes thinks: God allowed her to travel through this novel. Could it be that he wanted her to light up the technology tree?

Helplessly, she worn several generations, and the most contacted is the farm.

Without the technologies and recipes that can be redeemed in the system mall, it would be impossible to light it up.

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