The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1291: Living in the days of natural disaster (18)

Chapter 1291: Living in the days of natural disaster (18)

There are really too many things that I want to plant, and there is not enough land for everything. I must put the most important things first.

How is this done?

If this little cannonball ran ten floors without finding Strawberry's home, would he tear down all these signs and plant strawberries in a fit of rage?

Xu Yin thought about such a scene, twitched the corner of her mouth, and in the dim light, quietly pulled out a wooden sign with small tomatoes engraved on it and put it into the system warehouse. She then rolled the soil with her foot and wiped the gap where the sign was inserted. When it was over, he raised his voice and called Xu Dong: "Dongdong, strawberries are grown here."

Why? But I havent found Strawberrys home yet.

Xu Yin: Do you believe that the strawberries are gone?

Ning Jin walked over and took a look. There was indeed no sign on the land, so he could plant whatever he wanted?

Dongdong, you can plant here, so dont look for it. It gets darker as you go down, arent you afraid?

"...Okay then." Xu Dong ran back panting. He had already searched several floors upstairs and downstairs, but still couldn't find Strawberry's home. "Did the gods forget to give Strawberry a home?"

Xu Yin felt a little guilty. She stretched out her hand, spread her palms, and took out a bag of seeds. There were countless small cloth bags smaller than sachets, and there were labels on the surface of the bags.

The top thing is the strawberry seeds.

Xu Dong picked up the seed bag and said excitedly: "Strawberry! I know these two words. It's strawberry, right? Wow! There are so many seeds! I can grow many, many strawberries!"

Xu Yin was relieved to see him so happy.

Turning around, I found that Ning Jin had placed bags of seeds next to the corresponding wooden signs, planning to loosen the soil and sow the seeds one by one according to the "Introduction Guide to Planting Vegetables". He sighed again: It would be great to have a worry-free plan!

With a large planting area that goes ten floors underground, the children have something to do.

Xu Dong wanted to achieve the freedom of strawberries, so he decided to spend all his free time growing strawberries besides attending classes.

Xu Xi wanted to eat the popcorn that appeared in the cartoon. He learned that it was dried and popped after the corn was old, so he rushed to plant corn;

Ning Jin didnt care what he planted, so he asked Xu Yin: Yin Yin, what do you like to eat?

He has a heroic attitude of "I'll grow whatever you want to eat", but the fact is - he doesn't know anything anyway, and whatever he grows is the same to him.

After all, he had never been exposed to farming before. Apart from following the illustrations in the book and growing a few vegetables and fruits, he had no idea about crops such as wheat and rice. .

But as long as you have a book, half of the characters are also characters. If you really cant understand, you can still use a learning machine.

Xu Yin thought for a while and said: "Potato!"

It can be used as a vegetable or a staple food, and it can also be made into snacks such as potato chips, French fries, and mashed potatoes. If you want to talk about the most popular food in lean years, leaving aside sweet potatoes, it must be potatoes.

As for why we dont grow sweet potatoes, its because sweet potatoes are more environmentally demanding than potatoes and are neither cold nor drought tolerant.

So, Ning Jin started planting potatoes.

Xu Yin shuttled between the three plots of land, looking at this and that.

The three friends thought she was playing, but in fact she was the busiest one.

She wants to check whether her friends loose soil is in place? Is there adequate spacing between seeds? Is the soil too compacted after sowing? Is the water poured all at once?

The key is not to mention the problem directly after discovering it. You must either quietly correct it, or go around the corner and let your friends discover the problem on their own initiative.

Its much more tiring than her own. Is there any solution? The system does not recognize the dogs she breeds. They have to be planted and harvested by her friends.

Fortunately, she has experience growing vegetables on the second floor of the basement, and Ning Jin holds the two books "Introduction to Planting" and "Tips of Crop Planting" before going to bed every day, and reads them bedtime stories. He said that the performance of the friends was very good this time, and the progress was much faster than the first time planting vegetables.

Soon, Xu Yin, the coach behind the scenes who was busy in the field, had nothing to do. The on-site supervisor turned into a logistics support worker, bringing some tea, snacks and other things to supplement the nutrition of the friends.

Sometimes its warm eight-treasure porridge, sometimes its hot cocoa with **** biscuits, sometimes its double-skinned milk with egg tartsmost of them are things they havent eaten before, and there are little surprises every day.

Just for this taste, Xu Dong was happy to spend all day in the fields tending his strawberry garden.

Yin Yin, what are you eating today?

Seeing Xu Yin walking from the bunker next door carrying a one-liter kettle, Xu Dong was the first to greet her: "What's in the kettle? It's sour, sweet and sour!"

Drink! Xu Yin poured a cup of honey grapefruit tea into his small water glass.

Xu Dong took a sip and licked the corners of his mouth: "It tastes really good!"

The honey grapefruit tea made by myself using wild honey is sweet but not greasy, refreshing and thirst-quenching, and of course delicious.

Xu Yin took out the snacks from her pocket. What she prepared for her friends today was osmanthus and mung bean cake.

This is what she used to make herself, using the osmanthus tree in front of her house, mung beans from the ecological farm, and a few grains of rock sugar made from ancient recipes. It is natural + ecological, nutritious and healthy.

The friends had a delicious meal.

Xu Dong blurted out and asked: "The gods are getting better and better to us, is it because we are diligent and love to work?"

Xu Xi said with a matter-of-fact expression: "Of course, we used to help the dean's mother work, and she would reward us."

It's just that the reward given by the dean's mother was either a piece of soda **** or a lollipop. Unlike the gods, they had never seen what she gave out before, let alone eaten it.

After finishing the snacks with satisfaction, the children lay on the railing to rest in the sun.

Looking at the empty planting areas on the lower floors that had not been planted with anything, Xu Xi suddenly said: "If we plant all the vegetables here, will the gods give us a certificate?"

What is a certificate? Xu Dong was confused.

Xu Xi rolled her eyes at him: "You're so stupid! The certificate is the beautiful piece of paper that Sister Wenwen got back from school. The dean's mother posted it on the wall. Have you forgotten that she asked us to learn from Sister Wenwen?"

Xu Dong suddenly realized: "It turns out to be that one, and that one is inedible, so I don't want it. I want an Ultraman."

Ultraman cant eat it either.

But Ultraman can be played! Pangpang has an Ultraman.

Pangpang is the grandson of a supermarket owner. He has an Ultraman doll with long arms. Xu Dong wants to touch the doll but refuses, so it becomes an obsession in his heart and he never forgets Ultraman.

Xu Yin secretly wrote down the gifts they wanted, and planned to give them to them together with the cream cake in the name of "gods" on their birthdays.

As for Xiao Jin, compared to food and toys, he must prefer a small tool that can be held in his hand and scan new words anytime, anywhere, correct his pronunciation, and tell him the meaning of the words... Isn't that a universal reading pen? Scan and read all Chinese and English books, scan wherever you dont understand! Oh yeah! (End of chapter)

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