The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 43: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (43)

Chapter 43: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (43)

Chapter 43 The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (43)

Its not only Xus mother who regrets it.

The whole village is regretting it.

If I saw that other companies had harvested a batch of rice flower fish weighing six to seven taels each, I was mostly envious and regretted a little;

Well, today I saw that the Guoshun family not only harvested a king fish weighing three kilograms, but also had an acre of full ears of rice that was heavier than any other family. I felt so regretful that I couldn't get rid of it even by beating my chest and feet. I wished I could go back in time and go back to spring plowing. hour.

Its a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. If you want to have a good harvest, you can only wait for the next season.

Guoshun, my family plans to raise rice flower fish next season. I will ask you for advice when I dont know anything.

Uncle Guoshun, how do you raise these fish in your house? How can you raise them so well! They are all alive and well. Is there anything else we should pay attention to besides fish food?

The men surrounded Father Xu, and the women pulled Geng Jinhua.

Sister-in-law Jinhua, you are so lucky. Your son is so promising, and your daughter is so smart.

Aunt Jinhua, are you still short of people to harvest the rice? Im here to help.

Yes, yes, we are here to help.

Xus mother refused. She had already hired rice harvesters, just like last year.

Then Ill come over and help you transplant the rice seedlings.

Im coming too. After planting the rice seedlings, will the fish fry be put out? Sister-in-law Jinhua, have you ordered the fish fry?

Xus mother always felt that she had overlooked something before, but at this moment she finally remembered: Its over! I havent ordered the fry yet!

Its okay, its okay, Im here!

Xu Yin was startled when her mother yelled, and she thought something serious had happened.

Hearing that the fish fry put in during the late rice transplanting had not yet landed, he twitched his lips and said, "Don't worry, Mom, go buy it with the money. Are you afraid that you won't be able to buy it? Leave it to me!"

Isnt it time to go to the farm to find Master Yu, and he took the task of buying fish fry.

Of course there is a lake for breeding fish and shrimp in the farm, but the output is first supplied to various public canteens, followed by employees with internal purchase vouchers, and finally put on the market.

If she hadnt gone there for practical work, she would not have known there was a breeding lake on the farm.

She always thought that the farm mainly produced grain, fruits and vegetables, and raised a few pigs.

Xu Yin rode a small electric donkey, with two large carp hanging on the front end, and a large bamboo basket tied to the back seat, with two large watermelons weighing twenty or thirty kilograms inside, and headed to the farm.

It was a coincidence that Master Yu was sitting at the gate, smoking and chatting with the gatekeeper.

Xu Yin jumped out of the car and greeted him: "Master Yu! I'm here to see you."

Master Yu was happy: "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"What you said is obvious. I am not just showing that my fish and melons are ripe, so I will give you some to try."

This is the fish you raised yourself? Is it so big? Master Yu was very surprised, When did your family build a fish pond?

I didnt hear anything about it last time I went back.

Hey, this is not raised in a fish pond, but raised in my rice field.

Xu Yin took advantage of the situation to promote her rice fish.

"The first time I tried it, I didn't dare to raise more, so I raised more than two hundred. But not all of them are that big. These two are the largest batch. Most of them are about seven or eight taels, which is one and a half pounds. look like."

"That's not too small." Master Yu was really shocked. "How long has it been since the rice was transplanted? It looks bigger than the ones we have raised in the lake for a year. Is there any secret?"

Xu Yin smiled but did not answer.

Master Yu pointed his finger at her: "Okay, this is how you make money, I won't ask. Come here today, are you really giving these to me specifically?" "Yes, but there is indeed something I want to ask you to help me with." "Xu Yin was not polite to him and directly stated her intention.

Borrowing a tractor? Yes, yes, but you cant borrow it until the farms task indicators are completed.

This is a consistent rule, otherwise everyone would go out to earn extra money, and who would plow the farm land?

How about I help you with the plowing? Just complete the quota, right?

She plows quickly to save time, and she also wants to earn some energy points for herself.

Master Yu smiled and said, "It's the best thing you'd like me to do. Come on, come and sit at my place. This watermelon was also grown by your family?"

Yes, my father carefully cultivated it, and it tastes so good. I bet that none of the watermelons on the farm can be as good as my own.

Yo? Are you so loud?

If you dont believe me, just compare.

The result of the comparison is that it has naturally gained a group of loyal eaters.

Tractor drivers from the same office as Master Yu gathered around and asked Xu Yin if her watermelons could be sold.

Of course I sold it!

Xu Yin asked Master Yu to borrow a piece of paper and wrote down the quantity they wanted.

The tractor team needed a total of twenty melons for one office.

I made an appointment with Master Yu to help him plow the farm after the rice is harvested in two days. After plowing, I will borrow a tractor.

By the way, Master Yu, do you have any fish fry in your lake? Do you want to sell them? My family wants to raise another batch of rice fish for the next rice season, but the fish fry havent arrived yet.

Master Yu helped people to the end and took her to the director's office.

He didn't go empty-handed, so he gave half of the fish and melons that Xu Yin brought to the farm director.

Xu Yin made a mental note to send him another copy as soon as possible.

The director of the farm was answering the phone. He said in a very angry tone to the other end of the phone: "Excellent varieties? What constitutes an excellent variety? The melons on our farm have always been of this variety, and now you say it doesn't meet the requirements, **** it." What were you doing earlier..."

Hang up the phone angrily. The director calmed down his anger and then looked at Master Yu: "Lao Yu is here, do you have anything to do with me?"

Master Yu handed over a cigarette with a smile: "My niece wants to ask if the fish fry in our lake are sold. I said this has never happened before, so I have to ask you."

Fish fry? They have indeed never been sold. What do you need fish fry for? Which village wants to open a fish pond to raise fish?

Its not a village collective, its a household. Master Yu pointed at Xu Yin and motioned for her to elaborate.

Xu Yin talked about the breeding process of rice flower fish.

The farm manager suddenly stood up: "It takes three months to raise one or two pounds? How do you raise it?"

Xu Yin didnt hide anything this time, and talked about a new type of fish food made from decomposed rapeseed cake residue.

The farm manager became interested: "Let's go! It happens that the cake residue after the rapeseed oil extraction has not been processed yet. Can you show me how to do it? After that, I will personally take you to select the fish fry."

Hearing this, Xu Yin happily accompanied him to the warehouse.

Several sacks of rapeseed cake residue were originally reserved for fertilizing the fields.

Xu Yin taught them how to rot the rice and mix it with wheat bran and bran in the right proportions.

You can feed it to the fish in three days. The fish like this kind of feed very much. If you use it for fishing, you can catch exactly one fish every time.

Okay, okay. The director happily patted Xu Yin on the shoulder.

He learned from the masters introduction that Xu Yin was the tractor plowing expert who made him lose five kilograms of pork on Labor Day last year. He was also the first student from the cooperative unit, No. 6 Middle School, to be admitted to BGI in the past two years.

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