The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 60: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (9)

Chapter 60: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (9)

Chapter 60: A female partner chooses farming (9)

The carriage traveled for two full days from Yunshan Village to Baigui County Fucheng.

On the way, except for resting for one night in a small town called Yunpan and replenishing some supplies, there was no further stop.

Even lunch was eaten on the roadside while rushing, and we finally arrived at the palace before dark.

The wedding ceremony will be held on an auspicious day five days later. Yan Kejin has another house prepared for Xu Yin to marry.

Before he realized the interesting side of the future princess, he never thought about setting up another place for her to get married.

His father ordered him to come to the fiefdom to get married. Wasn't it because he was worried that the number of people attending the wedding of an abandoned prince would outnumber the new prince's, so he simply didn't even give him a chance.

As a result, the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty gave up and felt that it was impossible for him to make a comeback, so they all lined up to support the new prince one by one.

He originally thought that it didnt matter who he married, and it didnt matter whether he had a wedding or not.

But on the way south, I discovered that this concubine girl from the Xu family, whose reputation had been almost eliminated by herself, was not as bad as she found out. On the contrary, she was still a smart and interesting person.

After being surprised, I became somewhat interested, and then I started to take the marriage seriously.

The people quickly went to Baigui County to buy a three-entry house for the princess who had not yet passed the house.

That house was the residence of the previous county governor. He drew on the people's support and anointing to build such a magnificent house for himself.

The current county governor saw that the house was outside the regulations and did not dare to move in. Instead, he found another yard that complied with the regulations, and the house was left behind.

The house is a good house, but unfortunately we are short of time and have not been able to completely renovate it. It is okay to temporarily use it for wedding purposes, but it is too rough to live in.

So Xu Yin was asked to live in the palace for the next few days, and then go to the mansion to get married on the wedding day.

In addition, he also sent people to Linhai County to buy a batch of betrothal gifts. He would give whatever he could to suit the ostentation.

Xu Yin didn't know about this and thought she could only live in the palace.

Mother Feng didnt know about the house either, but she knew that she could live outside, but she didnt dare to bring it up.

After all, King Jinnans wedding is quite special. Since the prince has arranged it this way, he may have his own reasons.

In this way, Xu Yin entered the Jinnan Palace with the motorcade without any resistance.

Its just that I cant move into the main courtyard yet. Firstly, the wedding room needs to be decorated, and secondly, the wedding is not consummated yet.

She stayed in a side courtyard next to the main courtyard.

"Mommy, find a room to put away these things that are not commonly used. Put the seeds outside first. Find someone to find out where you can buy land. I want to plant these seeds as soon as possible and see if the seeds from the north can be used here. Sow it.

Here, there was a handful of high-yielding seeds produced by the system, which cost her thousands of energy points.

Girl, the prince has just sent someone to tell you that this yard will be used as a warehouse for you from now on. You can arrange it however you want.

Mother Feng went out for a short time and came back with a smile on her face.

Xu Yin didnt know what she was happy about.

She has quite a lot of luggage and belongings. Even if this yard is not suitable for a warehouse, there must be another room.

Mother Feng didnt think so.

After the girl and the prince get married, she will move to the main courtyard, so this place will be vacant.

A new person entered the houfu, and the prince casually allocated this courtyard to the new person. Wouldn't it be an advantage for the foxy child?

Now that it has become a warehouse, this possibility is eliminated. It can be seen that the prince still values his girl very much.

Mother Feng became happier the more she thought about it.

It's so late, but I still don't feel tired at all. Holding a candle, I was busy directing my subordinates to place items and register them in the warehouse.

The next day, Xu Yin slept until she woke up naturally. The people below, led by Nanny Feng, had already packed the warehouse.

The seeds she handed over the day before have been neatly stacked in the vacant side room. Once the fields are purchased, they can be transported there for sowing.

Mother Feng fully agreed with Xu Yins idea of buying land and real estate.

It turns out that when a girl in the mansion gets married, which one has no land and Zhuangzi gives her as a dowry?

Except for the four girls, because they followed King Jinnan to settle in the Nanman fiefdom when they left home, the land and Zhuangzi were not easy to take away, so they were exchanged for silver.

But in Mammys opinion, how can money be as important as land and property?

The money will be spent sooner or later, and besides, the fourth girl spends money so lavishly.

She had squandered only one thousand taels of silver notes at the bottom of the box. Instead of spending them elsewhere, she might as well buy a few acres of fertile land and build a village.

When you have children in the future, you can use the output of the fields to save betrothal gifts and dowries for your children.

Therefore, Nanny Feng was more active than Xu Yin herself in purchasing land and property.

As soon as Xu Yin finished her breakfast, Grandma Feng said she wanted to find out where the local dental shop was.

Xu Yin asked her to ask where there was a carpenter nearby, and planned to make a curved shaft plow first.

With the curved shaft plow, I believe that the efficiency of plowing the fields can be greatly improved, so that even if the plowing is delayed for a few days, the subsequent harvest will not be affected.

Mother Feng was very efficient in her work. Xu Yin only turned over two pages of the warehouse account book before she came back.

Not only did he find out the address of the tooth shop, but he also made an appointment with the most capable dentist in the shop so that he could visit the shop in the afternoon.

The carpenter also came.

He was not found from outside, but an old carpenter who was stationed in the house and was responsible for daily repairs.

Mammy thought that her girl wanted to add some handy furniture to the bedroom, so she met the housekeeper when she went out and mentioned this matter by the way.

Therefore, when the carpenter came, he not only brought tools, but also a cart of wood, including all types of boards.

Xu Yin:

This service is really attentive.

With the drawings and materials, even if the old carpenter has never touched the plow before, it is easy to make it successfully.

It was only then that grandma realized that what her girl asked the carpenter to make was actually a farm tool, and she was filled with doubts.

Xu Yin glanced at her and said shamelessly:

Girl, I have a deep heart. Along the way, I saw people working hard in the fields, so I came up with this farm tool. I dont know how effective it actually is. Ill try it on a piece of land first.

Mother Feng:

You have said everything, what else can I say?

At noon, Xu Yin asked the small kitchen to make a simple chicken noodle soup. After eating, she rested for a while and then went out with her grandma and Dongxue.

Before getting on the carriage, the prince sent someone over to tell him that there was a small farm nearby that supplied daily vegetables.

The prince said, if you are interested, you can plant whatever you want in your farm.

Xu Yin was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at her grandma: "How did the prince know that I wanted to buy Zhuangzi?"

Mother Feng thought for a while and said, "The old slave met the housekeeper and said a few words when he went out in the morning. At that time, Master Yan Qi, who was with the prince, happened to come back from outside. Maybe he heard it and reported to the prince."

In any case, people have sent Zhuangzi to their door, so there is no reason not to take a look.

So the carriage changed its route and went straight to the small farm of the palace.

When she got to the end of the field, she realized that this was not the small farm she imagined in her mind. It was actually a perfect village.

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