The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1299: Living in the days of natural disaster (26)

Chapter 1299: Living in the days of natural disaster (26)

Chapter 1299 Surviving in the last days of natural disasters (26)

Whats even more outrageous is that Secretary Deng actually sent an email asking her, in addition to guarding against waves of natural disasters, does she also need to defend against aliens? Will Star Wars be triggered after a natural disaster?

Xu Yin twitched her lips, recalling the natural disaster warning letter she sent to the government. It seemed like it was about nothing else. Why did the other person sound like she was from the future?

I typed a line and wrote back: Dont believe rumors, dont spread rumors!

A few days later, the rumors in the market changed. It was said that the official came out to refute the rumors. Aliens and other things were all false. The secret tunnels, like the air-raid shelters, were used by the military in the past. They were not opened for the safety of the people. He called on the public to "not believe, spread, or create rumors," and to help each other and wait for spring to bloom.

Let me tell you! There are no aliens! If aliens really come to invade, how can we still be so peaceful?

Haha! Lao Zhao, thats not what you said before. You said you have seen aliens with your own eyes. They are short and ugly, but they are powerful and elusive.

"Bah! Don't harm me. I have always been a good, law-abiding citizen. I can't make up random things that will disappear."

An insider clarified Xu Yin's doubts: "The patrol team talked to him two days ago and said that if he kept talking nonsense about aliens, they would send him to Central City to move bricks. This is not good behavior."

Central City? Xu Yin heard people mention the underground central city under construction more than once, and asked curiously, Will we have to move there in the future?

"That's right. The electricity generated by the power plant is, firstly, for the central city, and secondly, for scientific research units and food and clothing manufacturers. How can people live in residential areas without electricity? But the base can only be transitional. Who can bear to live like this for a long time? .

When mentioning the current situation of the base, everyone started talking about it:

"I can't stand it for a long time. I'm coughing up phlegm in the morning on the upper bunk bed, and my stinky feet on the lower bunk bed haven't been washed for a thousand years. I'm like a sandwich biscuit. I can tolerate it for a year and a half, but if I have to endure it for a lifetime, I'd rather freeze to death as soon as possible. Pull it down!

Its just dirty and smelly, but it doesnt matter. Some people stayed up late at night and touched every other bed. My wife was lying next to me and she was harassed several times.

"It would be nice to move to the central city. I heard from my cousin who works in the city hall that the central city is divided into several districts ABC. District A is almost ready. The upper floors are for office and commercial use, and the lower floors are divided into residential areas, arranged according to families. Private suite. However, I heard that in the lottery, families with large contributions and large population will be given priority. I am afraid that singles will have to transition to the base for a longer period of time..."

"I heard that after the Central City is fully completed, all citizens will move there and new citizen cards will be issued. In the future, the citizen cards will be implanted into the skin of the wrist, and the facial recognition and card swiping will be integrated. If you want to impersonate someone else, you will not be able to use them when entering or leaving. You have to rely on this to get around. Without a citizen card, you cant go anywhere.

Is this to prevent those black people from becoming bandits and occupying land and becoming kings?

There have been a lot of signs like this recently. I read a few apocalyptic novels and thought I could be like the protagonist in the novel and fight and kill to get to the top.

It seems like it would be better to have stricter control so that those with loose ideas can have no loopholes to take advantage of, and we the people can feel more at ease.

Xu Yin:

This is not good news for her.

No matter how strict the management of the central city is, for orphans without parents, it is like a lamb tea breaking into a tiger's den. How can they still be as leisurely and comfortable as they are now?

It doesnt matter if you dont get a citizen card. The natural disaster will eventually pass and your friends will grow up. It is impossible to live in an isolated bunker all their lives. It is also a cruel deprivation of freedom in their lives.

Fortunately, it will take at least a year and a half before the central city is fully completed. During this period, let the friends eat well and drink well to grow strong. At the same time, they can learn as much knowledge as possible, practice self-defense skills, and be fully prepared to integrate into the complex society. .

When Xu Dongs seventh birthday came, Xu Yin took out a set of Ultraman dolls that had been prepared in advance and a homemade milk cake.

Xu Dong was so happy that he almost flew up: "The gods are so kind to me! But hasn't the gods been here for a long time? Doesn't he know that what I like is no longer Ultraman, but swords? I want to become a martial arts master. ! Hey! Ha!"

The big goose next to him opened his mouth and took the Ultraman from Xu Dong's hand. "Old Bai!" Xu Dong was so angry that he chased after him, "Don't think that because you hatched a bunch of goslings and are our heroes, you can just steal people's things. This is a gift from the gods to me, not yours! Even if I What I like most now is the sword, and I wont give Ultraman to you, you will cry for it! Come back! Give it back to me!

Xu Yin:

turned to Xu Xi and asked: "Xixi, what gift do you want?"

The next person to celebrate his birthday is Xu Xi.

Xu Xi tilted his head: "I also want a sword and clothes that can float."

What TV series are you watching?

Since they were given an hour of free TV time after dinner every day, as long as these two guys were awake, their little mouths would never have time to spare. They would even talk about the plot while growing vegetables and feeding fish.

Xu Yin has become immune after hearing it too much. She would rather put her mind aside and think about what preparations they need to make for the coming high temperature.

The planting base next door has already harvested two crops, and now they are growing my friends favorite watermelons, melons, strawberries, and blueberries.

She planted all the remaining land with rice, wheat, cotton, and sugar cane, and the mushrooms and fungus at the bottom were about to mature.

At that time, if the vegetables and fruits are not eaten, they will be roasted into dried fruits and vegetables. Mushrooms and fungus will also be dried into dried goods, which can be stored for a long time.

In order to hide from others, she also expanded and deepened the cellar of the orphanage, built baskets with wooden boards, filled the baskets with soil and planted cold-resistant vegetables. She would also have a reason to take out some potatoes and dried vegetables.

The bunker is the ultimate escape route for her and her friends. She doesnt plan to tell anyone until the natural disaster ends and everything returns to normal.

Not only is she busy, but so are the people at the base.

Although the management did not disclose that there will be high temperatures after the extreme cold, they have been reminding citizens through radio and radio to prepare for floods when the temperature rises and the ice and snow melt.

If the high temperature falls suddenly like the extreme cold, the snow on the ground will be enough to flood the entire city into an ocean.

For this reason, the base has been working overtime to build a central city with level 10 defense. It is not only warm in winter and cool in summer. The key is that the construction has taken into account the melting of snow caused by high temperatures, the intrusion of floods, and the ensuing wildfires, In the event of an earthquake, triple insurance of drainage wells, check valves, and reverse water pipes has been designed, and sufficient anti-seismic joints and smoke filter ventilation vents have been reserved, aiming to build the underground city into a high-tech city that can stand firm in natural disasters.

Major bases are already organizing snow plowing teams to push the snow around the base as far as possible and transport it to valleys and ravines in the suburbs to reduce drainage in urban areas. By the way, they can also pick back the vegetables and kale along the way. .

Joining the snow shoveling team can earn contribution points, which can later be exchanged for various rights and interests in the central city. The people responded very positively, and young men and women came out to work.

Xu Yin has also reduced the frequency of going out. In the morning, before dawn, she and her friends shovel the snow outside the orphanage little by little.

Although the vegetables grown in the cellar are used to cover up, it would be very distressing if the snow water really floods the place.

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