The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1296: Living in the days of natural disaster (23)

Chapter 1296: Living in the days of natural disaster (23)

After leaving the pet home, Xu Yin took a "flying" flight to Base No. 1 in the city.

This was originally a bustling complex shopping mall, but now it is quiet and lonely. People live concentratedly on the second and third floors below. The parking lot is divided into large and small rooms, and occupancy is based on people. Families with a large population can apply for a separate room. For a room, those with a small population will have to squeeze into the Datong bunk with other people.

The negative level is still a free trade zone.

Even at night, there were still people in overdressed clothes setting up stalls.

It is true that the living area is crowded with people and smells all kinds of things. Before bedtime, I would rather squat on the first floor and suffer from the cold.

Xu Yin is now a strong man of 1.9 meters. Although he is tall enough to easily make people look at him twice, he is not as eye-catching as the dwarf image last time.

She walked from stall to stall carrying a sack on her back.

What is sold are basically collectibles and luxury goods that are not needed right now. What is needed is basically rice, noodles, vegetables and other food. Some people want to exchange for some daily necessities such as chilblain ointment and moisturizing ointment.

Xu Yin had so many frostbite ointments that she forgot which little world made them herself, so she simply found a place and set up a stall.

"Chilblain ointment? Brother, is this really chilblain ointment? You didn't lie to me, did you? Why doesn't it even have a label? Isn't this a three-no product?"

Xu Yin:

you guessed right!

However, although it is a three-free product, its curative effect is equally good, and all good medicinal materials are used.

Ahem, this is the frostbite ointment made by our Chinese Medicine Clinic. The extreme cold has come before it can be packaged and put on the market. If I hadnt braved the snow and wind to go back to get it, you wouldnt be able to use it.

"Hey! Big brother, are you going back too? Several people in our house have gone back to the place where they lived before to collect supplies, but luck varies. Some have no elevated floors or elevators, and the snow has blocked the only door to the unit. Its so tight that if you can get in, its a waste of time. But some people went upstairs through the negative floor and came back after searching for some food. It seems that you are also very lucky, brother.

Xu Yin asked curiously: "You dare to go out now?"

"That said, who knows how long this weather will last, what if it lasts forever? We are all old men after all, and we can't stay underground all our lives without going out. How can we eat enough with the little food distributed by the community? A single person can feed the whole family. Were not hungry. We, both old and young, have to find a way out. Im thinking that Ill go out with the team to try my luck in a few days.

Xu Yin pondered: "To collect supplies, should I just go back to my own home, or should I break into other people's homes? If so, no one will care about the latter?"

The man touched his nose: "Of course it is not allowed by the regulations, but no one knows whether you are going back to your own home or to someone else's home, and the government people will not follow you. It's freezing cold. If it wasn't for a bite to eat, who would be happy? Get out."

Xu Yin did not answer the call for a while.

The middle-aged man at the stall next to him heard that Xu Yin was selling chilblain cream, so he came over and asked:

Brother, how much does a jar of chilblain ointment cost? Oh, money is no longer considered money now... What do you want to change for? Why dont you take a look at what I have here, if you like anything you like, just take it.

Brother, I want a can too. My mothers feet get frostbite every winter. Its especially bad this year. She cant walk without medicine anymore.

My wifes hands are also swollen and red, which makes me feel sad. Its too difficult to see a doctor now. The people at the consultation office said that we cant even be called a disease, so we shouldnt waste medical resources.

Xu Yin was not short of supplies, so she said, "I was lucky enough to get these back, so you can give them to me as you wish."

These people exchanged the materials on hand for a box of chilblain ointment and a box of skin care ointment.

Xu Yin saw that some people gave too much, so she secretly gave them a box of medicated oil that can relieve wind and dampness, activate blood circulation and relax muscles, and prevent colds and colds.

After these people returned home, they discovered the valuable medicinal oil, and sighed with red eyes: There are still many good people in this world!

Xu Yin went home after selling the chilblain ointment and skin care ointment she took out.

Change your appearance and set up a stall the next night, selling the most in-demand medicines and food. Since many people have adapted to the extremely cold weather and go to the surrounding residential areas to collect supplies during the day, she also pretended that she was sweeping the buildings and tried her best to bring some supplies to the people in the base.

Some people had nothing to exchange with her, so they proposed to paint her a portrait, claiming that they used to be a street painter, and Xu Yin didn't mind.

Recently, there have been more and more people like her setting up stalls in the trade area. She is not very noticeable among them, and she changes her look every day, so no one pays attention to her.

The main reason is that I can't keep an eye on her even if I want to. Firstly, she sneaks away so fast, and secondly, she changes her appearance every day. One day she is a boy, the other day a girl, the next day she is a little girl, and the other day she is a hunched old man. Who would know that they are the same person?

In this way, Xu Yin has a rich "nightlife" every night. She first goes to the pet home to feed the pets, and then sets up stalls in various base trade areas.

The purple cabbage leaves at the entrance of the welfare home have been collected again. Since the friends dont like to eat them, we wont force them to eat them. They will be given as gifts to those in need. There are not many, and each buyer will get one piece.

Humistically speaking, she has gained a lot. Although she does not lack many things, it would be nice to be able to help others.

When the natural disaster passes, she will build an underground museum to exhibit the exchanged antiques and collections for free.

Oh, by the way, those street sketch painters, I dont know if they squat on one floor every day and trade their skills with stall owners for food. Anyway, she has received no less than ten pairs, all ten of which are different portraits.

That night, she received another portrait, which was painted for her by an eighteen-year-old freshman. However, she was said to be a freshman, but in fact she had never even been to college for a day, because when the extreme cold came, he had just finished painting. After receiving the admission notice from the Academy of Fine Arts, I was forced to move underground before I could experience college life.

"I see you are about the same age as me. Are you also a student?" While the other party was painting, she kept chatting with Xu Yin. After painting, she was reluctant to leave. She squatted in front of Xu Yin's stall and watched her skillfully trade with others. She was inspired to say, Its not easy for us to make a living at such a young age!

Xu Yin:

She stuffed a box of mint-flavored chewing gum into him and said, "It's quite cold here, go back quickly!"

It wont be easy for you if I stay with you for a while longer.

Xu Yin regretted that she was pretending to be a cheerful and motivated young man tonight, but she would have been a slovenly vagabond instead.

She sold the last few packets of dried noodles and did not take anything else out of the sacks. She rolled up the rug on which the stall was set up and said, "I'm sold out. Let's go! Bye!"

Hey, dont you live here?

Yes! From the base next to me.

"Ah? Why are you going back when the temperature is already forty below zero? Nothing will happen on the way, right? Why don't you stay with me for one night?"

Xu Yin threw the sack over her shoulders and ran away: "Thank you for your kindness! But no need!"

Hey! I havent asked you what your name is yet. My name is Song Lin. Remember to play with me next time you come!

Xu Yin returned to the orphanage out of breath, shook off the snowflakes on her body, removed her makeup and universal voice actor, put the electric stilts back into the system warehouse, got into the bunker, and found that the night light at the entrance was on. She remembered that it was turned off when she went out. Yes.

Looking up, I saw classmate Xiao Jin standing at the entrance with red eyes and holding back tears.

Finish the bird! (End of chapter)

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