The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 73: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (22)

Chapter 73: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (22)

Chapter 73: A female mate chooses to farm (22)


It turns around and around, tirelessly, automatically without the need for human effort!

The ditch dug in advance quickly accumulated water, and the water flowed down the ditch and circled the field.

When the rice fields need water, open a gap in the ditch and release water into the fields. Xu Yin said to Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang, like everyone else, had not yet come to his senses and was watching the work of the waterwheel with straight eyes.

Xu Yin laughed dumbly.

I turned around and looked at the empty rice fields after the harvest. The release of water freed up manpower. I can try rice fish and rice crabs next season.

She had previously asked Yan Kejin about some prohibitions on the fiefdom. Apart from the fact that the fiefdom owners were not allowed to interfere in the government affairs, they did not say that they could not buy land to build a village.

She then planned to buy all the unowned wasteland and develop it according to local conditions.

If good fields can be developed, rice and wheat can be grown. The rice fields can also raise fish and crabs.

One day, let Nanman become a land of plenty and plenty that everyone longs for.

Dont panic if the land cannot be cultivated into fertile land. There are still high-yielding grains such as sweet potatoes and potatoes.

In inferior areas such as Sha Tin, watermelons are grown.

If you can't even grow these, just build workshops and factories.

When the number of residents in Nanman increases, houses will definitely be built, and when cement production increases, high-rise buildings will be built.

The blueprint is beautiful, but it still needs work.

At the moment, only Wangfuzhuangzi has a waterwheel, and it will take time to promote it.

However, high-yielding seeds can be distributed first.

Uncle Wang, the yield of green rice is too low. You can take some back to have a taste. There is no need to keep the rice seeds.

With such a low output, there is no need to promote it in an era when there is not enough food to eat.

Bring it back to the prince to taste it. If he likes it, he can just plant an acre or two every season and keep it for himself.

She asked for fifty kilograms of each of the other five kinds of rice, and asked Uncle Wang to put away the rest.

"Uncle Wang, harvest these three kinds of high-yield pearl rice, rouge rice, and panjin rice, and save them as rice seeds for the next season. If you can't grow them all in Zhuangzi, you can also exchange them with surrounding villages. More and more people By planting these high-yielding rice, our southern barbarian people will have enough to eat sooner or later, right?"

The princess is absolutely right! Uncle Wang was so excited that he burst into tears.

I never thought that I could hope to see a day when every household would have enough to eat in my lifetime.

Xu Yin saw that he was about to lead a group of tenant farmers to kneel and kowtow, so she quickly supported him.

"You don't have to be like this. I just happened to buy these high-yield seeds. By the way, Uncle Wang, the yield of long-grain incense and glutinous rice is still not high enough, so there is no need to work hard to promote it for the time being. If people in the surrounding villages are willing to change, just give them some. If you like, we can keep it and grow it ourselves.

However, she believes that there are still many people who are willing to plant it.

Especially glutinous rice, which is needed to make many snacks including zongzi.

There is no need to worry about other rice seeds. As long as the yield per hectare of this batch of rice seeds is publicized, they will definitely be robbed.

When the nearby villages have planted high-yielding seeds, Xu Yin will organize people to purchase them. If the purchase price is higher than the market price, many people will be willing to sell them.

The harvested rice seeds are then exchanged with other counties... This cycle repeats until all the southern barbarians are planted with high-yielding seeds.

It seems like she will lose a lot of money by doing this, but from another perspective, when the people are full, they will have the energy to work in the workshop. With enough manpower in the workshop, she can make more money.

Thinking about it this way, the little money lost is nothing.

This time, the fruits are basically ripe.

Xu Yin went to the fields to pick two baskets in person, taking one basket back to the palace to eat herself, and letting the guards take the other basket to the mine to bring warmth to King Jinnan who was sitting in the mine in the summer heat. If he couldn't finish it, he could share it with the mine Workers are treated for high temperature welfare.

"My lord, the princess sent a basket of melons and fruits, saying they were picked in the village. I asked you to pick a few good ones first, and the rest were said to be used as welfare for your subordinates and for absenteeism. You see..." Yan Qi Come in and report back.

His mouth watered when he saw the basket of fruits.

I have long heard that the princess is good at growing melons and fruits. Last time, she shamelessly got a small piece of watermelon from the prince. It was so delicious that he wanted to scream to the sky.

It is said that the watermelon at that time was not yet ready for cooking. How delicious will the watermelon be when it's cooked?

Yan Kejin glanced at him: "Are you hungry in the house?"

This subordinate has exceeded the rules! Yan Qi knelt down on one knee to accept the punishment.

Yan Kejin waved his hand: "Do as the princess wants. Cut a watermelon for me."

"Yes!" After hearing this, Yan Qiyi not only was not punished, but also got watermelon to eat, and happily accepted the order and left.

I can't help but admire the princess in my heart like a river. Even the prince obeys the princess so much. The princess is amazing!

The melons and fruits sent to Yan Kejin are naturally of the best quality and highest quality.

However, what Yan Qiyi and his men received was not bad, at most it was smaller, and everyone was quite satisfied with the meal.

This melon is more delicious than anything I had when I was in Beijing!

Its hot, nothing could be more comfortable than eating a melon!

Its great to have a princess! If the prince has something good to eat, we can also pick up some.

Its not easy to pick up this leak. The prince asked us to share it because of the princesss instructions. If the princess hadnt mentioned it, you see if our brothers would be able to eat it.

From now on, lets show our faces in front of the princess more often, especially you, Lao Qi. Please be diligent when you return home and run more errands for the princess if you have the opportunity.

You dont have to say it!

In addition to a group of guards, the exiles working in the mines also received a piece of melon. Some are watermelons and some are melons.

It was Shanwa Niang who shared the fruits with them, and she did not forget to promote the goodness of Jinnan Palace: "Don't just eat, work harder when you are full! The palace treats us so well, so don't be a spoiler!"

These are the prisoners who were exiled to Baigui County. Previously, the governor of Baigui County had arranged to cut trees on the outskirts of the strange mountain filled with miasma. This was a job that the locals would rather be poor than do.

Not long ago, King Jinnan asked him to mine. In exchange, he exempted Baigui County from taxes for the next three years. This is equivalent to exempting the people of Baigui County from half of the taxes.

Although the governor of Baigui County didn't know what King Jinnan wanted these exiles for, he chose to turn a blind eye when he thought that he could get half the tax cut or be dragged by King Jinnan to train private soldiers.

At first, these exiles thought that the prince was going to torture them, and they were all frightened.

When I arrived at the field, I saw that it was mining. I was a little tired. It was not much easier than logging, but at least I didnt have to worry about miasma poisoning my body.

After working for a while, they gradually adapted to it.

Unexpectedly, I got a piece of watermelon today.

It is said that it was planted by the mother of the palace owner.

Grandpa, this melon is so sweet! Its sweeter than what I had at home when I was a kid!

Dad, try it, its really sweet! Watermelons in Beijing were sold at sky-high prices at that time.

"Okay, okay! Your Majesty is so kind and treats us prisoners equally. Although the work is harder, we eat well and sleep softly than before. Today we are also lucky enough to taste the honeydew melon that only the nobles in the capital can taste. Our hard life Make it to the end!"

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