The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 367: The Wisdom Female and Huang Xing Farming (26)

Chapter 367: The Wisdom Female and Huang Xing Farming (26)

Chapter 367 A wise woman is paired with Huang Xing to farm (26)

I then thought again: Is it possible to find a way to cross the swamp where there are no crocodiles dominating the area?

If you can't avoid the weekly cultural performance, why not go through the swamp area to see the world behind the insect forest?

The more Xu Yin thought about it, the more she thought the idea was great, so she told everyone about her plan.

Simon and others heard that she wanted to cross the swamp lake to see the back of the forest, and they all expressed disapproval.

Although the Big-mouthed Diretodon no longer exists, the place is still dangerous, so the hero should not go there.

"Yes, that place is very evil, and it can fall down if you are not careful. I watched a person fall before and couldn't get out. It's better for heroes not to take risks."

"Hero, our life is getting better and better now. If you want to eat meat, there are insects and beasts, and if you want to eat natural ingredients, there are all kinds of natural ingredients in the ground. I haven't even drank nutrient solution for a long time. Why do you have to travel so far away?"

"Yes, hero, tell me what you want, and I will help you find it in the woods. There is no need to cross the swamp, right? I don't know what's going on over there. What if there is danger?"

Xu Yin: No! Dont let anyone stop me from taking risks!

Unless you agree with me to withdraw from the list of cultural performances.

Of course, she only dared to say this in her heart. After all, she originally came up with this activity.

What would other people think if she quit for no reason?

So let her travel around the world!

She is a wind-like woman who is more suitable for walking on the road rather than being bound to the stage to sing and dance.

So, when returning to the base camp, everyone else was dragging insects and beasts, but Xu Yin was the only one dragging two pine and cypress trees.

She planned to take advantage of the cold season to build a canoe and go out.

Seeing that she wanted to go, Simon said, "Then we will form a team and go with you."

Yes! Lets go together! Everyone else agreed.

Xu Yin was speechless: "We still have such a large piece of land to plant. I want to be lazy and wander around. Do you want to follow me? Stay! Don't follow me! I can handle it all by myself!"

Its easier for her to do things alone! After all, its uncomfortable to dress up as a man all the time.

So, insist on not letting everyone follow.

You guys keep the base camp safe. What if you all follow me on a long journey and new people come and covet our fields and our homes?

Right! The base camp is inseparable from Simon, Andrew, and Petry, who are tall, powerful, and capable guys.

If the new exiles are as thorny as Petri was, they will be able to intimidate them.

As for the others, since they dont have much force value, what can they do if they follow Xu Yin? It might still be a disservice.

In the end, I could only watch as she spent a cold season planing boards to make a few canoes and a few wooden sleds. When the ice thawed, she set off alone.

Brother Hero! Kahn chased her for a while, You must come back safely!

Dont worry! Ill bring you a gift when I come back!


Kahn stretched out his little finger. He learned this trick from Xu Yin.

Hang yourself with a hook, and you wont be able to change it for a hundred years!

Xu Yin smiled and hooked up with him, raised her head and said to the other people seeing him off:

Everyone, get busy! Maybe Ill be back soon.

I think it could be as soon as one or two months, or as slowly as half a year or a year. I think I can come back by this time next year.

Unexpectedly, it took more than half a year to just walk through the insect forest. She was wrapped up tightly, wearing a protective helmet and goggles, sprayed a whole bottle of herbal essential oil to repel insects and beasts, followed the small river dragged by the tail of the big crocodile, and paddled a canoe into the core of the insect forest. district.

Originally, I wanted to go directly through the swamp lake to the east, but I didn't want to see a cluster of dragon's blood, which is known as the "blood-activating holy medicine", so I changed my original plan of going straight through and started an exploration journey of stopping and going, digging and stocking up on herbs. .

In addition to Dendrobium and Datura, I also discovered wild dendrobium, a "life-saving fairy grass", the medicinal part of which is thicker than her arm.

Huge wild Ganoderma lucidum can be seen everywhere.

Had she not been worried about insects and beasts easily infesting the dense vegetation, she would have wanted to make a home here.

Half a year has passed since I stocked up on rare medicinal materials that are rare in the world and walked out of the insect beast forest with satisfaction.

What comes into view is a boundless desert - just like the soil before Taoyuandu was planted, it was severely compacted and barren of grass.

Xu Yin has since embarked on a long planting journey.

She was thinking that the long-term task has not been completed yet. Is it not enough to build a Taoyuan ferry? The entire planet needs to be covered with greenery?

Fortunately, she has a new energy RV, which can be started by charging with light.

Everywhere she drove her car, she would be inspired by "floating rain". After a rain, the soil became soft and land was cleared for planting.

Because I still want to continue exploring and dont plan to stay for a long time, the type is not suitable. After all, I dont have much time to take care of it carefully, so I might as well just plant pasture.

Anyway, she has plenty of alfalfa seeds on hand.

The world champion strived to breed ecological beef and mutton with the best taste in his life. He cultivated several batches of high-quality pasture and left a part of the seeds in each batch of grass. Over the years, I have accumulated a lot.

She learned how to raise cattle and sheep on natural pastures:

Create a piece of land to grow pasture, and then open a second piece of land to grow pasture...

In this way, by the time you reach the tenth field, the grass in the first field has grown;

When the 20 or so fields were opened, the first batch of pastures bloomed with red, yellow, and white flowers, swaying wildly in the wind;

When more than 30 pieces of land have been opened, the first batch of pasture seeds can be harvested... By repeating this cycle, sooner or later this desert will grow into the favorite natural pasture for cattle and sheep.

By then, maybe the insect beasts that look like cattle and sheep in the insect forest will gradually withdraw from the forest and come to live in this vast prairie.

Xu Yin continued to open up wasteland while wandering around the future grassland scenery.

Behind her, there is increasingly dense greenery.

As she moved forward, green slowly spread like a ribbon.

This continent seems to be a tropical one, with spring and summer feeling all the time, which makes it easy for her to plant grass all the time.

It took about a year of planting before all the desert as far as the eye could see was planted with high-quality pasture.

At the same time, she finally looked across the vast desert road and saw a stretch of rolling mountains.

Put the RV into the system warehouse and walk to the valley.

The smoke from cooking chimneys curling up above the valley indicates that there are people living there. Are they the natives of this planet?

As the old saying goes: If you look up the mountain and run away, the horse will die.

The mountain is clearly right in front of us, but we walked for a long time before we reached the foot of the mountain.

The first person who saw Xu Yin was quite surprised: "Brother, you also escaped here from the Insect Beast Forest?"

Xu Yin realized: the people living here are not aborigines, but people who escaped from the Insect Beast Forest.

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