The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 263: The vicious female partner escapes to farm (13)

Chapter 263: The vicious female partner escapes to farm (13)

Chapter 263 The vicious female partner escapes to farm (13)

Xu Yin simply used the herbs dug by Chen Mancang and others to cook two full jars of granules and distributed them to people with symptoms.

The yamen servant also came over and asked for a few bowls to take back.

Those who had no symptoms and did not participate in digging for herbal medicine could not help but regret it at this time.

After packing up and continuing on their way, they crowded around Xu Yin and asked flatteringly: "Little brother, let's dig up herbs later. Can you make some soup for us?"

Okay. Xu Yin nodded.

She is willing to put in the work, and she is not stingy with a few packets of granules.

Whats more, the herbs Chen Mancang and the others dug up helped her light up three illustrated books in one morning.

At this pace, "Chinese Herbal Medicine Illustrated Book" will soon be able to light up the entire book, completely clear the level, and get random skill rewards.

Among them, [Wind-Cold Grass] is a medicine for preventing and treating wind-cold. It can be used after drying in the sun and mixed with a few auxiliary ingredients. So even if you finish drinking the cold medicine, you wont have to worry about wind and cold.

The journey continued for two days.

During this period, more and more people went to the fields and mountains to dig herbs during their breaks to exchange soups with Xu Yin.

Xu Yin cooks two pots every morning and evening: one pot is still an infusion to treat wind-cold, wind-heat and cold, which is given to patients with obvious symptoms; the other pot is traditional Chinese medicine that focuses on prevention and improves immunity.

When boiling, I also added mountain spring water from Lingxu Sect.

Perhaps those bowls of soup cured the yamen servants cold symptoms and prevented him from being groggy on the business trip. When he was happy, he found a nearby wasteland to resettle the victims: This is it!

The victims cheered happily when they heard that they did not have to go further to the mountainous areas to clear wasteland.

Whats even more gratifying is that the imperial court also distributed a batch of relief grain to the victims of land reclamation. Although it was old grains, it was enough to fill their stomachs! It's just that the government officials said that they would be transported in batches, probably because they were afraid that they would take the food and run away.

Before going back to deliver his errands, the leader of the Yamen came over and said to Xu Yin: "You are quite capable! I will find an opportunity to say something nice to you in front of the county magistrate."

Xu Yin cupped her hands and thanked her.

Erlang tugged on her sleeves.

What's wrong? Her eyes asked.

Erlang looked at her with a look that made him hate the iron, so he might as well do it himself.

He carried a small bundle over, containing several liters of rice, and presented it to the yamen servant respectfully.

The officer laughed loudly: "Xu Yingxiong, you are very clever! But I'm not here to ask you for rewards, I'm just here to say goodbye. If I come looking for you with a headache or fever in the future, just don't refuse!" "

Xu Yin just realized it. After seeing off the Yamen servant, she glanced at Erlang with a half-smile: "You know a lot at such a young age!"

Erlang curled his lips and said, "My brother is too short-sighted!"

Hey! This guy even dislikes her!

Speaking of Erlang, you have great potential to join the officialdom. Lets find you a husband as soon as possible to enlighten you and teach you how to read?

Erlang looked at her blankly.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yin was puzzled and slapped his forehead, "Don't you like reading?"

"I like it! I like it!" Erlang expressed his opinion hurriedly, "It's just... studying is a waste of money."

When his parents were still alive, they were not willing to send him to the scholar's house for literacy education. At that time, a year of cultivation required two pieces of bacon, which must be more expensive now.

"You don't have to worry about the money, I'm here with you!" Xu Yin said.

She really has no shortage of gold and silver. There are mountains of gold and silver in the system warehouse.

The wasteland where the government officials settled them was at the foot of a firewood mountain.

Although it is not a rocky mountainous area that is difficult to open, and it is not too far from the nearest village, it is not much betterthe yellow mud is mixed with sand and gravel, and it is considered inferior land to open up.

The victims couldnt help but worry: Even if such poor land is cultivated, how much harvest can we get in a year? If it is classified as ordinary land in three years, the taxes may not be enough.

What should we do? Weve already come! Are we going to retreat and go back to Tongxing Mansion now?

If we dont open up wasteland, will we not be able to receive relief food? My family is about to run out of food, what will we eat in the future?

"My family is the same. Tongxing Prefecture doesn't know if it will rain or not. If it is still dry, not only will there be no water to drink when we go back, but we will also be hungry. It is better to stay and give it a try, at least until we have received the relief food."

Having said this, everyone stayed back and divided their work dejectedly. The middle-aged man took his younger children to the mountains to cut wood and build a house.

out out out and me?

Housewives took the elderly and children to circle the wasteland, pull weeds and collect stones.

Because it is inferior land, weeds grow sparsely and there is no one to open up wasteland in a large area. No matter how many people there are, there will be enough for the victims.

What's more, most people just want to receive relief food and survive the drought in their hometowns, and are not willing to put in more effort to open up wasteland.

Xu Yin took her two children to find a piece of land with a wide view, and proudly said that she wanted this piece of land.

Erlang was a little dumbfounded: "Sister-in-law, there are only three people in our family, why do we need to open up such a large piece of wasteland? The land here is not good. Didn't you say that when the eldest brother comes back after the new year, we can go home? Or we can make do with it. Just circle an acre of land and plant some sweet potatoes!"

Although I always fart after eating sweet potatoes.

He suppressed the words in his stomach.

Xu Yin picked up a handful of yellow soil, a small handful mixed with a lot of gravel and sand.

This land is not very good, but she has farmed on worse land.

She has thought about growing sandy watermelons, sandy potatoes, and occasionally corn-like drought-tolerant crops.

There is no land that cannot be planted, only people who cannot plant it! Cracking inferior places rewards random skills]

DingHow can we cure diseases and save lives without herbal medicine? Each acre of herbs planted will reward you with 100 energy points]

Xu Yin couldn't help but raise her eyebrows after receiving two tasks in a row.

Does the dog system want her to cultivate herbal medicine artificially?

Its not impossible!

Xu Yin opened the "Illustrated Book of Chinese Herbal Medicine" and read through the ten lines at a glance, and found four or five kinds of herbs suitable for planting in sandy soil.

Ginseng, Fritillaria, Astragalus, Codonopsis

Just plant them!

With the direction, Xu Yin became more energetic. She took the two children and said:

Sister-in-law is very strong, and she is also idle when she is idle. You wont suffer any loss if you open more land. Lets go! Lets choose a homestead! Where do you like to live? Is it closer to the mountains or to the village?

Erlang and Sanmei were fooled by her few words.

One morning, Chen Mancang took the men from the same village up the mountain to cut down more than a dozen trees and chisel several baskets of large rocks.

Normally, the newly felled wood cannot be used to build a house, but now they have no place to live, so they can only make do with what they have, which is better than being exposed to the rain.

Temporary residences are not so particular: stones are used as foundations, wood is used as beams and columns, and yellow mud mixed with clay is used as wall plaster.

With more people and greater strength, if it doesnt rain, several houses like this can be built in a day.

Chen Mancang came over specially and said to Xu Yin: "Brother Hero, we will build your house for you. Have you chosen the place?"

Xu Yin rolled up her sleeves and said, "I will do the foundation myself. You will have to help me with the beams later."

Chen Mancang looked at her white and smooth arms and was stunned for a moment. Then he came back to his senses and said: "You have thin arms and legs. You don't do heavy work at first glance. Leave it alone, let's do it..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yin picked up a shovel and quickly dug up the foundation. After digging, she walked to the side and picked up a basket of large rocks that required two people to lift.

Chen Mancang:

Are you not dazzled?

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and saw Xu Yin not only carrying the basket of stones, but also pouring the stones on the dug foundation with one hand. It seemed as if what was in the basket were not stones but radishes.

What shocked him even more was: the heroic brothers took turns jumping on the big rocks, and saw that the rocks were visibly flattened...

The **** in Chen Mancang's hand fell to the ground and almost hit Erlang's instep.

Erlang jumped away in disgust: "Uncle Mancang! You dropped your hoe!"

"Oh." Chen Mancang came back to his senses and said in disbelief, "Good boy! Your brother is too strong! You really can't tell a person by his appearance..."

Erlang turned his back and snickered.

Its not his brother, its his sister-in-law!

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