The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 126: The trouble with reorganizing the family (21)

Chapter 126: The trouble with reorganizing the family (21)

Chapter 126 The trouble with reorganizing the family (21)

Looking at Xu Yin with a relaxed expression across the screen, Zhang Bingyan found that she didn't understand her stepsister at all.

Since the day of the Chinese New Year, I learned that my step-sister is also doing live broadcasts, and that "I love farming" is often on the live broadcast hot list and popular searches among the public, so I often click on her homepage to browse.

Comparing the difference in followers between the two and the number of clicks on the vlog, sometimes when she is live broadcasting, I will anonymously go in and watch it for a while.

There are two newly uploaded vlogs:

One is "The soy sauce is ready". The soy sauce brewed in early autumn last year was sealed and fermented for six months. The resulting soy sauce was light and clear, meeting the standards of good soy sauce, and attracted many fans who expressed their desire to buy it. Such high-quality hand-made organic soy sauce is hard to come by.

The latest one is "Watermelon Ripe", recorded two days ago.

In the video, Xu Yin is wearing a light brown wide-brimmed vine straw hat, squatting in the watermelon field to inspect the watermelons, with a starry smile in her eyes.

As if these are not watermelons, but children she has raised.

Zhang Bingyan thought more than once: Is she really satisfied with her current life? It was obvious that he left Hengcheng and the Zhang family with unhappiness.

Living with Grandma Xu, not only did she not complain at all, but she lived a carefree life.

It is impossible to say that there is not a trace of jealousy in my heart.

Xu Yins crushing number of fans alone is enough to make her envious.

Also, Xu Yin's live broadcast room seems to have always been so harmonious and joyful. It is rare to see anti-fans, and even if there are, they are quickly suppressed by Xu Yin's true fans who do not dare to bubble up.

How on earth did she do it?

Zhang Bingyan had mixed feelings in her heart.

Im going to take you to see my early spring watermelons today. I went up to see some of them the day before yesterday. Some of them are ripe. Im going to pick them today to try them.

Xu Yin held up her mobile phone, carried a bamboo basket, and wore a wide-brimmed straw hat handmade by Grandma Xu, and came to the melon field on her own plot.

Its hot late this year.

In previous years, as early as May, I would wear short sleeves.

It was still rainy on May Day this year, so I wore a long-sleeved shirt until the end of the month.

Therefore, watermelons ripen late. It is not June anymore and they are not yet ripe in batches. They need to be picked by hand.

Xu Yin was on live broadcast picking watermelons. She picked four or five. Thinking that it was almost time to try something new, she went to drink water under the shade of a tree.

At this time, a rare sound of laughter and laughter came from the other end of the silent mountain road:

"Ah Shan, your brother-in-law didn't trick you, did he? Are they really here? Who would plant watermelons on the mountain? It's so tiring to water melons."

"I came to explore the road, and this is the right place. Counting the time, the watermelon should be ripe."

Xu Yin, who was about to walk over, shrank back when she heard this.

Is this someone coveting her watermelon?

Whose family planted it? Hasnt Danhe Village become an empty village long ago?

"In the Xu family at the foot of the mountain, all the men in the family are dead, leaving only an old lady and her granddaughter who is in junior high school. It was the granddaughter who grew these melons. She probably grows them and sells them for money."

Then you still come to pick it, isnt it a bad virtue?

Ashan is not immoral, and there are no immoral people in our village.

"Hahahaha..." The young man named Ashan held a toothpick in the corner of his mouth and looked disapproving: "The whole village of Danhe Village has been demolished. My sister's two shabby houses can be exchanged for three apartments in the county. The yard at the foot of Xujia Mountain is bigger than my sister's house. If you are still old, then your grandson and grandpa will soon become rich people. Do you still need the money to sell melons? Besides, it is so tiring to carry so many melons from the mountain. Do you understand that I am doing a good deed?"

I understand! Hahaha

Five or six idle young people came to the private land of the old Xu family while chatting and joking.

Seeing the big watermelon among the green leaves, everyone sighed:

Yo! These melons are pretty good! Each one weighs twenty or thirty pounds. How much does it cost per pound in the fruit shop?

"It's hard to say. I've seen delicious melons costing 3.55 cents per catty, but no one wants the unpalatable melons for 50 cents per catty."

The little young man suggested: "Ah Shan, let's try one first. If it tastes good, pick more. If it tastes bad, forget about it. I'm so tired that I only made a hundred yuan, so I don't think it's worth it."

Okay! Then you pick one, Im thirsty.

The little young man smiled and bent down to pick the melons. A gust of wind blew by and he was kicked out of the melon field.

Ouch...who the **** kicked me!

Others heard the noise and turned to look over.

Seeing Xu Yin, the leader Ah Shan said "yo ho" and looked her up and down: "You are not bad looking, little beauty, why are you kicking my brother!"

"I am the owner of this melon field, why do you think I kicked him?" Xu Yin said coldly.

This group of people didn't pick the time when they did bad things. They went up the mountain to steal melons in broad daylight and thought she was dead?

Hearing this, Ah Shan circled around Xu Yin: "So you are Mrs. Xu's granddaughter? Just in time, the brothers are thirsty. You can pick a few for us. If you choose well, just treat it as a misunderstanding. , I wont argue with you anymore, I didnt choose well..."

"How?" Xu Yin crossed her arms across her chest and looked at him coldly.

"Hey, what are you asking? Of can pick as many as you can and take them with you. Those that can't be taken away will be smashed and thrown away! Don't you think so? Hahahaha!"

When Xu Yin heard that these gangsters not only wanted to steal the melons she had worked so hard to grow, but also wanted to smash and destroy the melons that could not be stolen, her eyes became cold: "You know this is illegal, right?"

"I know! So what? Isn't this the person you kicked first? My brothers are not afraid when the police come. We are here to climb the mountain. When we passed by here, Xiao Ming didn't do anything and you kicked him till he started to bleed. I'll pay you. Its better to pay for it, its up to you!

Xiao Ming, who was kicked out of the melon field by Xu Yin, heard this and held his stomach and screamed in pain.

"Did you see that? Xiao Ming was kicked like this by you. He needs to go to the hospital for an evaluation of his injuries. Don't even think about settling this matter if it doesn't mean Wan'er 8,000. I have good intentions. Seeing that you are still a school girl and don't have so much money on hand, I will compensate us. Forget it for a few melons, big things are reduced to trivial matters. If you dont want to, then its okay! Go to the hospital! We are people who understand the law."

Ah Shan waved his hand, looked at Xu Yin sadly and said:

"Aqiang, you guys help Xiao Ming up, let's go to the hospital, let the doctor issue an appraisal report, and then go to Xu's house to claim compensation. I don't believe that Mrs. Xu doesn't pay compensation. She hurts someone and doesn't pay compensation. I smashed her house! By the way, your village is about to be demolished, and each family can get several houses. If you dont want to pay a few melons now, I will ask you to pay for the houses when the time comes!

Xu Yin had a sneer on her lips: "I was caught stealing melons, and you still want to bite me back?"

"So what? Do you have evidence?" Ah Shan shook his legs and laughed in a dazed manner, "We have evidence. My brother couldn't get up after you kicked him. He was seriously injured."

Seeing Xu Yin's face clearly from a close distance, an evil fire surged up in his lower abdomen. He rubbed his hands and smiled obscenely: "It's okay if you don't want to pay me, I'll pay you to our brothers, hehehehehe..."

Xu Yin glanced at the live broadcast room, where fans were giving her advice.

Some said they had called the police, and some said it was important to protect themselves first, especially girls. Dont show off at this time. If the melon field is destroyed, it will be destroyed. You will have to settle the accounts with them later.

Xu Yin exited the live broadcast room, put her phone into her trouser pocket, moved her wrists and raised the corners of her lips, with a smile that did not reach her eyes: "Evidence? What evidence do you need to beat a few beasts?"

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