The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 7: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (7)

Chapter 7: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (7)

Chapter 7 The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (7)

It is not a tiring job, just pulling weeds, applying fertilizer, plowing the ground, picking vegetables, cleaning pig sheds, cattle and sheep pens, etc.

The farm will also send some vegetables, fruits and meat produced on the farm to the cooperative schools depending on the situation.

No school disagrees.

The weekly labor class either organizes students to pull weeds on the playground or clean the windows in classrooms and offices.

Going to the farm to pull weeds can also get some vegetables, which can save some money for the canteen, so why not do it.

Classmates, please be quiet and listen to what I have to say.

Getting off the bus and lining up, the class monitor led a group of boys to receive labor gloves and other labor equipment. The class teacher clapped his hands and said a few words.

The general message is that I hope everyone will work actively and not embarrass the Sixth Middle School, but also pay attention to safety, come back here on time after work, and report to the gathering place according to the type of work you signed up for, and don't wander around.

Xu Yin waited for the head teacher to finish speaking, then came to the tractor carrying a water bottle.

There is already a master waiting for them on the tractor.

The old master and others got out of the cab only after they arrived.

Take a closer look: Wow! There is actually a little girl.

However, except for a few words in his mind, he said nothing.

The leaders have said that students from each school are here to do odd jobs. If there is no time to do the work on the farm, they will be sent out to help them.

This is an agreement between the farm and each school.

But for the sake of good reputation, this is not what is said to the outside world. Instead, it is said that the school organizes students to come to the farm to learn and work, and the farm is responsible for teaching.

As a result, the **** was exaggerated.

The province heard that there was such a labor education base in Mingyang County, and wanted to organize personnel to come down and inspect it.

If it is as meaningful as the farm says, it may be spread to other cities and counties across the province.

The person in charge of the farm was so excited that he said to himself: Let you brag!

But the Municipal Education Commission has already issued a notice that provincial leaders will come to inspect this Friday and ask him to receive him.

So, the person in charge of the farm came up with this idea:

Let a tractor come out and let the master and the students drive it;

Arrange one or two more plots of land and allocate a few staff to teach students how to grow vegetables;

The ranch also arranged for some students to observe milking and shearing...

In short, in addition to those who work, there are also those who teach.

Wait until the leaders leave and then return to the status quo.

To be honest, the farm does not expect students to be able to plow fields, grow vegetables, or shear sheep.

The old master came back to his senses and glanced at the students who signed up to plow the fields with tractors:

Which one of you can drive?

There are only one or two meetings to be held, so he doesnt have to teach.

Let those who can drive lead those who can't drive back and forth to plow the ground several times, so that the leaders can see this scene.

Its a pity that no one said anything.

The old master twitched the corner of his mouth, and he really couldn't have high expectations for the boys coming out of the ivory tower.

He patted his pipe and said, "Come up here and watch my demonstration first. You can take turns practicing later."

The old master explained while starting the tractor.

Then the plowing began.

Since the tractor body was dismantled and replaced with a plow, the cab space was not large, so the master took turns driving the students to plow the fields.

From one plow to the other, the students were so noisy by the noise of the tractor that their forehead horns stood up, and they could not hear the master's teachings.

At the end of the first round, the old master asked: "Have you learned it?"

No one said a word.

Okay, lets do it again.

End of the second round: Which one will succeed this time?

Stillno! One kid raised his hand.

The old master opened his eyes wide, and it turned out to be the little girl he was not optimistic about at first.

At this time, the inspection team, accompanied by the farm leader, came over here. It was obviously too late to teach him again, so he pointed at Xu Yin:

"Then try it." Xu Yin sat on the main driving seat of the tractor, took a deep breath, brought up the system panel, opened the "Scene Simulation" function redeemed with the bicycle reward set, and selected "Tractor Driving".

This is a new function that was suddenly activated when she watched the old master operate it.

Similar to the previous two small worlds, the new function will be put into use for the first time and requires the redemption of the material set rewarded by the system.

She happened to have little need for the new mountain bike set, so she simply exchanged it for new functions.

The simulation scene is turned on, and the system panel seems to have become a tractor control room, with clear guidance for every step.

Xu Yin started to operate step by step.

This scene fell into the eyes of the old master next to him, and it was undoubtedly a novice familiarizing himself with the process.

But soon, her speed became smoother.

The tractor suddenly moved forward.

Wherever he passed, the soil was turned up, and it was deeper than the old master's plow.

It can be said that it is both fast and good.

Xu Yin saw that the master did not stop her, thinking that she was not skilled enough.

As a result, the attention becomes more concentrated.

After plowing a straight line, he carefully turned around and continued plowing according to the operation guide on the simulation interface.

The simulation interface also displays the time it takes to plow a straight line, and gives a grade when it is finished.

The highest proficiency level is S, and she's only as good as B+.

How can this be done?

She has always been an expert in all kinds of check-ins during her student days.

Any S-level check-in project will not be considered perfect if it gets an A+. Who are you insulting by giving it a B+?

Xu Yin was not convinced and vowed to reach S level in single plowing time.

She plowed and plowed, plowing one ridge and then turning to another.

Within a few minutes, the land that originally took hours to plow was plowed.

The point is, the tractor is still accelerating.

The black soil behind was flying, showing that the plowing was much deeper than before.

The old man sitting in the passenger seat next to him felt:

How to put it this way, I was quite pleased at first and felt that I was really good. I just slowed down the operation a few times and took out an apprentice without giving any instructions.

Until the tractor was so fast that it seemed to be flying, he couldn't calm down anymore.

He wanted Xu Yin to stop, because he was going to vomit if he kept going so soon, but he caught a glimpse of the inspection team not far away from the corner of his eye:

Forget it, bear with it! After all, it is the tasks assigned by the leaders that matter.

In this way, Xu Yin mistakenly thought that her plowing skills had not yet reached the standard of a master.

Otherwise there wouldnt even be a word of praise.

I didnt see him shouting to stop, which shows that I still need to practice.

Then keep plowing.

She stared at the mission map given by the simulation interface, without any distractions, and continued to speed up.

Students A, B, C, Ding and Wu who were watching were collectively petrified:

Boys in the same class:

Fuck! Xu Yin, a classmate in our class, is hiding her secrets!

At that time, I saw her signing up to plow the fields with a tractor, and I thought she was just trying to be lazy.

After all, you have to sit down when driving a tractor. Unlike pulling weeds, fertilizing, removing insects, or picking vegetables, you not only have to bend down and get tired, but you also have to come into contact with dirty things.

Especially for fertilizing and catching insects, girls are afraid to avoid it.

It turns out not to be the case! It's because he has a narrow-minded mind. Xu Yin chose this job because he is good at it. I admire you!

The boy in the next class:

I go! This girl looks delicate and frail, but she didn't expect to be so sassy when driving a tractor!

Sure enough, a person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea water cannot be measured!

It just makes us boys look so useless

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