The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 76: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (25)

Chapter 76: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (25)

Chapter 76: A female mate chooses to farm (25)

An hour later, Xu Yin glared resentfully at the man who had been leaning on the bedside for a long time, resignedly put on her coat, and went to the kitchen to make sour soup noodles for him.

In the future, you must remember that no one can forget a certain narrow-minded man who is too crazy to collect debts.

Fortunately, he had something to do and returned to the mine the next day. Otherwise, Xu Yin could foresee that her small waist would definitely fall apart.

Wang Bo sent someone to tell her that the kiln had been built according to her request.

I immediately forgot about the man, followed the formula produced by the system, and tried firing several kilns before burning five kilograms of intact activated carbon.

However, the brown sugar currently only weighs about ten kilograms, and the activated carbon is enough for her to conduct experiments.

Put the activated carbon into the brown sugar water, and as if by magic, the sugar water immediately fades. After filtering, add new activated carbon, and filter again. After three times, you get a jar of colorless and clear solution.

After that, it is evaporated to dryness at high temperature, and the snow-like crystal clear crystals that precipitate are white sugar.

Brown sugar is converted into white sugar, and some impurities are lost. After two hundred kilograms of sugar cane, the final white sugar obtained is less than ten kilograms.

This sugar production rate is a bit low!

Xu Yin holds her forehead.

Others were so excited that their faces turned red.


The frosting is as white as snow! It was actually made by the princess!

What a blessing it is that they are witnesses!

Princess, the process of making snowflake white is neither simple nor complex. If someone among us has evil intentions and leaks the secret..."

Mammy frowned and came to Xu Yin's side to remind her.

She called white sugar "snowflake white", and Xu Yin inexplicably thought it sounded good.

By the way, mama, why dont you give brown sugar a nicer name?


No, I am worried about the confidentiality of the formula. Why did you go so far as to name it?

Complaints are complaints, but grandma still dutifully gave the brown sugar a noble name: "Ruby Red?"

Xu Yin made the final decision.

From then on, snowflake white sugar and ruby brown sugar were like a gust of wind, originating from the city of Baigui County, gradually sweeping to all parts of Nanman, and finally became popular throughout Yanhua. Who wouldnt praise it as the taste is good and the name is good?

How did I know that these two names were actually randomly chosen by the nun who was serving the princess?

But thats a story for another day. At this moment, its still early to mass-produce sugarcane.

The sugar cane heads that Xu Yin brought to the farm had not yet filled half an acre of land. This was after she secretly mixed in some sugar cane heads stored in the system warehouse.

You can only plant so much at first, and when this batch matures, you should be able to plant an entire acre.

Take your time, otherwise what can you do? There are many people with mixed eyesight, so she doesnt dare to mix too much.

Fortunately, not long after, Yan Kejin brought good news.

Are you serious? They found sugar cane?

The people sent out by Yan Kejin to look for sugar cane came back, and this time they finally did not return empty-handed. The sugar cane they brought could be planted on about three acres of land.

Xu Yin was very happy, its great to have more sugar cane! You can mix in more high-yield and high-quality sugar cane heads! Mass production of brown sugar and white sugar is expected!

How is the princess going to thank this king? Yan Kejin raised her handsome eyebrows, and the old **** asked her.

Is this a reward?

Xu Yin asked him to lower his head, wrapped her hands around his neck, and chirped on his chin.

He chased after him and wanted to do something more intimate, but Xu Yin pressed his index finger:

"For whom do I work so hard to grow sugar cane? I don't want the people in your fief to be well fed, clothed, and live in peace and contentment. If you don't reward me, why are you asking me for a reward?"

The princess is right! Then I, the king, will reward you.

Hey wait a minute!

What is the difference between rewarding and being rewarded?

Being tricked!

She dug this hole herself...

In any case, she found a lot of sugar cane, and finally she was able to plant it all in her experimental field. The extra sugar cane allowed Uncle Wang to find another piece of land to plant it.

If you want to mass-produce red and white sugar, you need to grow more types of sugar cane. Its urgent to stock up on seeds!

Having witnessed with his own eyes the rice yield cultivated by the princess and the use of the water wheel, Uncle Wang now obeys her words.

Give her land if she wants it, and give her hills if she wants hills.

In short, you are right to follow the princess!

Xu Yin didnt know that Uncle Wang had become her number one fan.

After the sugar cane was planted, she returned to the palace with newly burned coconut shell activated charcoal. She spent two days peeling and squeezing the juice from the sugar cane stems cut before planting to make sugar.

Having the experience of making ancient brown sugar accumulated during the peasant girl era, she has already become familiar with the process of making brown sugar.

After making the brown sugar, only five kilograms are left, and the rest continues to be processed, and all is made into white sugar, which is suitable for practicing.

More than 1,000 kilograms of sugar cane was turned into only about 50 kilograms of white sugar. Xu Yin once again lamented that the sugar production rate was too low.

What is the reason?

She reviewed it carefully and suspected that there was too much loss during the juice extraction process. It seemed that the stone roller juice extraction method needed to be improved.

How about a large-scale juicer for the entire industry?

Anyway, the electric motor has come out, and with the Wangfu's ready-made iron ore and magnetite, there is no shortage of materials, and the whole juicer is easy to imagine.

Just do it!

Xu Yin, a young mechanical expert, smoothed his large sleeves and asked his grandma to invite the carpenter to the front hall.

There is no plastic, so she plans to use wooden parts for simple parts such as handles.

Fortunately, the carpenter in the mansion is a master who is over fifty years old, and all his grandchildren are talking about getting married. Otherwise, King Jinnan would be jealous if she would invite her to the front hall for tea and discussions every now and then.

On the way to the reception room in the front yard, Xu Yin met King Jinnan who had just returned from outside. His expression showed a bit of surprise: "You are back so early today?"

This question is about...

The nanny behind Xu Yin couldn't help complaining after hearing this: The prince should be unhappy after hearing this. He is the head of the family. Does he still need to report to others when he wants to return home?

Unexpectedly, the prince answered patiently: "I'll be back when I finish the work. Is the princess going out?"

"No, I made an appointment with Master Lao Cen and wanted him to help make something."

I have nothing to do, so please go with the princess.

King Jinnan paused, turned around, and accompanied Xu Yin to meet the old carpenter.

Mammy smacked her tongue secretly.

Although her impression of the princess has changed greatly since she left the capital.

All of the past, suspected that the princess was discredited by themselves. Anyway, it was definitely not as brain and stupid as rumors. On the contrary, they were very smart.

But when it comes to ways to win over men, Mammy is still not optimistic about it.

I always feel that the princess is too generous and careless when it comes to men and women. If she continues to be so careless, sooner or later someone new will come to the house.

But now, grandma feels that she is too worried.

Look at the princes sticky energy, how can he not need the princesss use of tricks? If she doesnt use any tricks, shes just so slimy, and she still needs to deliberately win over him?

It was not the first time that Carpenter Cen was summoned by his master, but it was the first time that he was summoned by the prince and the princess at the same time. He couldn't help but trembling with fear, fearing that he would say the wrong thing.

Xu Yin glanced at Yan Kejin helplessly: You have such a strong aura that it scares people.

Yan Kejin's aura calmed down, he lowered his eyelids and started to make tea.

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