The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 63: The **** female partner chooses to farm (12) (Fifth update~Please give me the moon)

Chapter 63: The **** female partner chooses to farm (12) (Fifth update~Please give me the moon)

Chapter 63: A female partner chooses farming (12) (Fifth update~please vote for me!)

However, it is not her turn to comment on the former, as the prince does.

Presumably he would not just watch the people in his jurisdiction suffer from taxes.

The latter cannot be solved overnight, it will take time.

Now she has accumulated five or six high-quality rice varieties with large and plump grains. This year, she will try to plant them in experimental fields to see which type of rice is most suitable for the local soil and water, and then vigorously promote it.

There are also potatoes, I have to find an opportunity to take them out.

If sweet potatoes are the representative of high yield in the north, then potatoes are the magic weapon of high yield in the south. With potatoes, at least the people can be fed first.

With the task of finding ten kinds of specialties that almost all locals can make but have not yet spread out to the southern barbarians, Xu Yin took her grandma and maid to the streets in high spirits.

Going to the house requires passing through two streets, so I might as well skip the carriage and just walk around.

Even though Nanman is poor, Fucheng Street is still quite lively. Perhaps the morning market had not ended yet, and there was an endless stream of people coming and going.

There are many people buying things, and there are also many people selling things. Some carried baskets selling snacks, while others yelled about wild fruits and medicinal materials found in the mountains.

Xu Yin walked around with great interest and bought anything new she saw.

Some are really cheap, costing one cent a handful, two cents a pack...

Medicinal materials such as wild ginseng are slightly more expensive, but they are still quite cheap compared to prices in Beijing.

Even Nanny Feng couldn't help but feel excited after seeing it. She knelt down and picked out a large bag of Mangosteen fruit, two ten-year-old wild ginseng, and a Ganoderma lucidum that was at least thirty years old, hoping to deliver it to her son in Beijing.

But when I thought that it would take two months to travel one way, there were too many variables, so I had to stop thinking about it. But I bought it anyway, and its cost-effective to keep it for myself.

Not to mention Xu Yin, she bought all the medicinal materials, wild products, and other food and supplies that she had never seen on the way south.

It was not until the hands of the maids and guards were so full that they could no longer hold it down before they stopped with regret.

On the way to the house, Xu Yin frowned when she heard the system ding several times in succession.

In such a short time, 900 energy points arrived.

Although there is still one random skill to activate, she is not in a hurry.

I just walked two streets and found nine items. I dont believe that in such a big city, I cant find the tenth specialty.

Does anyone want this? Beautiful red stone, sold cheaply!

As we approached the house, there was a dark-skinned, skinny boy squatting at the alley selling things.

Perhaps I thought no one would buy it and the solicitation was weak.

Xu Yin glanced casually and paused.

That is a dark red... stone?

No, this is not a stone!

In doing physical experiments before, the hematite I came into contact with was exactly the same as this one.

Xu Yin quickly stepped forward, held it in her hands and weighed it. Then she looked at the color and found that it was almost hematite.

When the child saw someone coming, he stood up awkwardly and eagerly:

"Do you want to buy it? It's very beautiful, and it's hard. The sharp point can be used as a knife. If my father didn't think the leg needed money, I wouldn't be willing to sell it..."

Why dont you go to the market to sell things?

Dongxue looked at him suspiciously, could he be a liar?

The child wrung his fingers and lowered his head: "I need money to set up a stall at the market, but I, I don't have any money."

Xu Yins attention was all on this stone: Is this the only one?

"Yes, there are many! I know the place." The child heard her question and said with excitement, "There are many, many red stones like this over there, but they are too hard and difficult to dig out."

"Take me there." Xu Yin asked Dongxue to give him ten taels of silver. "This is the money to buy this stone. If there are really many such stones in the place you mentioned, I will reward you again."

Enough, enough! Thats enough!

The child jumped three feet high with joy.

He didn't expect this stone to be sold for so much money. If he had known it, he would have sold it earlier.

He thought he could sell it for thirty or fifty coins at most, and that would only be done by someone who liked this kind of red stone as much as he did. Otherwise, as my mother said, I wont be able to sell it for even five cents.

With ten taels of silver, his fathers leg can be saved!

Thank you! He bowed deeply to Xu Yin.

Go home quickly! Dont expose your money.

After Xu Yin finished speaking, she pointed to Sanjin House in front.

"Whenever you are free, come here to find me. If I am not here, I will ask the concierge to leave a message for you, and he will take you to me. Then you can lead me to find this kind of stone."


Children responded happily.

When he left, Nanny Feng sighed: "Girl, you are just kind-hearted."

She thought that her girl had a kind heart and wanted to help the child out of pity. Otherwise, this broken stone would not be sold for ten cents, so it would not be worth ten taels of silver.

Xu Yin ignored her grandma's murmur.

She tossed the hematite and asked Dongxue to put it away, then gave it to Yan Kejin as a gift in return for the house and gold he gave.

Even though it is such a small piece, if hematite ore worth developing is found, this gift will be worth a fortune.

Sanjin Mansion is a real mansion. Unfortunately, only the front yard, backyard and garden have been renovated and are still under repair.

Since I am getting married here, the palace steward has already brought people here to arrange the wedding.

At a glance, my eyes are filled with joy.

His eyes were sore after looking at it for a long time, but he had to admit that Yan Kejin was quite thoughtful.

The marriage between the two people was forcibly brought together by an imperial edict.

Besides, he must be angry in his heart. Even if he had a casual visit with her, she would have nothing to say.

Everyone followed him to the fiefdom, and the form really didn't matter.

Before leaving Beijing, the original person was treated as a joke by the ladies of the same age.

No matter how grand it is now, relatives and friends in Beijing cannot see it.

But Im still very happy. What woman doesnt want to be treated well?

Since she was getting married in the house, Aunt Feng asked someone to move the box containing the phoenix crown and harem from the palace.

Originally, I wanted to move the dozens of dowries that had been stored in the treasury, but the prince sent someone to say that there was no need to move them, he was ready.

"Girl, I can see that the prince treats you sincerely. You should also be nice to the prince in the future." Aunt Feng made a rare joke.

Xu Yin played with the iron ore in her hand and replied carelessly: "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

She associated iron ore with other mineral deposits.

In the Lingnan area, she remembered which mine had the largest mineral reserves, kaolin or coal? Its not an iron ore anyway.


She slapped her thigh and almost jumped with joy.

With so many mineral deposits, why should we be afraid of poverty? Wouldnt it make you rich if you opened a mine?

But she had to find out exactly where the mine was.

DingExplore the land of the Southern Barbarians, and for each county explored, you will be rewarded with a map of that county.

The first mission previously released popped up again at this time.

Maps of every county and city are for sale, so its not difficult to get them.

Why is this task issued again and again?

Xu Yin rubbed her chin, guessing the systems intention.

Could it be that the maps produced by the system are different? What is the difference? Has the location of the mineral deposit been marked?

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