The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 260: The vicious female partner escapes to farm (10)

Chapter 260: The vicious female partner escapes to farm (10)

Chapter 260 The vicious female partner escapes to farm (10)

What should we do? Except for the childs aunt in Fucheng, we have no other relatives here, so where can we stay?

The hardships of the past few days could no longer be endured at this moment. Wang Danius wife, Feng Shi, was the first to wipe away her tears and cry.

When she cries, her daughter-in-law also cries.

Although the men held it back, their eyes were red and they were just trying not to shed tears.

Xu Yin looked at the closed city gate and the long queues of victims who wanted to try their luck even though they knew there was no way out, and sighed deeply in her heart.

He turned around and said to Wang Daniu's family: "With the current situation, it is expected to be difficult to enter the city. Why don't we go to the surrounding villages and have a look. Maybe someone is willing to rent a room for us. Let's settle down first before making any other plans. I feel like it's going to be rainy today. Its raining.

Father Wang is an old farmer. He looked up at the sky and said: "The hero is right, the sky won't be sunny for long. I just wonder if the weather in Tongxing Prefecture has also changed. It would be great if the weather changes! How can we ease the drought as soon as possible? !

Xu Yin knew that the drought in Tongxing Prefecture would last until the end of the year, or the following spring to be precise.

So even if the Wang family made up their mind to return home, she was prepared to find a place to stay in Dongxuan Mansion.

Fortunately, Wang Daniu had an idea with her: "Dad is not in good health. He relied on his energy to support himself along the way. He finally arrived at Dongxuan Mansion. As the heroic little brother said, we'd better find a place to settle down first and find out more about our colleagues." We will make plans based on the situation in Xingfu."

So the two families continued on the same journey, squeezed out of the group of victims, and inquired about the nearest village to Fucheng.

I dont know if its because there are more victims and more troubles, but no village is willing to accept outsiders. Not to mention long-term rental, no one is willing to stay temporarily for one night.

I heard that there was a riot among refugees in Tongxing Prefecture, and many people died. The news reached Dongxuan Prefecture.

Wang Daniu heard the news, and everyone felt a little depressed.

Seeing the clouds getting lower and lower, everyone couldn't help but become anxious.

At this time, a new notice was posted outside the gate of Dongxuan Mansion.

Wang Xiaohu, who claimed to be literate, squeezed into the crowd to take a look. After a while, he came back dejectedly and said: "The court released documents to mobilize land reclamation. This has nothing to do with us, does it? It's not like our family has no land."

"You are stupid!" Wang Daniu gave him a surprise. "Why did the court let go of the famine documents now? It was to appease those of us who had left our homes and fled to this place! Please tell me carefully, what is written on the documents?"

"I don't know a lot of words." Wang Xiaohu scratched his head, "But I heard a scholar behind me read, it seems that the land tax was opened up, the land tax is completely exempted in the first year, only 20% of the land tax is paid in the second year, and 50% in the third year. Its still 60%. Anyway, it will be classified as ordinary farmland after three years, and it can be bought and sold.

Xu Yin didnt know whether Wang Daniu was moved after hearing this. Anyway, she was moved and decided to stay in Dongxuan Mansion to open up wasteland and farm.

Any amount of wasteland that can be reclaimed is considered your own.

She is very strong, so she will open a few more acres. The first few years will be harder, and she will be able to plant the sugar cane and watermelon that she is good at.

As for the nominal husband, return the two cubs to him safely and safely, and we'll see you again!

However, there are also many people who are unwilling to open up wasteland.

The wasteland is located in remote mountainous areas. There are no cattle or tools such as plows. Just removing the stones and weeds and loosening the soil will take a year and a half, which is more than a little difficult.

Wang Daniu and his family gave up on opening up wasteland and decided to look for short-term jobs nearby. If there were no short-term jobs, they would return home. The drought would not continue forever. God would always give people a way to survive.

So the two sides separated.

Before leaving, Mrs. Feng gave Xu Yin a lot of dried vegetables and pickled melons from her family.

I also said that I would treat you to dinner, but I dont know when I can really settle down in this situation.

"It will be fine."

Xu Yin returned some dried radish, pickled peppers and pickled bamboo shoots to her.

Most of these dried radishes are dried by Erlang and do not contain salt; a few are stocked in her system warehouse.

Mix the two together and make a soup that is only slightly saltier than boiled water to supplement some electrolytes.

Being too salty can easily arouse suspicion. In inland areas, salt is not so good. Pickled peppers and pickled bamboo shoots are also stocked in her warehouse. They are packed in small earthen jars and are very appetizing when the weather is hot.

Xu Yin persuaded them not to return to Tongxing Mansion for the time being. The disaster situation has not eased, and there are constant riots by the refugees, so it is better to find a safe place nearby.

I hope Wang Daniu and his family will listen.

Xu Yin looked back at them, pushed the cart and took her two children to follow the land reclamation team to the mountains.

The government sent people to maintain order, and the group of victims who went to clear the wasteland did not cause any trouble.

Xu Yin adds some color to her tanning makeup every day, and now she is in the same color number as Erlang, who is naturally tan. She walks in the queue in a low-key manner, and feeds herself and her two children a few sips of spiritual spring water from time to time.

She had a vague feeling that if there was a sudden heavy rain, there would probably be a lot of people getting sick.

After days of running away from famine, fatigue and lack of meals, the bodys immunity is at its lowest level.

At the gate of the city, many people had already shown signs of heat stroke. If there was a sudden heavy rain and a combination of cold and heat, they would not fall down!

Xu Yin kept praying in her heart that it would never rain. If it did, it would wait until they reached their destination.

However, is God the kind of person who can respond to peoples prayers? Then don't call it a thief.

While the long team was still meandering forward, heavy raindrops began to fall.

Xu Yin quickly put on raincoats and bamboo hats for the two children. The luggage, especially the rice bags, was covered with straw mats woven from thatch along the way.

However, most people think the rain is great!

Hahaha! God finally opened his eyes! Its raining! Its finally raining!

Its raining! Its raining! Hahaha

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,, it would be great to get it sooner! Our family's food

Everyone is either happy or crying.

Everyone ignored the yamen's urging and stopped in their tracks.

Some opened their arms to welcome the heavy rain; some raised their heads to catch the rain to quench their thirst; some even took off their clothes and took a bath with the rain.

Brother, I also want to take a bath.

Erlang turned to look at Xu Yin with bright eyes and said, reaching out to take off his bamboo hat and raincoat.


Xu Yin, who had just put on a raincoat and bamboo hat, hurriedly stopped him.

Put it on quickly! Youll catch a cold!


"It's the wind and cold."

Hearing the cold wind, Erlang's eyes dimmed and he no longer insisted on bathing in the rain. He obediently sat on the rice bag with his third sister, trying hard to protect the rice bag, bedding, etc. from getting wet from the heavy rain.

The yamen officer cracked his whip several times before allowing the team to move forward.

Xu Yin couldn't help but worry that these people who got caught in the rain might get sick.

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