The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 203: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (Extra 1)

Chapter 203: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (Extra 1)

Chapter 203 The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (Extra 1)

{This is a spin-off of "The Best Sister-in-law of 1980", don't get confused~}

The annual graduation season.

Luggage packages can be seen everywhere in the dormitories of graduating students. As job assignments are approaching, everyone is about to go their separate ways.

Xu Yin's physics major has only seven girls in three classes. They are jokingly called the "seven fairies" by the outside department. They just fit into a dormitory, and she is the only one studying for graduate school, and she is recommended.

Indeed, the achievements in the past four years are too remarkable.

Just after entering the freshman year, many freshmen were still in the adaptation stage. She entered the college laboratory with the design drawings of the solar farm machine, and was led by her professor to participate in a national key investment project to convert old and new kinetic energy.

In the next three years, I dont know whether it was the laboratory that took her away, or she took away the laboratory. Everything related to solar energy - such as the portable farming machine that she came up with for her parents to work easily, and other things like the power outage. The solar generator that can be used without being affected, and the solar car design drawings that were submitted recentlyshe knows everything about them.

Postgraduate research seems to be an easy task for her, and even the Chinese Academy of Sciences wants to recruit her to work in advance.

Going in and out of the same dormitory, it seems that she has had a smooth life in the past four years, and even before she graduates, prestigious institutions like the Chinese Academy of Sciences are rushing to get her; as for the others, they can only wait for the school to arrange it - if you are lucky, you will be assigned a good institution, and you will be lucky. It's not possible to go to a poor place where the economy is far inferior to that of the imperial capital. How can you not be envious?

But its only limited to envy. If the gap is too big, you cant even be jealous.

Ye Mei, the dormitory manager, was helping Xu Yin pack her luggage and move to the dormitory of the institute, while sighing:

"Yinmei, I don't know when we will see each other again. Spring City is far away from here. I'm afraid I won't have the chance to come to the Imperial Capital again. If my child is admitted to a school in the Imperial Capital in the future, you have to help me. ah."

Xu Yin was thinking about which ones to take home and which ones to take to the dormitory. Before she could react, Chen Mei'e on the side chuckled and said:

Boss, you are thinking too far ahead. You have just graduated and already want your children to go to college. Where is my brother-in-law? Did you catch him flying in the sky?

Everyone in the dormitory is happy.

Ye Mei herself couldn't help but laugh: "I just said that, who asked us seven sisters to stay in the imperial capital? Who can I entrust her to?"

Its possible to get admitted to Hehai, why dont you leave it to me? Lu Chunqun, who was assigned to Hehai Machinery Factory, joked.

Yes, yes, yes, no matter where my child takes the exam in the future, as long as it is in the city where you are, I will help him. The same goes for me. Your child can come to Chuncheng to study or live in my house.

The group of people were laughing and making a fuss, and Xu Yin's luggage was packed.

She bought a train ticket for this evening and went home to visit her parents.

There was an industry seminar in late July, and her instructor asked her to attend it. Then, as expected, she would follow her instructor into the laboratory.

So this summer vacation is not as enjoyable as two months, it lasts for 20 days.

Most of the luggage was moved to the graduate student dormitory, and I only had a duffel bag with a change of clothes in hand.

The expanded schoolbag has been lying in the system warehouse for most of the past few years. If I don't change it for four years, I am worried that my classmates will spot it.

And she was reluctant to spend thousands of energy points on other models of expansion backpacks.

In the past four years, she has earned some energy points by riding bicycles and driving tractors and farm machines for the Agricultural College, which is enough to redeem an expansion backpack.

But just cant bear to part with it.

Having that energy point, whats not to do with it?

Wouldnt it be delicious to give Dad some more watermelon seeds or other vegetable and fruit seeds?

Before leaving, I hugged my roommates one by one.

Ye Mei is right about one thing: this farewell is far away, and we dont know how long it will take to see each other again.

The most common thing during the graduation season is the sadness of separation.

I like traveling and will visit you when I have time. Xu Yin patted them on the shoulders.

She has been running away a lot in the past four years.

In addition to going home during the winter and summer vacations, and during short holidays such as May Day and National Day, unless the professor takes me to the laboratory, I usually go to surrounding cities for sightseeing.

Firstly, lets take a look at the northern towns in the early 1980s, and secondly, lets satisfy my collecting habit.

God knows where the novel world that will greet her next will be.

Since the system warehouse is following her, it would be a fool not to make preparations.

Hold up good supplies when you encounter them. If you stock up too much, sell them appropriately to earn some pocket money.

In short, do not treat yourself badly no matter where you are.

She has been to the grassland closest to the imperial capital and tasted and bought many grassland specialties. Cheese, milk slices, and beef and mutton were the most popular.

In the system warehouse lay a steaming roasted whole lamb, and hundreds of kilograms of beef and mutton, both raw and cooked.

I have been to the busy Jinshi Port, tasted the twists, steamed buns, pancakes and fruits there, and bought a lot of sea crabs, Pipi shrimps, tongue soles, white pomfrets, and large prawns that are not seen in Houhai Village;

I also visited Chengde, the favorite summer resort of ancient emperors, and stocked up on a batch of delicious and hunger-resistant donkey rolls, flower rose cakes, and cakes made with mineral water and almonds. It is said that in ancient times, only emperors, concubines, princes and nobles could eat them. Only affordable almond milk;

I have also been to Luancheng Ancient Town, where the donkey meat grilled is a must-have, as well as donkey hide gelatin, lotus leaf chicken, braised chicken, and sheep intestine soup. If you are tired of it, try the local pickles...

In short, she has visited almost all the tourist towns around the imperial capital in the past four years.

In addition to buying some gifts for parents, the rest of the bonuses and scholarships issued by the school are basically used on this.

Its unclear whether other peoples college careers are fulfilling. Anyway, her four years of college were fulfilling and satisfying.

Next she wants to go to the south for a walk, but she doesnt know if her tutor is willing to give her a long vacation.

Yinmei, come to Hehai during your next vacation, and Ill take you to eat Hehais special snacks! Lu Qunchun said.

Others are also clamoring to invite Xu Yin to the city where they work.

"Okay, okay." Xu Yin agreed, "When the holiday comes, as long as I don't go home, I will go to your place. Just don't bother me then."

After exchanging pleasantries, Xu Yin said goodbye to them.

Xujiacun has changed a lot in the past four years.

Every household raises rice flower fish and has two crops of rice a year, and the rice flower fish also harvests two crops.

Other villages were jealous and started raising them the next year, but unfortunately they were not as plump and tender as those raised in Xujia Village.

The same goes for watermelons on sandy land. Other villages and towns obviously have sandy land, and they also follow the example of Mr. Xu and use pond mud to fertilize. However, the watermelons grown are not as delicious as those in Xujiacun.

Gradually, rice fish and watermelon became the characteristics of Xujia Village.

Every time the rice fish and watermelon are ripe, countless buyers rush to the village to buy them. The villagers of Xujia Village sold the things in the fields without even leaving the village.

Including early rice, a symbiosis of rice and fish, which is soft and fragrant, nourishing the stomach and easy to digest; late rice, which is crystal clear and soft in texture, is many times better than ordinary local rice sold in the market.

Even if the purchase price is five cents or ten cents higher, there will still be people buying it.

Xujiacun became the first village to become wealthy in Pingyang County.

The government saw the potential of Xujia Village. After receiving the road construction task assigned by the superiors the following year, Xujia Village was given priority to build a hardened cement road that runs through the entire village and leads directly to the county town.

After that, the output from the fields in Xujiacun became more marketable.

Xujiacun has become a famous Xianfu Village in Pingyang County. So far, it has been rated as a model village for two consecutive years.

If Xujia Village was the first to become rich in Pingyang County, then the old Xu family was the first to become rich in Xujia Village.

An exquisite two-story foreign-style building stands on the north side of the hardened cement road, with a blue brick courtyard wall, a red painted gate, and two gold and silver laurel trees at the door.

This was built the year before last.

Originally, a new house could be built in the first year of raising rice flower fish, but twenty acres of sandy land was suddenly contracted. Xu's mother was worried that the seeds would be lost and the harvest would be lost, so she saved money and was reluctant to build it.

Unexpectedly, the following summer, the watermelons on the 20 acres of sandy land were sold out, and the rice fish on the three acres of paddy fields also had a bumper harvest. The old Xu family stood out and became the first 10,000-yuan household in Xujia Village.

Who is content with renovating an old house when they have a lot of money in their pocket? The western-style building with red bricks and black tiles was directly torn down.

There is also a projecting balcony designed on the second floor, with part of the center extended to form a large terracea good place to enjoy the cool air in summer.

The original main house and wing rooms were replaced by three large two-story buildings. The foundation was half a meter higher than the courtyard, and three steps were set up to prevent rainwater from pouring back during heavy rains.

The yard has been poured with cement. When the rice is ripe, you no longer have to rush to the drying field to grab a seat. You can dry it at your doorstep.

The ancient well was changed from the original throwing bucket type to the pressing type. A cement sink was installed not far from the well for convenient washing of vegetables.

Walking into the building, the entire west room is designed as a granary. The windows are relatively small and are more than two and a half meters above the ground, ensuring dryness and ventilation in the warehouse.

The main room is a large living room that is transparent from north to south. It has a four-person couch made of solid wood and fabric cushions, two sets of single sofas, a large coffee table made of the same color wood, and a set of multi-functional food cabinets against the wall, displaying items from Xu Yins travels. Decorations as well as tobacco, alcohol, candies, etc. for entertaining guests.

On the chest of drawers facing the sofa, there is the latest Panda TV. Although it is only 17 inches, it is already the largest on the market.

The number of people in Xujiacun who can afford this TV cannot be counted on the palm of their hand.

In other villages, there are still only a few owners of 14-inch TVs.

Behind the building is still the private land of the old Xu family, but the plan was redesigned when building a new house: a clean path paved with cobblestones leads from the building to the backyard, dividing the backyard into two halves, with a dazzling vegetable garden to the east and chickens and ducks to the west. Shed and tool room.

The traditional latrines have been converted into biogas pools. When you come here, there is no longer an inexplicable smell that always fills the air.

Not far from the backyard is her family's rice field. Although it is only four acres, as she becomes more and more experienced in rice fish farming and all rice seeds are replaced with hybrid rice, the output per mu has almost doubled.

The number of rice fish fish cultured has also expanded from the original three to four hundred fish per mu to about 800 fish today.

No matter how much, its not impossible, but Xu Yin feels that an acre of land filled with fish may not be a good thing for the fishs ecological environment.

On the 20 acres of sandy land contracted by the old Xu family, the annual watermelon yield per mu has increased from 8,000 jins in the first year to 15,000 jins now, making the old Xu family the first ten thousand-yuan household in the village. How could no one be jealous of this unique and luxurious bungalow?

But who made everyone dislike this barren sandy land with no grass growing at all? When Father Xu contracted the contract, he secretly laughed at him, wishing that he could contract it for a few more years so that every household could get some money. Now, even if there is a clamor to redistribute the fields, these twenty acres of sandy land will not be included in the classification. A contract written in black and white is no childs play.

"Jinhua, your girl Yin graduated this year, right? Where is her job assigned? She graduated from a key university, so she shouldn't be returning to Pingyang, right?"

Xus mother came to the rice field early in the morning to see the rice fish as usual, and met Li Laogens mother-in-law.

My Yin Yin has been admitted to graduate school, and she has to continue her studies. She has work early. Xus mother puffed up her chest proudly.

What? You still need to go to school? Isnt university the highest academic qualification?

"Who said that? There are others above. In addition to graduate students and doctoral students, what else is there? I don't remember, but there must be, otherwise it would be called a boundless learning."

Li Laogen's mother-in-law clucked her tongue after hearing this: "Good boy! Does your family, Yinyin, want to continue reading? How much will it cost?"

It is not easy to raise a college student, and the old Xu family still has to support their daughter to continue her education.

"Yinyin studied well, and the school waived her tuition, and in turn gave her various bonuses and subsidies. During the four years of college, not only did she not spend any money from her family, but she also bought things for her family. She bought the TV set for her. When I came back, I said I wanted to buy a washing machine for my home, but I scolded her."

While she was cursing, Xus mothers expression didnt mean she was scolding at all. On the contrary, she was very proud.

Whose child is as mature as hers? Not only does it cost nothing to study in college, you also make money!

Li Laogens mother-in-law:

This is the first time I heard that not only does it cost nothing to study, but it also costs money to move home.

But what could she say? But it's okay to praise it.

Speaking of which, the daughter of the old Xu family is indeed promising. Not only is she good at school, but she also helps the family earn money. She came up with the rice flower fish, and she also came up with the sand fertilization method. Without her, Xujiacun would not have the current development momentum.

Aunt Jinhua

Across two acres of land, someone's daughter-in-law was calling her.

Whats going on?

Xus mother raised her voice and asked.

Your Yinyin is back!

"What? Yinyin is back?" Xu's mother immediately ran home.

Li Laogens mother-in-law also followed.

She originally wanted to test Geng Jinhua's tone and see where Xu Yin was assigned. If she returns to Pingyang County, she would like to find a matchmaker for her natal nephew.

Her natal nephew graduated from technical secondary school and was assigned to the county's electrical machinery factory. Although he is only a small technician at the moment, it is a state-owned enterprise after all and has a bright future. No matter how smart and capable Xu Yin is, she is still a girl, and she will always find someone to marry when she reaches her age.

Although her nephew is just a technician now, he will become an engineer in a few years. Wouldn't he be a good match for Xu Yin? Unexpectedly, she was recommended to graduate school and would continue her studies.

Edit mother-in-law! If you read any more, you will become an old aunt. Jinhua was actually not in a hurry...

If Xu's mother heard her slander, she would definitely reply to her: The emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is!

Her daughter is a Wenquxing who descends to earth, and she will achieve great things in the future! Dont be in a hurry when it comes to marriage. Who has ever seen an immortal get married and have children in a hurry?

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