The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 52: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (1)

Chapter 52: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (1)

Chapter 52: A female partner chooses farming (1)

Is it raining?

Xu Yin's consciousness gradually returned, and she felt wetness on her face, with water dripping down from time to time.

She subconsciously raised her hand to wipe her face, and her fingertips accidentally touched her mouth. Eh, is it salty?

Fourth sister, fourth sisterwuwuwu

Xu Yin opened her eyes and faced a face full of tears.

The owner of the face is a young lady of five or six years old, wearing a luxurious brocade ancient costume, leaning on her and shedding tears.

Seeing her open her eyes, she stopped sobbing. She opened her big round eyes for a while, closed her mouth and cheered: "Fourth sister is awake! Fourth sister is awake!"

Several maids filed in, some carrying copper basins, some holding brocade robes, and some carrying meal boxes. They were all happy: "The girl finally woke up!"

Xu Yin pinched her forehead.

The system is not online yet, but it has detached the emotions from the previous small world.

Recalling the previous events was like reviewing a novel she had read. When she pulled away, the story was settled.

At the same time, the plot and characters of this small world were left behind - it was a book she had read before, and it was also a super **** ancient novel.

When I first read it, I wrote three long reviews, complaining about the black sheep-like female supporting actor in the book.

Complaining feels good for a while, and it goes through the book crematorium.

Having said that, the original person is really pretentious enough.

As a wealthy concubine of the prime minister's palace, he chased the eldest prince shamelessly. Everyone in the official family at the emperor's feet knew that the prime minister's concubine loved the eldest prince.

However, when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was deposed and the eldest prince took advantage of the situation and became the new crown prince, and was ordered to accept the daughter of the grand master as the crown princess, this guy's brain circuit was unknown and he actually cleverly created an illusion of an affair with the deposed prince. .

The intention is also clear: to make the eldest prince jealous.

But I dont know if the eldest prince is jealous or not. The emperor is worried that he cant find a way to overpower Prime Minister Xu, who is a high-ranking official. He naturally wants to take advantage of this opportunity. He issued an imperial edict and gave his original body to King Jinnan in marriage ( The deposed prince) went to the fief to get married.

The original body was confused now. She didn't want to marry the deposed prince. All the ministers in the court were not optimistic about this waste. What future did she have?

She just wanted to make the eldest prince jealous, hoping that he would coax her and then ask the emperor to accept her as his concubine.

But the imperial edict is the emperor's order. Who can bear the consequences of disobeying the edict? At least the hundreds of people in the prime minister's house can't afford it.

Although King Jinnan was no longer a noble prince who was under one person and above ten thousand people, he was not completely rejected by the royal family.

Even though the title of prince was revoked, he was given the title of King Jinnan and the fiefdom of Nanman. His status was still superior to that of most royal families.

The fiefdom is far away, but also a little poorer. Without the imperial edict, you are not allowed to leave the fiefdom for life. But on the bright side, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Even if you make a small mistake there, you will not be caught by the censor.

Xu Xiangye thought about it and finally accepted his fate. There was nothing he could do if he refused to accept his fate. The imperial edict had already been issued, and he could not afford the consequences of disobeying it.

As a result, the original body was restrained by the prime minister's father. He was not allowed to take a step out of the boudoir until the day he left the capital.

But since she was a matchmaker, how could she be obedient? Not only did she make a fuss, but she also wanted to sneak out of the house to find the eldest prince. In the end, the angry prime minister's wife used Ruanjin San, and she was exhausted until she left the capital.

On the day of departure, the prime minister's wife did not give her any more Ruanjin powder, but sent a dowry maid to keep an eye on her so that she could not find a chance to escape.

I had to take the banner to pretend to be fake, and when I said goodbye to the post station, and said goodbye to the brother who came to see off, I looked for the opportunity to go.

At this point in the plot review, Xu Yin wiped her face deeply.

If you dont do something, you wont die. Its the original body.

If she didn't wear a book, what would the original person be doing at this moment? Yes, she was ready to run away. Taking advantage of the excuse of being homesick, he insisted on letting his five-year-old brother come to see him off. Then, at this inn, he lied to his brother that he would take him to play. In the middle of the play, he pretended to be unwell and went back to the carriage to rest. He stole his brother's carriage and ran away. .

She actually ran back to the capital and was placed by the eldest prince in a courtyard outside the city, where she became his outer chamber.

She got her wish. She couldn't become a concubine, but she ended up being his woman, but the prime minister's office was in bad luck.


Prime Minister Xu, who had a first-rank official position, was demoted from the capital by the emperor and was demoted to the barren Xirong as a county magistrate.

Even though I didnt get **** to the end, it was almost there.

The magistrates of Xirong are not as good as the common people in the Central Plains.

The original brother was separated from the guards on his way back to Beijing and was abducted by human traffickers.

The daughter escaped from marriage, the son disappeared, and the original biological mother, Aunt Liu, became insane on the spot.

The Prime Minister's Mansion, which was once at its peak, no longer exists.

The value of his use was lost, and his good days were coming to an end. He was soon beaten to death with sticks for "colliding" with the Crown Princess.

As for King Jinnan, he was probably angry because of his escape from marriage. He refused the emperor to grant another marriage, and did not stop on the way. The original two-month journey was cut short to one month and he rushed to Nanman.

Perhaps it was due to excessive fatigue that the resistance was reduced, and he was infected with the miasma as soon as he arrived in Nanman.

Although he was able to breathe a sigh of relief under the rescue of the accompanying royal doctor, the poisonous gas invaded his lungs and he died of the disease before he was thirty. He was unable to leave the fief until his death.

"Fourth sister?" The younger brother cautiously approached Xu Yin, "You said yesterday that you would take me out to play today. Does that still count?"

Xu Yin, who was interrupted from reviewing the plot, lazily sat up from the bed: "Go, why not go!"

"It's so exciting!" Xiao Zhengtai cheered, and then became worried, "But Grandma Feng said that Fourth Sister, you are not feeling well and should not go out."

"It's okay." Xu Yin stretched out and let the maids change her clothes and comb her hair.

There is a lively street outside the inn.

Xu Yin took Little Shota and walked slowly along the stone-paved street.

Little Shota wants to buy everything she sees:

Fourth sister, candied haws!

Oh, theres a little chicken here! So cute!

Wow! There are brown candies here! There are so long brown candies!

Xu Yin is in charge... Well, it seems that she doesn't need to pay, as she has a maid.

A group of people wandered from the street to the end of the street. Several attendants had their hands full of things, but they only spent a few taels of silver.

Xu Yin rubbed her chin and thought: Should I exchange all the dowry money for supplies?

According to the information from the original source, Nanman is separated from the Central Plains by a strange mountain. The peak is covered with snow all year round, but the foothills are humid and hot. The mountains are undulating, making transportation extremely inconvenient. The official road only leads to Furong County in the north of Nanman. So they are very poor, so poor that they wear hair, drink blood, and wrap themselves in animal skins.

If it were really like that, money would be so useless, it would be better to exchange it for supplies.

I heard that changing the world would lose a lot of readers, and I was worried all night. If you are still not satisfied with the last story, please continue to follow it, Buddhist Zangtian Yin will not let you down! Ouch

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