The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1276: Living in the days of natural disaster (3)

Chapter 1276: Living in the days of natural disaster (3)

Chapter 1276 Surviving in the last days of natural disasters (3)

Ning Jin is the smartest and most decisive child among the four. Looking at his last name, you can tell that he originally had a family.

Unlike Xu Yin, Xu Dong, and Xu Xi, who grew up in a welfare institution, they had no enlightenment education and did not know who their parents were. They all took the surname of the dean's mother, and their names were also given by the dean's mother.

As for what happened, it depends on what the deans mother was busy with at the time. When she picked up Xu Yin, she was cleaning a handful of wormwood picked in the mountains, intending to dry it and make tea. It's not nice for a girl to call her Xu Chen, so I'll call her Xu Yin.

Another example is the male protagonists sister Xiang Nuan, who was deliberately transferred and abandoned in the county health center. She was less than a month old when she was delivered. The mother of the hospital director was drying the quilt at the time. The weather was very good, and the sun was making her feel warm. That's how the name came from.

Xu Dong and Xu Xi came to the orphanage in front and back. Two children who were also abandoned in the public toilets after birth were sent with them. The mother of the dean called them Southeast and Northwest.

Ning Jin only arrived here half a year ago. At that time, the police busted a trafficking syndicate and rescued him. However, he tried to run away before the police uncovered it. He fell while being chased by traffickers and forgot many things. He only knew that My name is Ning Jin, but the police have issued notices for several days, but no parents named Ning have come to pick me up. Such a young child cannot stay at the police station all the time, so I sent him to the nearest orphanage, hoping to contact his parents. Pick it up again.

No matter how capable and smart you are, you are still just a child, and you cant reach the kitchen beams even if you jump up.

He found a sickle in the small utility room in the back half of the kitchen, tied it to the broom head, lifted it up to reach the bottom of the rice bag, and attached a dry wooden barrel underneath. Cargo on a small pulley.

When the sickle made a small opening at the bottom of the bag, the rice leaked out and fell into the barrel.

After the rice in the bag leaks out completely, poke the rice bag down. The dry rice bag acts as a lid and covers the barrel to prevent the rice from getting damp.

Then the three of them worked together to push the cart to the stairwell.

Xu Yin wanted to help in the kitchen, but was stopped:

"Yin Yin Guai, you are not well yet, so you can't go out to enjoy the breeze."

Yes, Yin Yin, if you dont want to take the hard medicine, you cant get sick again.

Yinyin, be good and we will be back soon.

Everyone treats her like a three-year-old child.

The key thing is that they themselves are still five or six-year-old children.

Xu Yin was left in the stairwell, hugging her knees and thinking about something.

Ning Jin and the others didn't know the future, but she knew that the dean's mother would never come back. She thought the four children were in danger, so after the extreme cold came, she took the other children and moved in with Xiang Nuan's family. The air-raid shelter with the best conditions in N city.

The materials in the welfare home are extremely limited, and it is the lean season. The dean's mother and the children have grown self-sufficient coarse grains and vegetables. Most of them are not yet mature. When the flood comes, they all rot in the ground.

In the original article, four children can survive for a month, which is the result of careful planning.

This month, the road leading to the outside world has always been flooded. In the second month, the extreme cold suddenly hits, and the group of gangsters who eat people without blinking will sneak in when they pass by on their way to the suburban air raid shelter.

This body is too weak. Although she has permanent divine power and is sure to protect herself, she still has three five or six-year-old friends.

In the original text, after Ning Jin and the other three met the gangsters, they kept their mentally retarded original body behind them. In order to protect her, none of them ran away.

Xu Xi, who was usually a crybaby and squeamish person, when the gangsters **** Ning Jin and Xu Dong who were planning to attack them, pulled him over and touched them up and down, he stood up with a trembling body and said, "I want to eat." Eat me first, Yin Yin wont taste good.

How could she be willing to see such friends who valued love and righteousness suffer?

But now she is a retarded child, and what she can and can say is very limited. Xu Dong and Xu Xi are easy to fool, but Ning Jin is too smart, so she may not be able to fool him.

Xu Yin clicked on the system panel, poking at it again and again. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind...

In the eyes of Ning Jin's three children, the stairwell without windows is undoubtedly the safest at present.

They also planned to bring their bedding here and sleep here at night.

In other rooms, the roof of the room upstairs leaked and the balcony flooded; even if the room downstairs did not leak, a lot of rainwater got through the not-so-tight window cracks, the walls and floors were either wet or damp, and there was only a narrow windowless staircase. There has been no disaster yet.

Originally, the cellar was safe and dry, but it rained for too long and with such force that the river outside overflowed its banks. The water in the yard could not be drained away, and gradually overflowed and poured into the cellar.

The three children went one after another, carrying rice buckets, bedding, stoves, briquettes that were not soaked in water, wood shavings and dry firewood, and condiments such as oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, etc., all transported to the stairwell on a small cart.

Xu Yin saw that there was a stove. This was the rhythm of making a fire indoors without windows!

How to remind them that coal-fired stoves in closed rooms are prone to carbon monoxide poisoning?

Is it possible for her to be mentally retarded and become smarter in an instant?

I am racking my brains to think of countermeasures.

Ning Jin saw that the stairwell was too small, the four of them had to make bunks to sleep, and the stove was too dirty, so he ordered: "Put the stove outside."

Whether it was a mistake or not, Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Having a partner to cooperate with would save her worries.

After being busy for half a night, we finally had a hot dinner - a bowl of porridge for each person.

Xu Dong made the fire, and Ning Jin cooked the porridge. The two young men worked together to make a pot of clear porridge that was so thin that a person's face could be seen.

Xu Yin suspected that they counted the rice they scooped out.

Just because Ning Jin said something: The deans mother doesnt know when she will come back, and the existing food is only a small half bag of rice, so they should save some food.

Xu Dong didnt dare to grab too much rice and put it into the pot.

Because there are mice in the kitchen, the deans mother is used to locking some food in the cabinet in her room. In addition to a small half bag of rice hanging from the beam, there are only some wilted leafy vegetables, wrinkled peppers, taro and other mice in the kitchen. I don't like to patronize very much, so I really can't find much to eat.

Fortunately, five or six-year-old children don't have much appetite. Xu Dong, who is also nicknamed "Little Cannonball" among the four, has a better appetite. He can usually eat a mediocre bowl of rice, but if he switched to a mediocre bowl of porridge, he might not be full. .

Ning Jin took two spoons from her bowl and gave them to him.

Xu Dong was moved to tears: "Brother Ning, I will share my sausage with you during the Chinese New Year."

Xu Dong didn't say anything, but it was okay. When Xu Xi said it, he swallowed his saliva, bit his spoon and muttered: "When will the New Year be celebrated? Xixi wants to eat sausages."

Xu Dong thought more than she did, but he knew it was still early for the New Year: "At least we have to wait until the persimmons on the persimmon trees turn red."


Seeing these two carrot-headed little adults, Xu Yin sighed and decided to implement the method she had just thought of.

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