The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 67: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (16)

Chapter 67: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (16)

Chapter 67: A female mate chooses to farm (16)

After an in-depth exchange last night, Yan Kejin discovered that her princess actually had a lot of interesting content hidden in her head.

The premise is not to annoy her.

"After this busy period, I will accompany you around. Don't you want to go to the south? How about Yong County as your first stop?"

Yong County is Nanning, Xu Yin knows this.

She turned to look at him: "Aren't you busy?"

Isnt hematite mining currently being mined in full swing? Doesn't he need to keep an eye on such an important matter in person?

So after this busy period, the princess will wait for me, right? Yan Kejin put a piece of wine-stewed fish into her bowl and met her eyes with a smile.

Xu Yin lowered her eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly: "Actually, I'm quite busy during this period, at least I won't be free until the spring plowing is over."

Then lets set off in early April.

As a result, we were unable to make it in early April.

While digging iron ore, associated limestone deposits were discovered.

Yan Kejin came back from the mine that day and when he had dinner with her, he couldn't help but sigh: "It would be great if it were all ocher. It's a waste of a small hill."

Its a pity that the amount of food that night was half less than usual.

When Xu Yin heard about the green and white stone that was easily broken, she thought: Could it be limestone?

Limestone is one of the associated minerals of iron ore.

So, the next day, she followed the princes carriage to the mine, and was happy when she recognized it as limestone.

This is good stuff!

Limestone can be made into cement, and the calcined lime becomes slaked lime after slaking.

Hydrated lime has a wide range of uses. The most common ones are building materials. It can also be used as a fungicide. The trunks of trees can be coated with hydrated lime slurry to prevent insects.

She spent 500 points without hesitation and exchanged a cement prescription with the system.

To make cement, in addition to limestone, raw materials such as clay, quartz sand and iron ore powder are also needed.

Clay is relatively easy to find.

However, the quality of the clay varies. When Xu Yin mobilized his guards to dig clay at the river bank and at the foot of the hillside, they accidentally discovered a mountain made of kaolin.

Kaolin is white clay. It is the most versatile clay and has the best quality after being fired into porcelain.

The famous JDZ porcelain is made of kaolin clay.

Limestone is available, kaolin is found, and iron ore powder is readily available, so why not make cement?

It doesnt matter if you lack quartz sand. The sea is just around the corner. If its a big deal, just use the gravel washed by the waves. Its available everywhere. Its also composed of silica, so its fine if it works.

The raw materials are readily available, so I put the shipbuilding aside for now. Xu Yin worked hard with the cement in the tidied back garden.

The proportions were not grasped well the first time, and the cement produced was not hard enough and collapsed when the heavy object was pressed.

The second hardening was too much and it cracked.

The third time I summarized the experience of the first two times and finally succeeded!

Xu Yin turned a cobblestone path in the back garden into a cement road.

When the cement hardened successfully the next day, she happily clapped her hands and said, "Please come, Your Majesty!"

Yan Kejin often stays at the mine recently.

After the first batch of iron is smelted, it is forged and processed by the blacksmith who signed the death contract.

Some of them were beaten into sheets of iron to make farm tools, and some of them were hammered and hammered repeatedly to forge a batch of weapons. The iron was cut like clay, and it was said to be of the highest quality.

Today he is staying at home, and Xu Yin cant wait to share the good news about cement with him.

As soon as Yan Kejin arrived, he was led to the cement road by his own princess, his expression full of embarrassment:

"What? Limestone is useful, right? You still think it takes up the nest of iron ore. Use it to build roads. Can you believe that the carriage will not bump when it runs?" Building roads is the first step, and she also wants to use it. Come to Daxing Nanmans real estate industry.

With kaolin, building kilns and burning bricks and tiles is no longer a dream.

These new workshops need to recruit people. People can make money if they work. With the money they earn, they can buy bricks and tiles. By then, every household will live in brick and tile houses, which are much stronger than wooden structures, bamboo structures or adobe houses. .

There are many earthquakes in the southwest area.

Although people in this era thought that the turning of the earth dragon was a punishment from heaven, they believed superstitiously that it was God who wanted to punish them, and there was no way to escape. But after all, it is a natural phenomenon. If you can resist it, why not try harder?

The further Xu Yin thinks, the more lofty and ambitious she becomes.

Yan Kejin really didn't expect that with one shovel, countless pieces of limestone could be cut out, and the cement made into it would be so strong and hard.

The princess said that in addition to limestone, the materials used are clay, gravel, iron ore powder, and **** that can be found everywhere in Nanman. The cost is so low that it is negligible, and road construction is indeed feasible.

"Then start from Fucheng and build the roads leading to the counties with cement. When all Nanman counties are connected to cement roads, then build a wide road that can run horse-drawn carriages on the mountain road connecting the Central Plains. The official road cannot be built here. , lets fix it ourselves!

Yan Kejin was so happy that she had the dinner set out on the concrete path in the back garden, and lit lanterns when it got dark.

He also asked the butler to fetch the jar of plum blossom wine made from the first snow that he had collected, saying that he wanted to celebrate with the princess.

Even though Xu Yin was speechless, she still smiled and agreed.

The couple sipped wine, tasted delicacies in the dim dusk, and looked forward to a bright future where concrete roads would lead to every corner of Nanman.

Xu Yin doesn't drink much, and she can get completely drunk after a glass of red wine, let alone plum blossom wine, which has a higher alcohol content than red wine.

Before the table was even set down, the stamina of the wine came back. She cupped her cheeks and pouted her moist red lips, and asked Yan Kejin when he would take her on a tour around Nanman.

"I want to explore every county in the Southern Barbarians. If you don't take me there, then I will go by myself."

Go! Once the king has arranged the matters at hand, he will accompany the princess!

I want to go to the beach, collect shells, eat seafood, and walk barefoot on the beach...


Although I dont understand whats so fun about walking barefoot on the beach.

I also want to go out on a boat and catch a lot of seafood...


I also want to

These will come true. Now, its time to think about me.

He picked up his beloved wife and strode back to the room.

Fortunately, after the house was completely renovated, a common bedroom was set up for the couple, so wouldnt that be useful.

When King Jinnan settled down the affairs at hand, he wanted to take the princess on a trip, but Xu Yin said that he had to wait a little longer.

There are no official roads in the Southern Barbarians, and the roads in each county were opened by the government's corvee collection. The main counties and counties do have roads, and they are relatively smooth when there are more people walking on them, but most of the roads are narrow paths. The kind where the carriage cannot run.

Since there is cement now, Xu Yin is not in a hurry to go out. Lets wait until the cement road from Fucheng to Yong County is opened before going.

Before the Dragon Boat Festival, she wanted to make a compass.

Hematite is indeed accompanied by magnetite. The reserves are not large, but it is more than enough to make a batch of compasses.

With magnets, Xu Yin couldn't help but think of the entire solar motor.

Nanman has a well-developed water system. With electric motors, hydropower generation can be easily achieved.

When electricity is connected, mining machines and road rollers that can make industrial production more convenient, as well as spinning machines and looms that improve people's livelihood are no longer just a dream.

Thinking about it, she became happy and felt a little drifting!

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