The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 282: The vicious female partner escapes to farm (32)

Chapter 282: The vicious female partner escapes to farm (32)

Chapter 282 The vicious female partner escapes to farm (32)

Li Yuanjin was afraid that Xu Yin would refuse again, so she dropped the money and ran away.

Soon, the cheers of Erlang and Sanmei came from outside the house, and Xu Yin shook her head with a smile.

Forget it, just think of it as keeping it for him!

Who gives himself a safe place comparable to a bank safe?

"! Sister Yinyin!" Shi Fengnian's probing voice sounded outside the house.

When Xu Yin walked out, he was scratching his head and walking around.

Seeing Xu Yin coming out, her eyes were surprised at first, and then she smiled innocently: "I went to town in the morning, and I didn't hear about it until I came back. I really didn't expect it..."

When I came back from the market in the morning, I heard from my parents that Xu Yingxiong was actually a woman disguised as a man, and Yingxiong was just a pseudonym she gave for convenience. I felt an inexplicable secret of joy in my heart.

I also heard from my parents that Xu Yin did not lie. She was really engaged and married, and her husband was Erlang's eldest brother. Now that he has returned from Beiguan, he is an unshaven martial artist.

At this moment, the secret joy and hidden thoughts that had just risen from the bottom of my heart immediately fell back into the abyss. What followed was full of disdain for Xu Yin.

She is both talented and beautiful, and has a good heart. She actually married a warrior, and she felt like a flower stuck in cow dung.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Xu Yin wanted to roll her eyes speechlessly: "You didn't come here specifically to see me dressed like this, did you?"

"No, no, no, I have something to tell you." Shi Fengnian rubbed his hands and scorned himself for forgetting the business, "I heard a news in the market that there were suddenly many more soldiers in Fucheng. It is said that the imperial court wants to station troops outside Tongxing and Dongxuan Prefectures. We have finally settled down, do you think our area will be conquered for cultivation?"


Li Yuanjin strode over and answered Shi Fengnian's worried question.

Xu Yin raised her eyes and said, oh, have you cut your beard? I also shaved my face and changed into fresh casual clothes. I instantly felt like a different person.

If before, he looked like a rough and unkempt man, then at this moment, if you ignore his body as strong as a bear, he looks handsome and elegant like a chic Confucian scholar.

Shi Fengnian: "I dare to ask the strong man..."

Li Yuanjin raised his handsome eyebrows: "I am the eldest brother of Erlang and Sanmei, and the husband of Yinmei."

Shi Fengnian was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: "Didn't you say that Erlang's eldest brother is a bearded martial artist who is illiterate in writing?"

Li Yuanjin:

"Pfft..." Xu Yin couldn't help laughing.

Brother Fengnian, my eldest brother just took a bath and shaved cleanly! Erlang said with a grin.

Shi Fengnian suddenly realized it and scratched his head with a smile: "I was wrong! No, everyone was wrong."

What kind of flowers are placed on cow dung? Is there such a tall, handsome and graceful cow dung? If cow dung looks like this, who do you think it is? Even worse than cow dung?

Li Yuanjin glanced at Xu Yin from the corner of her eye and saw her smiling. She felt strangely better. She patted Erlang and said, "Go and play! Brother, I have something to discuss with your sister-in-law."


Shi Fengnian was about to leave too, and felt that it was like putting a candle between the couple's mouths, which was indescribably embarrassing.

Unexpectedly, Li Yuanjin stopped him: "Brother Fengnian, please stay. I happen to know a thing or two about the garrison."

After listening to what he said, I found out that the imperial court was frightened by the refugee uprising in Tongxing Prefecture. The war in Beiguan was not yet completely over. It was worried about internal and external troubles, so it transferred an army.

But after years of war, military pay was in short supply, and the court could not allocate more food, grass, and pay to the army, so it allocated a piece of land for them to cultivate. To put it bluntly, it was to make the military camp self-sufficient.

The current location is located at the junction of Tongxing Prefecture and Dongxuan Prefecture.

You can rest assured that the land that has been handed over to the victims of the disaster will not be used for garrisoning troops.

"That's good, that's good!" Shi Fengnian happily ran to tell everyone so that everyone could feel at ease.

Xu Yin looked at Li Yuanjin.

Li Yuanjin raised a pair of thick eyebrows: "If you have anything you want to ask, madam, just ask."

This person is not only quick to accept, but also adapts well.

Are you also in this garrison? Otherwise, how could you know so detailedly?

"Yeah." Li Yuanjin didn't hide it from her: "Shangfeng didn't want to let me come back, but I begged for a long time to get the opportunity. Tongxing Mansion is my hometown, and if my hometown suffers from disasters and chaos, it's okay if I can't help it. What kind of hero is he who can use his strength but hides far away?"

After a pause, he looked at Xu Yin seriously and said: "Shangfeng said that when the battle in Beiguan is successful, he will return to Beijing to meet the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will award rewards based on merit. If I choose to return to Tongxing Mansion at this time, it is equivalent to giving up the reward. If The rebels in Tongxing Prefecture cannot be suppressed, and they may be punished. Do you think I'm stupid too?"

Xu Yin met his resolute but slightly uneasy gaze, and slowly revealed a gentle smile:

"I understand the meaning of the four words "protect the home and the country". Killing the enemy at the border is to protect the country, and garrisoning the army is to protect the home. All soldiers who pay for these two are worthy of commendation. Besides, I believe you, even if you choose to station the army, You can also lead your soldiers to perform meritorious service and receive rewards."

Li Yuanjins eyes shone brightly: Do you really think so?

Xu Yin replied with a smile: "Well, because fools are blessed."

Li Yuanjin: "..." There is no need to say the last sentence.

But no matter what, after getting Xu Yin's approval, Li Yuanjin smiled like a fool and rushed to do housework at home. After finishing the housework, he ran to the fields to compete with the victims hired by Xu Yin.

So much so that the victims of the disaster sent representatives to complain to Xu Yin, with the implication being: Can you take care of your husband? He has finished our work, so what can we exchange for food and money?

This is not about grabbing work, this is about grabbing food!

Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she asked Erlang to drag him home.

"Since you were ordered to garrison the army, how will the soldiers think of you if you leave your official duties and stay at home to do farm work?"

While packing his luggage, she said: "Go back! I will take care of Erlang and Third Sister, or are you worried about me? Are you afraid that I will betray them?"

The last sentence is just a joke.

Of course he could hear it, but he still followed her busy figure with a faint gaze and said, "You kicked me out?"

Xu Yin, who was planning to cook him something to eat and lead the military camp, staggered when he heard this and turned to look at him: "Why should I chase you away?"

You think Im a bigot and a rough guy, and I dont know how to write. You think Im a hindrance and an eyesore, so you want to drive me away.

The accusation of extreme resentment is just like a resentful husband.

Xu Yin almost laughed out loud and threw the two new clothes she had made for him in the past few days into his arms: "If I dislike you, will I still make clothes for you?"

This was made for me? His eyes were as bright as the stars on a snowy night. He opened his clothes and took a look, grinning, It was really made for me!

He hasnt worn new and well-fitting clothes in I dont know how many years!

When he was in Beiguan, Shangfeng saw that the clothes he wore at home were so tattered that he couldn't even look at them. He gave him a new set of clothes, but they were long enough but not wide enough. It looked like he was wrapped in a tight sack.

"Don't give it back to me! I'll wear it when Erlang grows up." Xu Yin tried to **** it away, but he quickly dodged it and held the clothes tightly in his arms.

That kid is like a bean sprout, he wont be able to wear it when he grows up.

Xu Yin:

You still know that you are as strong as a bear!

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