The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 392: Housewives in the 1970s (23)

Chapter 392: Housewives in the 1970s (23)

Chapter 392: House Ruiner in the 1970s (23)

As soon as Xu Yin arrived home, she saw Grandpa Xu sitting on the threshold of his courtyard, smoking a pipe.

Grandpa, why dont you come in and sit down? The door of the hall is unlocked.

"Ahem, I'm sweating all over. Sit here to cool off." Mr. Xu stood up slowly and said.

Xu Yin helped him into the house and poured him a cup of tea.

Grandpa, I have some tobacco leaves here, please take them and smoke them.

Xu Yin saw that the tobacco leaves he smoked were of inferior quality, so she took some good tobacco leaves from the system warehouse and asked the old man to knead them and smoke them.

"Hey, this tobacco leaf smells good!" The old man squinted his eyes knowingly, raised his eyes to look at his granddaughter, opened his mouth, and finally didn't ask where it came from. He only mentioned the reason why he came here today, "The grain I asked someone to buy is quite good." We have found a place, but we can't find anyone to send it there at the moment, so we have to go and get it ourselves. I just went to your second uncle's house, but he...well, he was so pushy, saying that he was tired and had no strength these days..."

Xu Yin didnt wait for him to finish speaking and said, Ill go with you.

Old man Xu actually came to collect food with his younger son, but he didn't expect to be intercepted by his granddaughter.

Yinyin, pulling food is a physical job...

Even though I have long heard that this granddaughter is extremely strong, I still feel uneasy. This is a trip of more than ten miles to the county town to collect food.

Xu Yin comforted the old man: "It's okay, I'm strong. If you're looking for my father, you might as well look for me."

Xu Laosan, who had just entered the door: "..."

Why does it feel like an arrow has been hit in the knee?

Daughter, daddy wants to discuss this with you: forget it in front of your own people. If outsiders are present next time, save some face for your daddy, okay?

Xu Yin pursed her lips and said happily: "Okay."

Early the next morning, Xu Yin came to the old house, pushed the cart and went to the county town with the old man to collect grain.

She put a futon that she made on the cart, with a meadow on the futon for the old man to sit on.

Old man Xu:

I never thought that in my lifetime, old man, I would still be able to enjoy the privilege of being pushed to the county seat in a car.

Girl, arent you tired? He was worried that his granddaughter was exhausted.

Youre not tired! You can just sit there peacefully. You can just lie down when youre tired.

You cannot lie down. When you lie down, you always feel like you have stretched out your legs.

The place where the grain was pulled was not far from the supply and marketing cooperative. When passing the pork stall at the side door of the supply and marketing cooperative, apprentice Xiao Zhu, who had helped last time, spotted her with sharp eyes and waved to her excitedly: "Hey! Comrade Xiao Xu! "

When Master Li saw her, he smiled and said hello: "Comrade, don't you want to buy meat today?"

Xu Yinwei: "I bought it because I wanted to buy it..."

But she has no votes!

And I have something to do in a hurry.

"That's easy, I'll keep it for you." Master Li said, "How about a pound of Wuhua? You can just come back and get it! If you don't have a ticket, I'll lend you mine first!"

When Xu Yin heard that the master was willing to lend her meat tickets and could reserve them, she happily said: "Thank you!"

Easy to talk about.

Old man Xu saw that his granddaughter actually knew the master meat seller from the supply and marketing cooperative. After being surprised, he was full of joy: "Now you can buy meat with confidence. If you want to be 30% thin and 70% fat, he will not give you 30% fat or 70% fat." Share the weight!"

Xu Yin laughed dumbly.

The place where you buy black market grain is somewhat different from what Xu Yin imagined.

Whether you have heard it before or read it in novels, it seems that the black market should be a hidden alley. Anyone who goes to the black market to trade must disguise themselves for safety reasons and speak in a lowered voice like an underground party joint. You have to be prepared to run away and retreat at any time if there is any disturbance. Xu Yin didn't know if other transactions were conducted in the alley, but the black market grain was not. It was actually in a private house not far from the grain station.

Those who dont have food stamps and are short of food can just come over and buy them with money.

However, if it is three times higher than the white market price, who will buy it unless it is a last resort?

To put it bluntly, Old Man Xu was doing it for his younger son. The little food he and his wife had was enough to eat.

If the third child and his wife were as diligent as they are now, would they receive less food every year? As long as the weather is good and you don't have extravagant expectations about eating well, there is still no problem in eating well.

Xu Yin knew that the old man was doing it for his own family, so she wanted to pay for the food, but the old man stopped her.

"Before I went out, your grandma gave me money. This batch of food is for your family's emergency needs. If your parents can continue to be as diligent as they have been recently, they won't have to spend this wasted money."

They were not the only ones who came to buy grain, so Xu Yin did not argue with him.

After the old man paid the money, she carried the rice bag onto the cart, and then covered it with a straw mat, a backpack and other sundries.

The futon was placed in front of the rice bag for the old man to sit on.

"Is this your granddaughter? She is very strong!" The owner of the grain seller handed Old Man Xu a cheap cigarette, "Are you interested in working at the grain station? Of course, she can only be a temporary worker. I think she is no less strong than a strong man. , the job of carrying rice bags suits her well."

Old man Xu was a little confused: "Carrying a rice bag? She comes from a girl's family..."

The other party laughed and said, "As long as you have enough strength, anyone, regardless of gender, can do the job of carrying a rice bag."

Xu Yin heard it from the side and twitched her lips. She was very strong, and the [Permanent Divine Power] provided a lot of convenience to her life.

But I have no intention of selling my labor to make money.

How can we complete the task of "households worth ten thousand yuan" purely by selling labor? I will never be able to finish carrying a rice bag until the end of time.

Old man Xu didnt agree either.

Although he has been a worker in an agricultural machinery factory for half his life, his thoughts are still a bit feudal. He always feels that a girl's family should find a more civilized job. An educated person can sit in an office, and an uneducated person can be stuck in a matchbox or something like that. That is quite suitable. . Squeezing together with a bunch of middle-aged men to carry rice bags at a grain station... Just thinking about this image makes me feel inappropriate.

Both the grandfather and the grandson refused, so the host said nothing more.

There was no shortage of temporary workers at the grain station. He just mentioned Xu Yin's ability to carry rice bags as neatly as a strong man.

After buying the grain, Xu Yin was thinking about the strip of pork belly that Master Li had left for her, and she happily pushed the cart straight to the supply and marketing cooperative.

She hasn't eaten meat for many days, let alone her parents, she is a little greedy.

In front of the meat stall, Master Li is preparing to close the stall.

Xiao Zhu scrubbed the countertops and chopping boards.

At this time, two people, a man and a woman, came.

The woman is Xu Yins cousin Xu Yuanyuan.

She had a day off today and went out on the street with her blind date.

Since their blind date, this is the first time the two of them have been on the street, and they have arrived here unknowingly.

Seeing the meat stall, Xu Yuanyuan thought that her family had not eaten meat for a long time, so she wanted to buy some and make dumplings for lunch.

Master, give me a pound of meat.

Master Li raised his head and glanced at her: "It's sold out today! Come early tomorrow."

Isnt there another one? Xu Yuanyuan pointed to the remaining piece of pork belly that looked good, Its almost a pound, right? I want it.

This is not for sale.

Why not sell it?

At this time, Xiao Zhu saw Xu Yin pushing a cart and shouted to her from a distance: "Hurry up! You won't be able to save your meat!"

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